--- Comment #2 from trebly <> ---

These problems are linked.
when I was project manager, I use to have roblems formulation and a level to
treat the whole problem environment related to failure.

So I will create :
- Bug 1 : if default dict411.oxt has been damaged the try to update failure
(error management) must check the directory, create it if missin (as installer
does)reinstall the file from the original or from the ref site (as MS does in
his updates management), or define a kbnnnnn for repair by update as MS does.

Note about the reasons which lead to such situation :
- Disk failure, file cannot be repaired
- Trojan which damages user.dat and need to duplicate the user (without .dat)
and rebuilds .dat. The duplication can fail (the copy file of MS basic
- Cleaner which can not copy or suppress "tmp" dir and files.
- Various accidents which can alter files (any "try" to open a file file must
be supposed "not sure to be the good nor exist")

The optimization of the way to hold errors generated by default of access to
files is an important problem. The error handler must get each file open write,
by default stop the program with security with a unique basic message module.
When error are repeated for any reason the handler can be enhanced to repair
recommendations or sometimes automatic repair. This is the way, I used to
develop soft. This is not at all to tell you what you should do, but for you to
know how other works in the same conditions. This don't makes the soft so heavy
nor slower at all to execute (because there no check before opening just catch

- Bug 2 : As the French default dictionary is a part of the main install. The
repair mode should check all directory and file form a directory image and
rebuild. It does not. The fact that the default dictionary uses the extension
feature (as extensions) is completely different from extensions management, the
default dictionary is a basic feature, not installed as extension. Must be hold
as any basic function.

- Bug 3 : Auto check of extensions : each extension should have a check of
configuration function (integrity signature, developed by the author, quite the
same as install but keeping options if valid). Then for a suitable repair a
main function, which belongs to main installer (as for updater) should run
sequentially all these checks.

- Bug 4 : The current even default language should be shown in main
menu/language/ various (marked, paragraph, all text) which a check mark if set

- Bug 5 : In option/language the shown current value even value must correspond
to a checked and validated extension (dictionary) not only from parameters.
This avoid that a not validated extension should be displayed as set valid
while it is no more valid.

- Bug 6 : When option/java is activated an automatic search of java candidate
installation is ran. If just one is found it is checked by default, if several
the user (admin) will make the choice. The OK button doesn't make anything else
than close, it should run test java functioning normally. This would avoid that
user could think to have validated while in fact java launch fails.

- Bug 7 : When users defines java parameters, as this parameters are related to
the current valid java installation selection. The values should be checked
(valid content) and a launch of java with these parameters should be performed.

- Bug 8 - Doc : while these bug are not solved the doc which recommends to
update the dictionary should be modified, it is wrong : if dictionary is
damaged the action will crash ooe. 

All this validates basic functions around five subjects : 
- java installation
- default dictionary damaged repair
- repair mode for basic functions using ".oxt" function (not extensions for
user but using .oxt feature)
- repair mode for extension manager
- UI for current dictionary activation and validated

To list and defined then check and follow the linked elements which participate
to the same user and UI function is a development manager job.

Note : I communicate repeatedly about this problem with BugZilla and others
MantisBT about intercommunication of projects UI oriented and their elementary
split into components which are are supposed managed, but how. This is the same
with ECLIPSE which uses the same connectors to bugs managers, to group, connect
and follow simply with the minimum of efforts with crossed projects and
generate associated reports is and headache generator.

Best regards 


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