Github user justinleet commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: metron-sensors/pycapa/ ---
    @@ -76,8 +79,83 @@ General notes on the installation of Pycapa.
         python install
    +### Centos 6
    +* These instructions can be used directly on CentOS 6 - useful for 
developers using the Full Dev Vagrant test box.
    +* Older distributions, like CentOS 6, that come with Python 2.6 installed, 
should install Python 2.7 within a virtual environment and then run Pycapa from 
within the virtual environment.
    +1. Set up a couple environment variables.
    +    ```
    +    PYCAPA_HOME=/opt/pycapa
    +    PYTHON27_HOME=/opt/rh/python27/root
    +    ```
    +1. Install required packages.
    +    ```
    +    for item in epel-release centos-release-scl "@Development tools" 
python27 python27-scldevel python27-python-virtualenv libpcap-devel 
libselinux-python; do yum install -y $item; done
    +    ```
    +1. Setup Pycapa directory.
    +    ```
    +    mkdir $PYCAPA_HOME && chmod 755 $PYCAPA_HOME
    +    ```
    +1. Create the virtualenv.
    +    ```
    +    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64"
    +    cd $PYCAPA_HOME
    +    ${PYTHON27_HOME}/usr/bin/virtualenv pycapa-venv
    +    ```
    +1. Install Librdkafka at your chosen $PREFIX.
    +    ```
    +    export PREFIX=/usr
    +    wget   
-O - | tar -xz
    --- End diff --
    Yeah, that's exactly what I was looking for.
    I did see the FAIL/ERROR messages, but I had the same experience where it 
ran as expected. I suspected it was due to initial connection setup, because 
once it started writing, it worked as expected.


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