--- Comment #2 from ---
Maybe sharedStrings.xml isn't accessible for some reason, like in bug 126720,
so strings can't be loaded.

Nope, debugging source/xls/workbookfragment.cxx:208 like I did in bug 126720
and going a bit further along oox::xls::WorkbookFragment::finalizeImport(),
then doing:

(gdb) print getSharedStrings()
... std::vector of length 123253 ...

so all the shared strings are loaded. I can't look at their contents though,
the RichString class doesn't make that easy.

But instead of looking at where data is coming in, let me look at where data is
going out into the spreadsheet.

Various methods on the SheetDataBuffer class look like they populate the
spreadsheet. A breakpoint on "SheetDataBuffer::setStringCell" never triggers
while loading this document, while it does trigger while loading other
documents that do show cell contents.

So the problem appears to be that some internal flow of data is broken, which
is stopping the parsed data from reaching the spreadsheet.

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