--- Comment #5 from mdjr <> ---
The main problem seems to be the fact that OpenOffice internally uses
Microsoft's integer language codes (example: 0x409 is English).

Internally OpenOffice seems to have some kind of table that looks like this:

    {0x409,"en-US","English (USA)"},
    {0x407,"de-DE","German (Germany)"},

Unfortunately the integer code of an unknown language (e.g. exam-PLE) is not
known when opening a document containing this code.

To solve this OpenOffice could simply search for an unused integer ID and add
an entry dynamically to the list. Example: If the ID 0x1234 is not known
OpenOffice may create a temporary entry like this:

    {0x1234,"exam-PLE","unknown (exam-PLE)"}

If a Microsoft Office document containing an unknown language is opened
(example: 0xABCD) an entry is created that looks like this:

    {0xABCD,"abcd-none","unknown (0xABCD)"}

The drawback of this method is that a bad language ID is stored if an
OpenOffice document is converted into the Microsoft document format. A flag
telling the "save routine" that only the ISO or only the integer code is valid
could be added to the table.

A configuration file could contain a list of languages added by the user. The
user should have the possibility to add languages by ISO ID (e.g. en-US), by
integer ID (e.g. 0x409) or by both (e.g. en-US=0x409). The configuration file
should also contain the user-visible name (e.g. "English (USA)") of the

A GUI dialog window should be there to modify this configuration file.

Example for the configuration file:

     # Language with given integer code
    Spanish (China), 0x5678
     # Language with given ISO code
    Chinese (Italy), zho-IT
     # Language with both codes given
    Italian (Spain), ita-ES, 0xABCD

This would lead to the following temporary dynamic entries:

    {0x5678,"1234-none","Spanish (China)"},
    {0x1234,"zho-IT","Chinese (Italy)"},
    {0xABCD,"ita-ES","Italian (Spain)"},

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