rabbah commented on a change in pull request #3202: Support action 
continuations in the controller

 File path: 
 @@ -139,6 +199,356 @@ protected[actions] trait PrimitiveActions {
+  /**
+   * Mutable cumulative accounting of what happened during the execution of a 
+   *
+   * Compositions are aborted if the number of action invocations exceeds a 
+   * The permitted max is n component invocations plus 2n+1 conductor 
invocations (where n is the actionSequenceLimit).
+   * The max is chosen to permit a sequence with up to n primitive actions.
+   *
+   * NOTE:
+   * A sequence invocation counts as one invocation irrespective of the number 
of action invocations in the sequence.
+   * If one component of a composition is also a composition, the caller and 
callee share the same accounting object.
+   * The counts are shared between callers and callees so the limit applies 
+   *
+   * @param components the current count of component actions already invoked
+   * @param conductors the current count of conductor actions already invoked
+   */
+  private case class CompositionAccounting(var components: Int = 0, var 
conductors: Int = 0)
+  /**
+   * A mutable session object to keep track of the execution of one 
+   *
+   * NOTE:
+   * The session object is not shared between callers and callees.
+   * A callee has a reference to the session object for the caller.
+   * This permits the callee to return to the caller when done.
+   *
+   * @param activationId the activationId for the composition (ie the 
activation record for the composition)
+   * @param start the start time for the composition
+   * @param action the conductor action responsible for the execution of the 
+   * @param cause the cause of the composition (activationId of the enclosing 
sequence or composition if any)
+   * @param duration the "user" time so far executing the composition (sum of 
durations for
+   *        all actions invoked so far which is different from the total time 
spent executing the composition)
+   * @param maxMemory the maximum memory annotation observed so far for the 
conductor action and components
+   * @param state the json state object to inject in the parameter object of 
the next conductor invocation
+   * @param accounting the global accounting object used to abort compositions 
requiring too many action invocations
+   * @param logs a mutable buffer that is appended with new activation ids as 
the composition unfolds
+   *             (in contrast with sequences, the logs of a hierarchy of 
compositions is not flattened)
+   * @param caller the session object for the parent composition (caller) if 
+   * @param result a placeholder for returning the result of the composition 
invocation (blocking invocation only)
+   */
+  private case class Session(activationId: ActivationId,
+                             start: Instant,
+                             action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData,
+                             cause: Option[ActivationId],
+                             var duration: Long,
+                             var maxMemory: Int,
+                             var state: Option[JsObject],
+                             accounting: CompositionAccounting,
+                             logs: Buffer[ActivationId],
+                             caller: Option[Session],
+                             result: Option[Promise[Either[ActivationId, 
+  /**
+   * A method that knows how to invoke a composition.
+   *
+   * The method instantiates the session object for the composition, invokes 
the conductor action for the composition,
+   * and waits for the composition result (resulting activation) if the 
invocation is blocking (up to timeout).
+   *
+   * @param user the identity invoking the action
+   * @param action the conductor action to invoke for the composition
+   * @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
+   * @param waitForResponse if not empty, wait upto specified duration for a 
response (this is used for blocking activations)
+   * @param cause the activation id that is responsible for this 
+   * @param caller the session object for the caller if any
+   * @param transid a transaction id for logging
+   * @return a promise that completes with one of the following successful 
+   *            Right(WhiskActivation) if waiting for a response and response 
is ready within allowed duration,
+   *            Left(ActivationId) if not waiting for a response, or allowed 
duration has elapsed without a result ready
+   *         or an error
+   */
+  private def invokeComposition(
+    user: Identity,
+    action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData,
+    payload: Option[JsObject],
+    waitForResponse: Option[FiniteDuration],
+    cause: Option[ActivationId],
+    caller: Option[Session] = None)(implicit transid: TransactionId): 
Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] = {
+    val session = Session(
+      activationId = activationIdFactory.make(),
+      start = Instant.now(Clock.systemUTC()),
+      action,
+      cause,
+      duration = 0,
+      maxMemory = action.limits.memory.megabytes,
+      state = None,
+      accounting = caller.map { _.accounting 
}.getOrElse(CompositionAccounting()), // share accounting with caller
+      logs = Buffer.empty,
+      caller,
+      result = waitForResponse.map { _ =>
+        Promise[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]]() // placeholder for 
result if blocking invoke
+      })
+    invokeConductor(user, payload, session)
+    // is caller waiting for the result of the activation?
+    waitForResponse
+      .map { timeout =>
+        // handle timeout
+        session.result.head.future
+          .withAlternativeAfterTimeout(timeout, 
+      }
+      .getOrElse {
+        // no, return the session id
+        Future.successful(Left(session.activationId))
+      }
+  }
+  /**
+   * A method that knows how to handle a conductor invocation.
+   *
+   * This method prepares the payload and invokes the conductor action.
+   * It parses the result and extracts the name of the next component action 
if any.
+   * It either invokes the desired component action or completes the 
composition invocation.
+   * It also checks the invocation counts against the limits.
+   *
+   * @param user the identity invoking the action
+   * @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
+   * @param session the session object for this composition
+   * @param transid a transaction id for logging
+   */
+  private def invokeConductor(user: Identity, payload: Option[JsObject], 
session: Session)(
+    implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
+    if (session.accounting.conductors > 2 * actionSequenceLimit) {
+      // composition is too long
+      val response = ActivationResponse.applicationError(compositionIsTooLong)
+      completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+    } else {
+      // inject state into payload if any
+      val params = session.state
+        .map { state =>
+          Some(JsObject(payload.getOrElse(JsObject()).fields ++ state.fields))
+        }
+        .getOrElse(payload)
+      // invoke conductor action
+      session.accounting.conductors += 1
+      val response =
+        invokeSimpleAction(
+          user,
+          session.action,
+          params,
+          Some(session.action.limits.timeout.duration + 1.minute), // wait for 
+          Some(session.activationId)) // cause is session id
+      response.onComplete {
+        case Failure(t) =>
+          // invocation failure
+          val response = 
+          completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+        case Success(Left(activationId)) =>
+          // invocation timeout
+          session.logs += activationId
+          val response = 
+          completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+        case Success(Right(activation)) =>
+          // successful invocation
+          session.logs += activation.activationId
+          session.duration += 
activation.duration.getOrElse(activation.end.toEpochMilli - 
+          val result = activation.resultAsJson
+          // extract params from result
+          val params = 
result.getFields(WhiskActivation.paramsField).headOption.map { p =>
+            Try(p.asJsObject).getOrElse(JsObject(WhiskActivation.valueField -> 
p)) // ensure params is a dictionary
+          }
+          // update session state
+          session.state = 
result.getFields(WhiskActivation.stateField).headOption.flatMap { p =>
+            Try(Some(p.asJsObject)).getOrElse(None)
+          }
+          // extract next action from result and invoke
+          result.getFields(WhiskActivation.actionField).headOption match {
+            case None =>
+              // no next action, end composition execution, return to caller
+              val response = 
+              completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+            case Some(next) =>
+              Try(next.convertTo[EntityPath]) match {
+                case Failure(t) =>
+                  // parsing failure
+                  val response = 
+                  completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+                case Success(next) =>
+                  // resolve and invoke next action
+                  val fqn = (if (next.defaultPackage) 
EntityPath.DEFAULT.addPath(next) else next)
+                    .resolveNamespace(user.namespace)
+                    .toFullyQualifiedEntityName
+                  val resource = Resource(fqn.path, 
Collection(Collection.ACTIONS), Some(fqn.name.asString))
+                  entitlementProvider.check(user, Privilege.ACTIVATE, 
Set(resource), noThrottle = true).onComplete {
+                    case Failure(t) =>
+                      // failed entitlement check
+                      val response =
+                      completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+                    case Success(_) =>
+                      // successful entitlement check
fqn).onComplete {
+                        case Failure(t) =>
+                          // resolution failure
+                          val response =
+                          completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+                        case Success(next) =>
+                          if (session.accounting.components >= 
actionSequenceLimit) {
+                            // composition is too long
+                            val response = 
+                            completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+                          } else {
+                            // successful resolution
+                            invokeComponent(user, next, params, session)
+                          }
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * A method that knows how to handle a component invocation.
+   *
+   * This method distinguishes primitive actions, sequences, and compositions.
+   * If the component action is a composition, it invokes invokeComposition 
and returns.
+   * invokeComposition takes care of resuming the execution of this 
composition, when the nested composition finishes.
+   * If the component action is not a composition, it is invoked followed by 
the reinvocation of the conductor action.
+   * This method also keeps track of the duration and memory footprint for the 
+   *
+   * @param user the identity invoking the action
+   * @param action the component action to invoke
+   * @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
+   * @param session the session object for this composition
+   * @param transid a transaction id for logging
+   */
+  private def invokeComponent(user: Identity, action: WhiskActionMetaData, 
payload: Option[JsObject], session: Session)(
+    implicit transid: TransactionId) {
+    val exec = action.toExecutableWhiskAction
+    if (action.annotations.get("conductor").isDefined && exec.isDefined) {
+      // composition
+      invokeComposition(user, exec.head, payload, None, 
Some(session.activationId), Some(session)) // non-blocking
+      // invokeComposition will take care of accounting and continuations
+    } else {
+      session.accounting.components += 1
+      exec
+        .map { exec =>
+          // not a sequence, not a composition
+          invokeSimpleAction(
+            user,
+            exec,
+            payload,
+            Some(action.limits.timeout.duration + 1.minute),
+            Some(session.activationId))
+        }
+        .getOrElse {
+          // sequence
+          val SequenceExecMetaData(components) = action.exec
+          invokeSequence(user, action, components, payload, None, 
Some(session.activationId), false, 0).map(r => r._1)
+        }
+        .onComplete {
+          case Failure(t) =>
+            val response = 
+            completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+          case Success(Left(activationId)) =>
+            session.logs += activationId
+            val response = 
+            completeAppActivation(user, session, response)
+          case Success(Right(activation)) =>
+            session.logs += activation.activationId
+            session.duration += activation.duration.getOrElse(
+              activation.end.toEpochMilli - activation.start.toEpochMilli)
+            activation.annotations.get("limits") map { limitsAnnotation =>
+              limitsAnnotation.asJsObject.getFields("memory") match {
+                case Seq(JsNumber(memory)) =>
+                  session.maxMemory = Math.max(session.maxMemory, memory.toInt)
+              }
+            }
+            // invoke continuation
+            invokeConductor(user, Some(activation.resultAsJson), session)
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates an activation for a composition and writes it back to the 
+   * Completes the associated promise if any.
+   * Resumes caller if any.
+   */
+  private def completeAppActivation(user: Identity, session: Session, 
response: ActivationResponse)(
+    implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
+    // compute max memory
+    val sequenceLimits = Parameters(
+      WhiskActivation.limitsAnnotation,
+      ActionLimits(session.action.limits.timeout, 
MemoryLimit(session.maxMemory MB), session.action.limits.logs).toJson)
+    // set causedBy if not topmost
+    val causedBy = if (session.cause.isDefined) {
+      Some(Parameters(WhiskActivation.causedByAnnotation, 
+    } else {
+      None
+    }
+    val end = Instant.now(Clock.systemUTC())
+    // create the whisk activation
+    val activation = WhiskActivation(
+      namespace = user.namespace.toPath,
+      name = session.action.name,
+      user.subject,
+      activationId = session.activationId,
+      start = session.start,
+      end = end,
+      cause = session.cause,
+      response = response,
+      logs = ActivationLogs(session.logs.map(_.asString).toVector),
+      version = session.action.version,
+      publish = false,
+      annotations = Parameters(WhiskActivation.topmostAnnotation, 
JsBoolean(!session.cause.isDefined)) ++
+        Parameters(WhiskActivation.pathAnnotation, 
JsString(session.action.fullyQualifiedName(false).asString)) ++
+        Parameters(WhiskActivation.kindAnnotation, JsString(Exec.SEQUENCE)) ++
+        Parameters(WhiskActivation.conductorAnnotation, JsBoolean(true)) ++
+        causedBy ++
+        sequenceLimits,
+      duration = Some(session.duration))
+    // complete the promise if any
+    session.result.map { _.success(Right(activation)) }
+    logging.info(this, s"recording activation '${activation.activationId}'")
+    WhiskActivation.put(activationStore, activation)(transid, notifier = None) 
onComplete {
+      case Success(id) => logging.info(this, s"recorded activation")
+      case Failure(t) =>
+        logging.error(
 Review comment:
   this should be logged in the entity store.

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