Alexander Rojas created MESOS-7530:

             Summary: HTTP authenticators modules never get the realm they are 
registered for
                 Key: MESOS-7530
             Project: Mesos
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: modules, security
    Affects Versions: 1.3.0
            Reporter: Alexander Rojas

When someone creates a module to provide HTTP Authenticator, only in the master 
it can be register for one of three realms:


These realms are passed to the HTTP basic authenticator when it is constructed:

Result<process::http::authentication::Authenticator*> createBasicAuthenticator(
    const string& realm,
    const string& authenticatorName,
    const Option<Credentials>& credentials)
  if (credentials.isNone()) {
    return Error(
        "No credentials provided for the default '" +
        string(internal::DEFAULT_BASIC_HTTP_AUTHENTICATOR) +
        "' HTTP authenticator for realm '" + realm + "'");

  LOG(INFO) << "Creating default '"
            << "' HTTP authenticator for realm '" << realm << "'";

  return BasicAuthenticatorFactory::create(realm, credentials.get());

However modules don't get to configure their configured realm at construction 
and the API doesn't allow to change that afterwards:

Result<process::http::authentication::Authenticator*> createCustomAuthenticator(
    const string& realm,
    const string& authenticatorName)
  if (!modules::ModuleManager::contains<
        process::http::authentication::Authenticator>(authenticatorName)) {
    return Error(
        "HTTP authenticator '" + authenticatorName + "' not found. "
        "Check the spelling (compare to '" +
        string(internal::DEFAULT_BASIC_HTTP_AUTHENTICATOR) +
        "') or verify that the authenticator was loaded "
        "successfully (see --modules)");

  LOG(INFO) << "Creating '" << authenticatorName << "' HTTP authenticator "
            << "for realm '" << realm << "'";

  return modules::ModuleManager::create<

Since the same authenticator module is used for all the realms, it is 
impossible to provide one authenticator per realm if using modules.

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