--- Comment #4 from bmarcelly <> ---
An advice from developers at l10n would be very useful beacause they decide for
a new language.

The description of the 3 language variables in the Wiki page Predefined
variables should be rewritten.

What follows is my understanding.

$(lang), $(langid) and $(vlang) refer to the user interface language, and are
expressed as strings.

$(lang) returns the code for a country using the language. 
The reference to ISO 639 and ISO 3166 is incorrect. 
In fact the values are numeric and follow in general the country code used for
telephone calls. 
01 = US, 33 = FR, 49 = DE
But for some languages, the code seems attributed arbitrarily, examples : 
96 = arabic (96x is used by Maldives, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman)
86 = simplified chinese (this is the code for China)
88 = traditional chinese (this is the code for Taiwan). 

$(langid) returns the language code used by the Windows Language Code
Identifier (LCID).
The links to Microsoft documents are outdated.
Current link : [MS-LCID]:
Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference
The language code is returned in decimal notation, whereas the LCID reference
uses hexadecimal. Examples:
1033 = 0x0409 = en-US
1036 = 0x040c = fr-FR
1031 = 0x0407 = de-DE

$(vlang) returns a string containing the letter-code ISO 639 for the language
and possibly the letter-code ISO 3166 of the country where the language variant
is spoken.
See and
en-US, en-GB, fr, de

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