Dinesh Chitlangia created RATIS-694: ---------------------------------------
Summary: Fix checkstyle violations in ratis-metrics Key: RATIS-694 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RATIS-694 Project: Ratis Issue Type: Sub-task Reporter: Dinesh Chitlangia Assignee: Dinesh Chitlangia Checkstyle found 78 item(s) in 30 file(s) BaseStateMachine.java : 5 item(s) Variable 'server' must be private and have accessor methods. (49:49) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'groupId' must be private and have accessor methods. (50:34) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'lifeCycle' must be private and have accessor methods. (51:29) [VisibilityModifierCheck] 'server' hides a field. (67:37) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'groupId' hides a field. (67:57) [HiddenFieldCheck] BufferedChannelBase.java : 1 item(s) Variable 'fileChannel' must be private and have accessor methods. (25:31) [VisibilityModifierCheck] LeaderElection.java : 3 item(s) Variable 'result' must be private and have accessor methods. (70:18) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'term' must be private and have accessor methods. (71:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] switch without "default" clause. (208:0) [MissingSwitchDefaultCheck] LeaderState.java : 9 item(s) Variable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods. (70:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'newTerm' must be private and have accessor methods. (71:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'handler' must be private and have accessor methods. (72:20) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Definition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'. (84:5) [EqualsHashCodeCheck] 'for' construct must use '{}'s. (129:0) [NeedBracesCheck] Empty statement. (129:52) [EmptyStatementCheck] Name 'UPDATE_COMMIT_EVENT' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. (178:34) [MemberNameCheck] Name 'CHECK_STAGING_EVENT' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. (180:34) [MemberNameCheck] 'stagingState' hides a field. (296:31) [HiddenFieldCheck] LogAppender.java : 5 item(s) Variable 'server' must be private and have accessor methods. (122:34) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'raftLog' must be private and have accessor methods. (124:27) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'follower' must be private and have accessor methods. (125:32) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'halfMinTimeoutMs' must be private and have accessor methods. (129:24) [VisibilityModifierCheck] switch without "default" clause. (483:0) [MissingSwitchDefaultCheck] LogSegment.java : 1 item(s) Class LogSegment should be declared as final. (53:0) [FinalClassCheck] MemoryRaftLog.java : 1 item(s) 'entries' hides a field. (161:68) [HiddenFieldCheck] MetaFile.java : 2 item(s) 'term' hides a field. (88:23) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'votedFor' hides a field. (88:36) [HiddenFieldCheck] PendingRequests.java : 2 item(s) Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). (112:0) [LineLengthCheck] Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). (201:0) [LineLengthCheck] RaftConfiguration.java : 2 item(s) Class RaftConfiguration should be declared as final. (36:0) [FinalClassCheck] Class Builder should be declared as final. (43:0) [FinalClassCheck] RaftLog.java : 1 item(s) Line is longer than 120 characters (found 131). (321:0) [LineLengthCheck] RaftServer.java : 1 item(s) Line is longer than 120 characters (found 128). (79:0) [LineLengthCheck] RaftServerConstants.java : 1 item(s) interfaces should describe a type and hence have methods. (22:0) [InterfaceIsTypeCheck] RaftServerImpl.java : 5 item(s) Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). (82:0) [LineLengthCheck] 'state' hides a field. (124:19) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'stateMachine' hides a field. (545:24) [HiddenFieldCheck] More than 7 parameters (found 8). (885:54) [ParameterNumberCheck] 'stateMachine' hides a field. (1,250:24) [HiddenFieldCheck] RaftServerProxy.java : 2 item(s) Name '_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. (385:24) [ParameterNameCheck] Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). (397:0) [LineLengthCheck] RaftServerRpc.java : 1 item(s) 'server' hides a field. (45:35) [HiddenFieldCheck] RaftStorage.java : 1 item(s) 'metaFile' hides a field. (89:14) [HiddenFieldCheck] RaftStorageDirectory.java : 3 item(s) Variable 'startIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (66:23) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'endIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (67:23) [VisibilityModifierCheck] 'if' construct must use '{}'s. (355:0) [NeedBracesCheck] RatisMetrics.java : 5 item(s) Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. (30:1) [HideUtilityClassConstructorCheck] 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. (31:16) [ModifierOrderCheck] 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. (32:16) [ModifierOrderCheck] 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. (33:16) [ModifierOrderCheck] Variable 'metricsReporting' must be private and have accessor methods. (41:27) [VisibilityModifierCheck] SegmentedRaftLogCache.java : 9 item(s) Variable 'startIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (58:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'endIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (59:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'isOpen' must be private and have accessor methods. (60:19) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'targetLength' must be private and have accessor methods. (61:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'newEndIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (62:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'toTruncate' must be private and have accessor methods. (81:27) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'toDelete' must be private and have accessor methods. (82:29) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'arrayIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (490:15) [VisibilityModifierCheck] Variable 'truncateIndex' must be private and have accessor methods. (491:16) [VisibilityModifierCheck] SegmentedRaftLogOutputStream.java : 1 item(s) Name 'fill' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. (40:35) [ConstantNameCheck] SegmentedRaftLogReader.java : 4 item(s) 'if' construct must use '{}'s. (68:0) [NeedBracesCheck] 'if' construct must use '{}'s. (76:0) [NeedBracesCheck] 'if' construct must use '{}'s. (84:0) [NeedBracesCheck] Name 'maxOpSize' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. (129:28) [ConstantNameCheck] ServerImplUtils.java : 1 item(s) Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. (34:1) [HideUtilityClassConstructorCheck] ServerProtoUtils.java : 2 item(s) More than 7 parameters (found 9). (356:38) [ParameterNumberCheck] More than 7 parameters (found 9). (403:36) [ParameterNumberCheck] ServerState.java : 3 item(s) 'leaderId' hides a field. (291:38) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'currentTerm' hides a field. (367:55) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'currentTerm' hides a field. (375:58) [HiddenFieldCheck] SimpleStateMachineStorage.java : 1 item(s) 'raftStorage' hides a field. (63:32) [HiddenFieldCheck] StateMachine.java : 1 item(s) Unused import - org.apache.ratis.server.RaftServerConfigKeys. (25:8) [UnusedImportsCheck] StateMachineUpdater.java : 1 item(s) 'appliedIndex' hides a field. (256:18) [HiddenFieldCheck] TransactionContext.java : 1 item(s) Unused import - java.util.Collection. (30:8) [UnusedImportsCheck] TransactionContextImpl.java : 3 item(s) 'stateMachineContext' hides a field. (123:59) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'smLogEntryProto' hides a field. (142:84) [HiddenFieldCheck] 'shouldCommit' hides a field. (159:53) [HiddenFieldCheck] -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.3.4#803005)