sonatype-lift[bot] commented on code in PR #923:

@@ -0,0 +1,2427 @@
+ * ui-select
+ *
+ * Version: 0.19.8 - 2017-04-18T05:43:43.673Z
+ * License: MIT
+ */
+(function () {
+  "use strict";
+  var KEY = {
+    TAB: 9,
+    ENTER: 13,
+    ESC: 27,
+    SPACE: 32,
+    LEFT: 37,
+    UP: 38,
+    RIGHT: 39,
+    DOWN: 40,
+    SHIFT: 16,
+    CTRL: 17,
+    ALT: 18,
+    PAGE_UP: 33,
+    PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+    HOME: 36,
+    END: 35,
+    BACKSPACE: 8,
+    DELETE: 46,
+    COMMAND: 91,
+    MAP: { 91 : "COMMAND", 8 : "BACKSPACE" , 9 : "TAB" , 13 : "ENTER" , 16 : 
"SHIFT" , 17 : "CTRL" , 18 : "ALT" , 19 : "PAUSEBREAK" , 20 : "CAPSLOCK" , 27 : 
"ESC" , 32 : "SPACE" , 33 : "PAGE_UP", 34 : "PAGE_DOWN" , 35 : "END" , 36 : 
"HOME" , 37 : "LEFT" , 38 : "UP" , 39 : "RIGHT" , 40 : "DOWN" , 43 : "+" , 44 : 
"PRINTSCREEN" , 45 : "INSERT" , 46 : "DELETE", 48 : "0" , 49 : "1" , 50 : "2" , 
51 : "3" , 52 : "4" , 53 : "5" , 54 : "6" , 55 : "7" , 56 : "8" , 57 : "9" , 59 
: ";", 61 : "=" , 65 : "A" , 66 : "B" , 67 : "C" , 68 : "D" , 69 : "E" , 70 : 
"F" , 71 : "G" , 72 : "H" , 73 : "I" , 74 : "J" , 75 : "K" , 76 : "L", 77 : "M" 
, 78 : "N" , 79 : "O" , 80 : "P" , 81 : "Q" , 82 : "R" , 83 : "S" , 84 : "T" , 
85 : "U" , 86 : "V" , 87 : "W" , 88 : "X" , 89 : "Y" , 90 : "Z", 96 : "0" , 97 
: "1" , 98 : "2" , 99 : "3" , 100 : "4" , 101 : "5" , 102 : "6" , 103 : "7" , 
104 : "8" , 105 : "9", 106 : "*" , 107 : "+" , 109 : "-" , 110 : "." , 111 : 
"/", 112 : "F1" , 113 : "F2" , 114 : "F3" , 115 : "F4
 " , 116 : "F5" , 117 : "F6" , 118 : "F7" , 119 : "F8" , 120 : "F9" , 121 : 
"F10" , 122 : "F11" , 123 : "F12", 144 : "NUMLOCK" , 145 : "SCROLLLOCK" , 186 : 
";" , 187 : "=" , 188 : "," , 189 : "-" , 190 : "." , 191 : "/" , 192 : "`" , 
219 : "[" , 220 : "\\" , 221 : "]" , 222 : "'"
+    },
+    isControl: function (e) {
+      var k = e.which;
+      switch (k) {
+        case KEY.COMMAND:
+        case KEY.SHIFT:
+        case KEY.CTRL:
+        case KEY.ALT:
+          return true;
+      }
+      if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return true;
+      return false;
+    },
+    isFunctionKey: function (k) {
+      k = k.which ? k.which : k;
+      return k >= 112 && k <= 123;
+    },
+    isVerticalMovement: function (k){
+      return ~[KEY.UP, KEY.DOWN].indexOf(k);
+    },
+    isHorizontalMovement: function (k){
+    },
+    toSeparator: function (k) {
+      var sep = {ENTER:"\n",TAB:"\t",SPACE:" "}[k];
+      if (sep) return sep;
+      // return undefined for special keys other than enter, tab or space.
+      // no way to use them to cut strings.
+      return KEY[k] ? undefined : k;
+    }
+  };
+  function isNil(value) {
+    return angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add querySelectorAll() to jqLite.
+   *
+   * jqLite find() is limited to lookups by tag name.
+   * TODO This will change with future versions of AngularJS, to be removed 
when this happens
+   *
+   * See jqLite.find - why not use querySelectorAll?
+   * See feat(jqLite): use querySelectorAll instead of getElementsByTagName in 
+   */
+  if (angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll === undefined) {
+    angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll = function(selector) {
+      return angular.element(this[0].querySelectorAll(selector));
+    };
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add closest() to jqLite.
+   */
+  if (angular.element.prototype.closest === undefined) {
+    angular.element.prototype.closest = function( selector) {
+      var elem = this[0];
+      var matchesSelector = elem.matches || elem.webkitMatchesSelector || 
elem.mozMatchesSelector || elem.msMatchesSelector;
+      while (elem) {
+        if (matchesSelector.bind(elem)(selector)) {
+          return elem;
+        } else {
+          elem = elem.parentElement;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    };
+  }
+  var latestId = 0;
+  var uis = angular.module('', [])
+    .constant('uiSelectConfig', {
+      theme: 'bootstrap',
+      searchEnabled: true,
+      sortable: false,
+      placeholder: '', // Empty by default, like HTML tag <select>
+      refreshDelay: 1000, // In milliseconds
+      closeOnSelect: true,
+      skipFocusser: false,
+      dropdownPosition: 'auto',
+      removeSelected: true,
+      resetSearchInput: true,
+      generateId: function() {
+        return latestId++;
+      },
+      appendToBody: false,
+      spinnerEnabled: false,
+      spinnerClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh ui-select-spin',
+      backspaceReset: true
+    })
+    // See Rename minErr and make it accessible from outside
+    .service('uiSelectMinErr', function() {
+      var minErr = angular.$$minErr('');
+      return function() {
+        var error = minErr.apply(this, arguments);
+        var message = error.message.replace(new 
RegExp('\n*'), '');

Review Comment:
   *no-control-regex:*  Unexpected control character(s) in regular expression: 
   Reply with *"**@sonatype-lift help**"* for info about LiftBot commands.
   Reply with *"**@sonatype-lift ignore**"* to tell LiftBot to leave out the 
above finding from this PR.
   Reply with *"**@sonatype-lift ignoreall**"* to tell LiftBot to leave out all 
the findings from this PR and from the status bar in Github.
   When talking to LiftBot, you need to **refresh** the page to see its 
response. [Click here]( to get 
to know more about LiftBot commands.
   Was this a good recommendation?
   [ [🙁 Not 
 ] - [ [😕 Won't 
 ] - [ [😑 Not critical, will 
 ] - [ [🙂 Critical, will 
 ] - [ [😊 Critical, fixing 

@@ -0,0 +1,2427 @@
+ * ui-select
+ *
+ * Version: 0.19.8 - 2017-04-18T05:43:43.673Z
+ * License: MIT
+ */
+(function () {
+  "use strict";
+  var KEY = {
+    TAB: 9,
+    ENTER: 13,
+    ESC: 27,
+    SPACE: 32,
+    LEFT: 37,
+    UP: 38,
+    RIGHT: 39,
+    DOWN: 40,
+    SHIFT: 16,
+    CTRL: 17,
+    ALT: 18,
+    PAGE_UP: 33,
+    PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+    HOME: 36,
+    END: 35,
+    BACKSPACE: 8,
+    DELETE: 46,
+    COMMAND: 91,
+    MAP: { 91 : "COMMAND", 8 : "BACKSPACE" , 9 : "TAB" , 13 : "ENTER" , 16 : 
"SHIFT" , 17 : "CTRL" , 18 : "ALT" , 19 : "PAUSEBREAK" , 20 : "CAPSLOCK" , 27 : 
"ESC" , 32 : "SPACE" , 33 : "PAGE_UP", 34 : "PAGE_DOWN" , 35 : "END" , 36 : 
"HOME" , 37 : "LEFT" , 38 : "UP" , 39 : "RIGHT" , 40 : "DOWN" , 43 : "+" , 44 : 
"PRINTSCREEN" , 45 : "INSERT" , 46 : "DELETE", 48 : "0" , 49 : "1" , 50 : "2" , 
51 : "3" , 52 : "4" , 53 : "5" , 54 : "6" , 55 : "7" , 56 : "8" , 57 : "9" , 59 
: ";", 61 : "=" , 65 : "A" , 66 : "B" , 67 : "C" , 68 : "D" , 69 : "E" , 70 : 
"F" , 71 : "G" , 72 : "H" , 73 : "I" , 74 : "J" , 75 : "K" , 76 : "L", 77 : "M" 
, 78 : "N" , 79 : "O" , 80 : "P" , 81 : "Q" , 82 : "R" , 83 : "S" , 84 : "T" , 
85 : "U" , 86 : "V" , 87 : "W" , 88 : "X" , 89 : "Y" , 90 : "Z", 96 : "0" , 97 
: "1" , 98 : "2" , 99 : "3" , 100 : "4" , 101 : "5" , 102 : "6" , 103 : "7" , 
104 : "8" , 105 : "9", 106 : "*" , 107 : "+" , 109 : "-" , 110 : "." , 111 : 
"/", 112 : "F1" , 113 : "F2" , 114 : "F3" , 115 : "F4
 " , 116 : "F5" , 117 : "F6" , 118 : "F7" , 119 : "F8" , 120 : "F9" , 121 : 
"F10" , 122 : "F11" , 123 : "F12", 144 : "NUMLOCK" , 145 : "SCROLLLOCK" , 186 : 
";" , 187 : "=" , 188 : "," , 189 : "-" , 190 : "." , 191 : "/" , 192 : "`" , 
219 : "[" , 220 : "\\" , 221 : "]" , 222 : "'"
+    },
+    isControl: function (e) {
+      var k = e.which;
+      switch (k) {
+        case KEY.COMMAND:
+        case KEY.SHIFT:
+        case KEY.CTRL:
+        case KEY.ALT:
+          return true;
+      }
+      if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return true;
+      return false;
+    },
+    isFunctionKey: function (k) {
+      k = k.which ? k.which : k;
+      return k >= 112 && k <= 123;
+    },
+    isVerticalMovement: function (k){
+      return ~[KEY.UP, KEY.DOWN].indexOf(k);
+    },
+    isHorizontalMovement: function (k){
+    },
+    toSeparator: function (k) {
+      var sep = {ENTER:"\n",TAB:"\t",SPACE:" "}[k];
+      if (sep) return sep;
+      // return undefined for special keys other than enter, tab or space.
+      // no way to use them to cut strings.
+      return KEY[k] ? undefined : k;
+    }
+  };
+  function isNil(value) {
+    return angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add querySelectorAll() to jqLite.
+   *
+   * jqLite find() is limited to lookups by tag name.
+   * TODO This will change with future versions of AngularJS, to be removed 
when this happens
+   *
+   * See jqLite.find - why not use querySelectorAll?
+   * See feat(jqLite): use querySelectorAll instead of getElementsByTagName in 
+   */
+  if (angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll === undefined) {
+    angular.element.prototype.querySelectorAll = function(selector) {
+      return angular.element(this[0].querySelectorAll(selector));
+    };
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add closest() to jqLite.
+   */
+  if (angular.element.prototype.closest === undefined) {
+    angular.element.prototype.closest = function( selector) {
+      var elem = this[0];
+      var matchesSelector = elem.matches || elem.webkitMatchesSelector || 
elem.mozMatchesSelector || elem.msMatchesSelector;
+      while (elem) {
+        if (matchesSelector.bind(elem)(selector)) {
+          return elem;
+        } else {
+          elem = elem.parentElement;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    };
+  }
+  var latestId = 0;
+  var uis = angular.module('', [])
+    .constant('uiSelectConfig', {
+      theme: 'bootstrap',
+      searchEnabled: true,
+      sortable: false,
+      placeholder: '', // Empty by default, like HTML tag <select>
+      refreshDelay: 1000, // In milliseconds
+      closeOnSelect: true,
+      skipFocusser: false,
+      dropdownPosition: 'auto',
+      removeSelected: true,
+      resetSearchInput: true,
+      generateId: function() {
+        return latestId++;
+      },
+      appendToBody: false,
+      spinnerEnabled: false,
+      spinnerClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh ui-select-spin',
+      backspaceReset: true
+    })
+    // See Rename minErr and make it accessible from outside
+    .service('uiSelectMinErr', function() {
+      var minErr = angular.$$minErr('');
+      return function() {
+        var error = minErr.apply(this, arguments);
+        var message = error.message.replace(new 
RegExp('\n*'), '');
+        return new Error(message);
+      };
+    })
+    // Recreates old behavior of ng-transclude. Used internally.
+    .directive('uisTranscludeAppend', function () {
+      return {
+        link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
+          transclude(scope, function (clone) {
+            element.append(clone);
+          });
+        }
+      };
+    })
+    /**
+     * Highlights text that matches $
+     *
+     * Taken from AngularUI Bootstrap Typeahead
+     * See
+     */
+    .filter('highlight', function() {
+      function escapeRegexp(queryToEscape) {
+        return ('' + queryToEscape).replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1');
+      }
+      return function(matchItem, query) {
+        return query && matchItem ? ('' + matchItem).replace(new 
RegExp(escapeRegexp(query), 'gi'), '<span 
class="ui-select-highlight">$&</span>') : matchItem;
+      };
+    })
+    /**
+     * A read-only equivalent of jQuery's offset function:
+     *
+     * Taken from AngularUI Bootstrap Position:
+     * See
+     */
+    .factory('uisOffset',
+      ['$document', '$window',
+        function ($document, $window) {
+          return function(element) {
+            var boundingClientRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
+            return {
+              width: boundingClientRect.width || element.prop('offsetWidth'),
+              height: boundingClientRect.height || 
+              top: + ($window.pageYOffset || 
+              left: boundingClientRect.left + ($window.pageXOffset || 
+            };
+          };
+        }]);
+  uis.directive('uiSelectChoices',
+    ['uiSelectConfig', 'uisRepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr', '$compile', 
+      function(uiSelectConfig, RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr, $compile, 
$window) {
+        return {
+          restrict: 'EA',
+          require: '^uiSelect',
+          replace: true,
+          transclude: true,
+          templateUrl: function(tElement) {
+            // Needed so the uiSelect can detect the transcluded content
+            tElement.addClass('ui-select-choices');
+            // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select)
+            var theme = tElement.parent().attr('theme') || 
+            return theme + '/choices.tpl.html';
+          },
+          compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
+            if (!tAttrs.repeat) throw uiSelectMinErr('repeat', "Expected 
'repeat' expression.");
+            // var repeat = RepeatParser.parse(attrs.repeat);
+            var groupByExp = tAttrs.groupBy;
+            var groupFilterExp = tAttrs.groupFilter;
+            if (groupByExp) {
+              var groups = 
+              if (groups.length !== 1) throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 
1 .ui-select-choices-group but got '{0}'.", groups.length);
+              groups.attr('ng-repeat', 
+            }
+            var parserResult = RepeatParser.parse(tAttrs.repeat);
+            var choices = tElement.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row');
+            if (choices.length !== 1) {
+              throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 .ui-select-choices-row 
but got '{0}'.", choices.length);
+            }
+            choices.attr('ng-repeat', 
+              .attr('ng-if', '$'); //Prevent unnecessary watches 
when dropdown is closed
+            var rowsInner = 
+            if (rowsInner.length !== 1) {
+              throw uiSelectMinErr('rows', "Expected 1 
.ui-select-choices-row-inner but got '{0}'.", rowsInner.length);
+            }
+            rowsInner.attr('uis-transclude-append', ''); //Adding 
uisTranscludeAppend directive to row element after choices element has ngRepeat
+            // If IE8 then need to target rowsInner to apply the ng-click attr 
as choices will not capture the event.
+            var clickTarget = $window.document.addEventListener ? choices : 
+            clickTarget.attr('ng-click', '$' + 
parserResult.itemName + ',$select.skipFocusser,$event)');
+            return function link(scope, element, attrs, $select) {
+              $select.parseRepeatAttr(attrs.repeat, groupByExp, 
groupFilterExp); //Result ready at $select.parserResult
+              $select.disableChoiceExpression = attrs.uiDisableChoice;
+              $select.onHighlightCallback = attrs.onHighlight;
+              $select.minimumInputLength = parseInt(attrs.minimumInputLength) 
|| 0;
+              $select.dropdownPosition = attrs.position ? 
attrs.position.toLowerCase() : uiSelectConfig.dropdownPosition;
+              scope.$watch('$', function(newValue) {
+                if(newValue && !$ && $select.multiple) 
$select.activate(false, true);
+                $select.activeIndex = $select.tagging.isActivated ? -1 : 0;
+                if (!attrs.minimumInputLength || $ >= 
attrs.minimumInputLength) {
+                  $select.refresh(attrs.refresh);
+                } else {
+                  $select.items = [];
+                }
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('refreshDelay', function() {
+                // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a 
+                var refreshDelay = scope.$eval(attrs.refreshDelay);
+                $select.refreshDelay = refreshDelay !== undefined ? 
refreshDelay : uiSelectConfig.refreshDelay;
+              });
+              scope.$watch('$', function(open) {
+                if (open) {
+                  tElement.attr('role', 'listbox');
+                  $select.refresh(attrs.refresh);
+                } else {
+                  element.removeAttr('role');
+                }
+              });
+            };
+          }
+        };
+      }]);
+  /**
+   * Contains ui-select "intelligence".
+   *
+   * The goal is to limit dependency on the DOM whenever possible and
+   * put as much logic in the controller (instead of the link functions) as 
possible so it can be easily tested.
+   */
+  uis.controller('uiSelectCtrl',
+    ['$scope', '$element', '$timeout', '$filter', '$$uisDebounce', 
'uisRepeatParser', 'uiSelectMinErr', 'uiSelectConfig', '$parse', '$injector', 
+      function($scope, $element, $timeout, $filter, $$uisDebounce, 
RepeatParser, uiSelectMinErr, uiSelectConfig, $parse, $injector, $window) {
+        var ctrl = this;
+        var EMPTY_SEARCH = '';
+        ctrl.placeholder = uiSelectConfig.placeholder;
+        ctrl.searchEnabled = uiSelectConfig.searchEnabled;
+        ctrl.sortable = uiSelectConfig.sortable;
+        ctrl.refreshDelay = uiSelectConfig.refreshDelay;
+        ctrl.paste = uiSelectConfig.paste;
+        ctrl.resetSearchInput = uiSelectConfig.resetSearchInput;
+        ctrl.refreshing = false;
+        ctrl.spinnerEnabled = uiSelectConfig.spinnerEnabled;
+        ctrl.spinnerClass = uiSelectConfig.spinnerClass;
+        ctrl.removeSelected = uiSelectConfig.removeSelected; //If selected 
item(s) should be removed from dropdown list
+        ctrl.closeOnSelect = true; //Initialized inside uiSelect directive 
link function
+        ctrl.skipFocusser = false; //Set to true to avoid returning focus to 
ctrl when item is selected
+        ctrl.activeIndex = 0; //Dropdown of choices
+        ctrl.items = []; //All available choices
+ = false;
+        ctrl.focus = false;
+        ctrl.disabled = false;
+        ctrl.selected = undefined;
+        ctrl.dropdownPosition = 'auto';
+        ctrl.focusser = undefined; //Reference to input element used to handle 
focus events
+        ctrl.multiple = undefined; // Initialized inside uiSelect directive 
link function
+        ctrl.disableChoiceExpression = undefined; // Initialized inside 
uiSelectChoices directive link function
+        ctrl.tagging = {isActivated: false, fct: undefined};
+        ctrl.taggingTokens = {isActivated: false, tokens: undefined};
+        ctrl.lockChoiceExpression = undefined; // Initialized inside 
uiSelectMatch directive link function
+        ctrl.clickTriggeredSelect = false;
+        ctrl.$filter = $filter;
+        ctrl.$element = $element;
+        // Use $injector to check for $animate and store a reference to it
+        ctrl.$animate = (function () {
+          try {
+            return $injector.get('$animate');
+          } catch (err) {
+            // $animate does not exist
+            return null;
+          }
+        })();
+        ctrl.searchInput = $element.querySelectorAll('input.ui-select-search');
+        if (ctrl.searchInput.length !== 1) {
+          throw uiSelectMinErr('searchInput', "Expected 1 
input.ui-select-search but got '{0}'.", ctrl.searchInput.length);
+        }
+        ctrl.isEmpty = function() {
+          return isNil(ctrl.selected) || ctrl.selected === '' || 
(ctrl.multiple && ctrl.selected.length === 0);
+        };
+        function _findIndex(collection, predicate, thisArg){
+          if (collection.findIndex){
+            return collection.findIndex(predicate, thisArg);
+          } else {
+            var list = Object(collection);
+            var length = list.length >>> 0;
+            var value;
+            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+              value = list[i];
+              if (, value, i, list)) {
+                return i;
+              }
+            }
+            return -1;
+          }
+        }
+        // Most of the time the user does not want to empty the search input 
when in typeahead mode
+        function _resetSearchInput() {
+          if (ctrl.resetSearchInput) {
+            //reset activeIndex
+            if (ctrl.selected && ctrl.items.length && !ctrl.multiple) {
+              ctrl.activeIndex = _findIndex(ctrl.items, function(item){
+                return angular.equals(this, item);
+              }, ctrl.selected);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        function _groupsFilter(groups, groupNames) {
+          var i, j, result = [];
+          for(i = 0; i < groupNames.length ;i++){
+            for(j = 0; j < groups.length ;j++){
+              if(groups[j].name == [groupNames[i]]){
+                result.push(groups[j]);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          return result;
+        }
+        // When the user clicks on ui-select, displays the dropdown list
+        ctrl.activate = function(initSearchValue, avoidReset) {
+          if (!ctrl.disabled  && ! {
+            if(!avoidReset) _resetSearchInput();
+            $scope.$broadcast('uis:activate');
+   = true;
+            ctrl.activeIndex = ctrl.activeIndex >= ctrl.items.length ? 0 : 
+            // ensure that the index is set to zero for tagging variants
+            // that where first option is auto-selected
+            if ( ctrl.activeIndex === -1 && ctrl.taggingLabel !== false ) {
+              ctrl.activeIndex = 0;
+            }
+            var container = 
+            var searchInput = $element.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-search');
+            if (ctrl.$animate && ctrl.$animate.on && 
ctrl.$animate.enabled(container[0])) {
+              var animateHandler = function(elem, phase) {
+                if (phase === 'start' && ctrl.items.length === 0) {
+                  // Only focus input after the animation has finished
+                  ctrl.$'removeClass', searchInput[0], 
+                  $timeout(function () {
+                    ctrl.focusSearchInput(initSearchValue);
+                  });
+                } else if (phase === 'close') {
+                  // Only focus input after the animation has finished
+                  ctrl.$'enter', container[0], animateHandler);
+                  $timeout(function () {
+                    ctrl.focusSearchInput(initSearchValue);
+                  });
+                }
+              };
+              if (ctrl.items.length > 0) {
+                ctrl.$animate.on('enter', container[0], animateHandler);
+              } else {
+                ctrl.$animate.on('removeClass', searchInput[0], 
+              }
+            } else {
+              $timeout(function () {
+                ctrl.focusSearchInput(initSearchValue);
+                if(!ctrl.tagging.isActivated && ctrl.items.length > 1) {
+                  _ensureHighlightVisible();
+                }
+              });
+            }
+          }
+          else if ( && !ctrl.searchEnabled) {
+            // Close the selection if we don't have search enabled, and we 
click on the select again
+            ctrl.close();
+          }
+        };
+        ctrl.focusSearchInput = function (initSearchValue) {
+ = initSearchValue ||;
+          ctrl.searchInput[0].focus();
+        };
+        ctrl.findGroupByName = function(name) {
+          return ctrl.groups && ctrl.groups.filter(function(group) {
+            return === name;
+          })[0];
+        };
+        ctrl.parseRepeatAttr = function(repeatAttr, groupByExp, 
groupFilterExp) {
+          function updateGroups(items) {
+            var groupFn = $scope.$eval(groupByExp);
+            ctrl.groups = [];
+            angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
+              var groupName = angular.isFunction(groupFn) ? groupFn(item) : 
+              var group = ctrl.findGroupByName(groupName);
+              if(group) {
+                group.items.push(item);
+              }
+              else {
+                ctrl.groups.push({name: groupName, items: [item]});
+              }
+            });
+            if(groupFilterExp){
+              var groupFilterFn = $scope.$eval(groupFilterExp);
+              if( angular.isFunction(groupFilterFn)){
+                ctrl.groups = groupFilterFn(ctrl.groups);
+              } else if(angular.isArray(groupFilterFn)){
+                ctrl.groups = _groupsFilter(ctrl.groups, groupFilterFn);
+              }
+            }
+            ctrl.items = [];
+            ctrl.groups.forEach(function(group) {
+              ctrl.items = ctrl.items.concat(group.items);
+            });
+          }
+          function setPlainItems(items) {
+            ctrl.items = items || [];
+          }
+          ctrl.setItemsFn = groupByExp ? updateGroups : setPlainItems;
+          ctrl.parserResult = RepeatParser.parse(repeatAttr);
+          ctrl.isGrouped = !!groupByExp;
+          ctrl.itemProperty = ctrl.parserResult.itemName;
+          //If collection is an Object, convert it to Array
+          var originalSource = ctrl.parserResult.source;
+          //When an object is used as source, we better create an array and 
use it as 'source'
+          var createArrayFromObject = function(){
+            var origSrc = originalSource($scope);
+            $scope.$uisSource = Object.keys(origSrc).map(function(v){
+              var result = {};
+              result[ctrl.parserResult.keyName] = v;
+              result.value = origSrc[v];
+              return result;
+            });
+          };
+          if (ctrl.parserResult.keyName){ // Check for (key,value) syntax
+            createArrayFromObject();
+            ctrl.parserResult.source = $parse('$uisSource' + 
+            $scope.$watch(originalSource, function(newVal, oldVal){
+              if (newVal !== oldVal) createArrayFromObject();
+            }, true);
+          }
+          ctrl.refreshItems = function (data){
+            data = data || ctrl.parserResult.source($scope);
+            var selectedItems = ctrl.selected;
+            //TODO should implement for single mode removeSelected
+            if (ctrl.isEmpty() || (angular.isArray(selectedItems) && 
!selectedItems.length) || !ctrl.multiple || !ctrl.removeSelected) {
+              ctrl.setItemsFn(data);
+            }else{
+              if ( data !== undefined && data !== null ) {
+                var filteredItems = data.filter(function(i) {
+                  return angular.isArray(selectedItems) ? 
selectedItems.every(function(selectedItem) {
+                    return !angular.equals(i, selectedItem);
+                  }) : !angular.equals(i, selectedItems);
+                });
+                ctrl.setItemsFn(filteredItems);
+              }
+            }
+            if (ctrl.dropdownPosition === 'auto' || ctrl.dropdownPosition === 
+              $scope.calculateDropdownPos();
+            }
+            $scope.$broadcast('uis:refresh');
+          };
+          // See
+          $scope.$watchCollection(ctrl.parserResult.source, function(items) {
+            if (items === undefined || items === null) {
+              // If the user specifies undefined or null => reset the 
+              // Special case: items can be undefined if the user did not 
initialized the collection on the scope
+              // i.e $scope.addresses = [] is missing
+              ctrl.items = [];
+            } else {
+              if (!angular.isArray(items)) {
+                throw uiSelectMinErr('items', "Expected an array but got 
'{0}'.", items);
+              } else {
+                //Remove already selected items (ex: while searching)
+                //TODO Should add a test
+                ctrl.refreshItems(items);
+                //update the view value with fresh data from items, if there 
is a valid model value
+                if(angular.isDefined(ctrl.ngModel.$modelValue)) {
+                  ctrl.ngModel.$modelValue = null; //Force scope model value 
and ngModel value to be out of sync to re-run formatters
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          });
+        };
+        var _refreshDelayPromise;
+        /**
+         * Typeahead mode: lets the user refresh the collection using his own 
+         *
+         * See Expose $ for external / remote filtering
+         */
+        ctrl.refresh = function(refreshAttr) {
+          if (refreshAttr !== undefined) {
+            // Debounce
+            // See
+            // FYI AngularStrap typeahead does not have debouncing:
+            if (_refreshDelayPromise) {
+              $timeout.cancel(_refreshDelayPromise);
+            }
+            _refreshDelayPromise = $timeout(function() {
+              if ($scope.$ >= 
$scope.$select.minimumInputLength) {
+                var refreshPromise = $scope.$eval(refreshAttr);
+                if (refreshPromise && angular.isFunction(refreshPromise.then) 
&& !ctrl.refreshing) {
+                  ctrl.refreshing = true;
+                  refreshPromise.finally(function() {
+                    ctrl.refreshing = false;
+                  });
+                }
+              }
+            }, ctrl.refreshDelay);
+          }
+        };
+        ctrl.isActive = function(itemScope) {
+          if ( ! ) {
+            return false;
+          }
+          var itemIndex = ctrl.items.indexOf(itemScope[ctrl.itemProperty]);
+          var isActive =  itemIndex == ctrl.activeIndex;
+          if ( !isActive || itemIndex < 0 ) {
+            return false;
+          }
+          if (isActive && !angular.isUndefined(ctrl.onHighlightCallback)) {
+            itemScope.$eval(ctrl.onHighlightCallback);
+          }
+          return isActive;
+        };
+        var _isItemSelected = function (item) {
+          return (ctrl.selected && angular.isArray(ctrl.selected) &&
+            ctrl.selected.filter(function (selection) { return 
angular.equals(selection, item); }).length > 0);
+        };
+        var disabledItems = [];
+        function _updateItemDisabled(item, isDisabled) {
+          var disabledItemIndex = disabledItems.indexOf(item);
+          if (isDisabled && disabledItemIndex === -1) {
+            disabledItems.push(item);
+          }
+          if (!isDisabled && disabledItemIndex > -1) {
+            disabledItems.splice(disabledItemIndex, 1);
+          }
+        }
+        function _isItemDisabled(item) {
+          return disabledItems.indexOf(item) > -1;
+        }
+        ctrl.isDisabled = function(itemScope) {
+          if (! return;
+          var item = itemScope[ctrl.itemProperty];
+          var itemIndex = ctrl.items.indexOf(item);
+          var isDisabled = false;
+          if (itemIndex >= 0 && 
(angular.isDefined(ctrl.disableChoiceExpression) || ctrl.multiple)) {
+            if (item.isTag) return false;
+            if (ctrl.multiple) {
+              isDisabled = _isItemSelected(item);
+            }
+            if (!isDisabled && 
angular.isDefined(ctrl.disableChoiceExpression)) {
+              isDisabled = !!(itemScope.$eval(ctrl.disableChoiceExpression));
+            }
+            _updateItemDisabled(item, isDisabled);
+          }
+          return isDisabled;
+        };
+        // When the user selects an item with ENTER or clicks the dropdown
+ = function(item, skipFocusser, $event) {
+          if (isNil(item) || !_isItemDisabled(item)) {
+            if ( ! ctrl.items && ! && ! ctrl.tagging.isActivated) 
+            if (!item || !_isItemDisabled(item)) {
+              // if click is made on existing item, prevent from tagging, does not matter
+              ctrl.clickTriggeredSelect = false;
+              if($event && ($event.type === 'click' || $event.type === 
'touchend') && item)
+                ctrl.clickTriggeredSelect = true;
+              if(ctrl.tagging.isActivated && ctrl.clickTriggeredSelect === 
false) {
+                // if taggingLabel is disabled and item is undefined we pull 
+                if ( ctrl.taggingLabel === false ) {
+                  if ( ctrl.activeIndex < 0 ) {
+                    if (item === undefined) {
+                      item = ctrl.tagging.fct !== undefined ? 
ctrl.tagging.fct( :;
+                    }
+                    if (!item || angular.equals( ctrl.items[0], item ) ) {
+                      return;
+                    }
+                  } else {
+                    // keyboard nav happened first, user selected from dropdown
+                    item = ctrl.items[ctrl.activeIndex];
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  // tagging always operates at index zero, taggingLabel === 
false pushes
+                  // the value without having it injected
+                  if ( ctrl.activeIndex === 0 ) {
+                    // ctrl.tagging pushes items to ctrl.items, so we only 
have empty val
+                    // for `item` if it is a detected duplicate
+                    if ( item === undefined ) return;
+                    // create new item on the fly if we don't already have one;
+                    // use tagging function if we have one
+                    if ( ctrl.tagging.fct !== undefined && typeof item === 
'string' ) {
+                      item = ctrl.tagging.fct(item);
+                      if (!item) return;
+                      // if item type is 'string', apply the tagging label
+                    } else if ( typeof item === 'string' ) {
+                      // trim the trailing space
+                      item = item.replace(ctrl.taggingLabel,'').trim();
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                // search ctrl.selected for dupes potentially caused by 
tagging and return early if found
+                if (_isItemSelected(item)) {
+                  ctrl.close(skipFocusser);
+                  return;
+                }
+              }
+              _resetSearchInput();
+              $scope.$broadcast('uis:select', item);
+              if (ctrl.closeOnSelect) {
+                ctrl.close(skipFocusser);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        };
+        // Closes the dropdown
+        ctrl.close = function(skipFocusser) {
+          if (! return;
+          if (ctrl.ngModel && ctrl.ngModel.$setTouched) 
+ = false;
+          _resetSearchInput();
+          $scope.$broadcast('uis:close', skipFocusser);
+        };
+        ctrl.setFocus = function(){
+          if (!ctrl.focus) ctrl.focusInput[0].focus();
+        };
+        ctrl.clear = function($event) {
+          $event.stopPropagation();
+          $timeout(function() {
+            ctrl.focusser[0].focus();
+          }, 0, false);
+        };
+        // Toggle dropdown
+        ctrl.toggle = function(e) {
+          if ( {
+            ctrl.close();
+            e.preventDefault();
+            e.stopPropagation();
+          } else {
+            ctrl.activate();
+          }
+        };
+        // Set default function for locked choices - avoids unnecessary
+        // logic if functionality is not being used
+        ctrl.isLocked = function () {
+          return false;
+        };
+        $scope.$watch(function () {
+          return angular.isDefined(ctrl.lockChoiceExpression) && 
ctrl.lockChoiceExpression !== "";
+        }, _initaliseLockedChoices);
+        function _initaliseLockedChoices(doInitalise) {
+          if(!doInitalise) return;
+          var lockedItems = [];
+          function _updateItemLocked(item, isLocked) {
+            var lockedItemIndex = lockedItems.indexOf(item);
+            if (isLocked && lockedItemIndex === -1) {
+              lockedItems.push(item);
+            }
+            if (!isLocked && lockedItemIndex > -1) {
+              lockedItems.splice(lockedItemIndex, 1);
+            }
+          }
+          function _isItemlocked(item) {
+            return lockedItems.indexOf(item) > -1;
+          }
+          ctrl.isLocked = function (itemScope, itemIndex) {
+            var isLocked = false,
+              item = ctrl.selected[itemIndex];
+            if(item) {
+              if (itemScope) {
+                isLocked = !!(itemScope.$eval(ctrl.lockChoiceExpression));
+                _updateItemLocked(item, isLocked);
+              } else {
+                isLocked = _isItemlocked(item);
+              }
+            }
+            return isLocked;
+          };
+        }
+        var sizeWatch = null;
+        var updaterScheduled = false;
+        ctrl.sizeSearchInput = function() {
+          var input = ctrl.searchInput[0],
+            container = ctrl.$element[0],
+            calculateContainerWidth = function() {
+              // Return the container width only if the search input is visible
+              return container.clientWidth * !!input.offsetParent;
+            },
+            updateIfVisible = function(containerWidth) {
+              if (containerWidth === 0) {
+                return false;
+              }
+              var inputWidth = containerWidth - input.offsetLeft;
+              if (inputWidth < 50) inputWidth = containerWidth;
+              ctrl.searchInput.css('width', inputWidth+'px');
+              return true;
+            };
+          ctrl.searchInput.css('width', '10px');
+          $timeout(function() { //Give tags time to render correctly
+            if (sizeWatch === null && 
!updateIfVisible(calculateContainerWidth())) {
+              sizeWatch = $scope.$watch(function() {
+                if (!updaterScheduled) {
+                  updaterScheduled = true;
+                  $scope.$$postDigest(function() {
+                    updaterScheduled = false;
+                    if (updateIfVisible(calculateContainerWidth())) {
+                      sizeWatch();
+                      sizeWatch = null;
+                    }
+                  });
+                }
+              }, angular.noop);
+            }
+          });
+        };
+        function _handleDropDownSelection(key) {
+          var processed = true;
+          switch (key) {
+            case KEY.DOWN:
+              if (! && ctrl.multiple) ctrl.activate(false, true); 
//In case its the search input in 'multiple' mode
+              else if (ctrl.activeIndex < ctrl.items.length - 1) {
+                var idx = ++ctrl.activeIndex;
+                while(_isItemDisabled(ctrl.items[idx]) && idx < 
ctrl.items.length) {
+                  ctrl.activeIndex = ++idx;
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            case KEY.UP:
+              var minActiveIndex = ( === 0 && 
ctrl.tagging.isActivated) ? -1 : 0;
+              if (! && ctrl.multiple) ctrl.activate(false, true); 
//In case its the search input in 'multiple' mode
+              else if (ctrl.activeIndex > minActiveIndex) {
+                var idxmin = --ctrl.activeIndex;
+                while(_isItemDisabled(ctrl.items[idxmin]) && idxmin > 
minActiveIndex) {
+                  ctrl.activeIndex = --idxmin;
+                }
+              }
+              break;
+            case KEY.TAB:
+              if (!ctrl.multiple ||[ctrl.activeIndex], true);
+              break;
+            case KEY.ENTER:
+              if( && (ctrl.tagging.isActivated || ctrl.activeIndex >= 
+      [ctrl.activeIndex], ctrl.skipFocusser); 
// Make sure at least one dropdown item is highlighted before adding if not in 
tagging mode
+              } else {
+                ctrl.activate(false, true); //In case its the search input in 
'multiple' mode
+              }
+              break;
+            case KEY.ESC:
+              ctrl.close();
+              break;
+            default:
+              processed = false;
+          }
+          return processed;
+        }
+        // Bind to keyboard shortcuts
+        ctrl.searchInput.on('keydown', function(e) {
+          var key = e.which;
+          if (~[KEY.ENTER,KEY.ESC].indexOf(key)){
+            e.preventDefault();
+            e.stopPropagation();
+          }
+          $scope.$apply(function() {
+            var tagged = false;
+            if (ctrl.items.length > 0 || ctrl.tagging.isActivated) {
+              if(!_handleDropDownSelection(key) && !ctrl.searchEnabled) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                e.stopPropagation();
+              }
+              if ( ctrl.taggingTokens.isActivated ) {
+                for (var i = 0; i < ctrl.taggingTokens.tokens.length; i++) {
+                  if ( ctrl.taggingTokens.tokens[i] === KEY.MAP[e.keyCode] ) {
+                    // make sure there is a new value to push via tagging
+                    if ( > 0 ) {
+                      tagged = true;
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                if ( tagged ) {
+                  $timeout(function() {
+                    ctrl.searchInput.triggerHandler('tagged');
+                    var newItem =[e.keyCode],'').trim();
+                    if ( ctrl.tagging.fct ) {
+                      newItem = ctrl.tagging.fct( newItem );
+                    }
+                    if (newItem), true);
+                  });
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          });
+          if(KEY.isVerticalMovement(key) && ctrl.items.length > 0){
+            _ensureHighlightVisible();
+          }
+          if (key === KEY.ENTER || key === KEY.ESC) {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            e.stopPropagation();
+          }
+        });
+        ctrl.searchInput.on('paste', function (e) {
+          var data;
+          if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) { // IE
+            data = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');
+          } else {
+            data = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
+          }
+          // Prepend the current input field text to the paste buffer.
+          data = + data;
+          if (data && data.length > 0) {
+            // If tagging try to split by tokens and add items
+            if (ctrl.taggingTokens.isActivated) {
+              var items = [];
+              for (var i = 0; i < ctrl.taggingTokens.tokens.length; i++) {  // 
split by first token that is contained in data
+                var separator = KEY.toSeparator(ctrl.taggingTokens.tokens[i]) 
|| ctrl.taggingTokens.tokens[i];
+                if (data.indexOf(separator) > -1) {
+                  items = data.split(separator);
+                  break;  // only split by one token
+                }
+              }
+              if (items.length === 0) {
+                items = [data];
+              }
+              var oldsearch =;
+              angular.forEach(items, function (item) {
+                var newItem = ctrl.tagging.fct ? ctrl.tagging.fct(item) : item;
+                if (newItem) {
+        , true);
+                }
+              });
+     = oldsearch || EMPTY_SEARCH;
+              e.preventDefault();
+              e.stopPropagation();
+            } else if (ctrl.paste) {
+              ctrl.paste(data);
+              e.preventDefault();
+              e.stopPropagation();
+            }
+          }
+        });
+        ctrl.searchInput.on('tagged', function() {
+          $timeout(function() {
+            _resetSearchInput();
+          });
+        });
+        // See
+        function _ensureHighlightVisible() {
+          var container = 
+          var choices = container.querySelectorAll('.ui-select-choices-row');
+          if (choices.length < 1) {
+            throw uiSelectMinErr('choices', "Expected multiple 
.ui-select-choices-row but got '{0}'.", choices.length);
+          }
+          if (ctrl.activeIndex < 0) {
+            return;
+          }
+          var highlighted = choices[ctrl.activeIndex];
+          var posY = highlighted.offsetTop + highlighted.clientHeight - 
+          var height = container[0].offsetHeight;
+          if (posY > height) {
+            container[0].scrollTop += posY - height;
+          } else if (posY < highlighted.clientHeight) {
+            if (ctrl.isGrouped && ctrl.activeIndex === 0)
+              container[0].scrollTop = 0; //To make group header visible when 
going all the way up
+            else
+              container[0].scrollTop -= highlighted.clientHeight - posY;
+          }
+        }
+        var onResize = $$uisDebounce(function() {
+          ctrl.sizeSearchInput();
+        }, 50);
+        angular.element($window).bind('resize', onResize);
+        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
+'keyup keydown tagged blur paste');
+          angular.element($window).off('resize', onResize);
+        });
+        $scope.$watch('$select.activeIndex', function(activeIndex) {
+          if (activeIndex)
+            $element.find('input').attr(
+              'aria-activedescendant',
+              'ui-select-choices-row-' + ctrl.generatedId + '-' + activeIndex);
+        });
+        $scope.$watch('$', function(open) {
+          if (!open)
+            $element.find('input').removeAttr('aria-activedescendant');
+        });
+      }]);
+  uis.directive('uiSelect',
+    ['$document', 'uiSelectConfig', 'uiSelectMinErr', 'uisOffset', '$compile', 
'$parse', '$timeout',
+      function($document, uiSelectConfig, uiSelectMinErr, uisOffset, $compile, 
$parse, $timeout) {
+        return {
+          restrict: 'EA',
+          templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
+            var theme = tAttrs.theme || uiSelectConfig.theme;
+            return theme + (angular.isDefined(tAttrs.multiple) ? 
'/select-multiple.tpl.html' : '/select.tpl.html');
+          },
+          replace: true,
+          transclude: true,
+          require: ['uiSelect', '^ngModel'],
+          scope: true,
+          controller: 'uiSelectCtrl',
+          controllerAs: '$select',
+          compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
+            // Allow setting ngClass on uiSelect
+            var match = /{(.*)}\s*{(.*)}/.exec(tAttrs.ngClass);
+            if(match) {
+              var combined = '{'+ match[1] +', '+ match[2] +'}';
+              tAttrs.ngClass = combined;
+              tElement.attr('ng-class', combined);
+            }
+            //Multiple or Single depending if multiple attribute presence
+            if (angular.isDefined(tAttrs.multiple))
+              tElement.append('<ui-select-multiple/>').removeAttr('multiple');
+            else
+              tElement.append('<ui-select-single/>');
+            if (tAttrs.inputId)
+              tElement.querySelectorAll('input.ui-select-search')[0].id = 
+            return function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls, transcludeFn) {
+              var $select = ctrls[0];
+              var ngModel = ctrls[1];
+              $select.generatedId = uiSelectConfig.generateId();
+              $select.baseTitle = attrs.title || 'Select box';
+              $select.focusserTitle = $select.baseTitle + ' focus';
+              $select.focusserId = 'focusser-' + $select.generatedId;
+              $select.closeOnSelect = function() {
+                if (angular.isDefined(attrs.closeOnSelect)) {
+                  return $parse(attrs.closeOnSelect)();
+                } else {
+                  return uiSelectConfig.closeOnSelect;
+                }
+              }();
+              scope.$watch('skipFocusser', function() {
+                var skipFocusser = scope.$eval(attrs.skipFocusser);
+                $select.skipFocusser = skipFocusser !== undefined ? 
skipFocusser : uiSelectConfig.skipFocusser;
+              });
+              $select.onSelectCallback = $parse(attrs.onSelect);
+              $select.onRemoveCallback = $parse(attrs.onRemove);
+              //Set reference to ngModel from uiSelectCtrl
+              $select.ngModel = ngModel;
+              $select.choiceGrouped = function(group){
+                return $select.isGrouped && group &&;
+              };
+              if(attrs.tabindex){
+                attrs.$observe('tabindex', function(value) {
+                  $select.focusInput.attr('tabindex', value);
+                  element.removeAttr('tabindex');
+                });
+              }
+              scope.$watch(function () { return 
scope.$eval(attrs.searchEnabled); }, function(newVal) {
+                $select.searchEnabled = newVal !== undefined ? newVal : 
+              });
+              scope.$watch('sortable', function() {
+                var sortable = scope.$eval(attrs.sortable);
+                $select.sortable = sortable !== undefined ? sortable : 
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('backspaceReset', function() {
+                // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a 
+                var backspaceReset = scope.$eval(attrs.backspaceReset);
+                $select.backspaceReset = backspaceReset !== undefined ? 
backspaceReset : true;
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('limit', function() {
+                //Limit the number of selections allowed
+                $select.limit = (angular.isDefined(attrs.limit)) ? 
parseInt(attrs.limit, 10) : undefined;
+              });
+              scope.$watch('removeSelected', function() {
+                var removeSelected = scope.$eval(attrs.removeSelected);
+                $select.removeSelected = removeSelected !== undefined ? 
removeSelected : uiSelectConfig.removeSelected;
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('disabled', function() {
+                // No need to use $eval() (thanks to ng-disabled) since we 
already get a boolean instead of a string
+                $select.disabled = attrs.disabled !== undefined ? 
attrs.disabled : false;
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('resetSearchInput', function() {
+                // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a 
+                var resetSearchInput = scope.$eval(attrs.resetSearchInput);
+                $select.resetSearchInput = resetSearchInput !== undefined ? 
resetSearchInput : true;
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('paste', function() {
+                $select.paste = scope.$eval(attrs.paste);
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('tagging', function() {
+                if(attrs.tagging !== undefined)
+                {
+                  // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a 
+                  var taggingEval = scope.$eval(attrs.tagging);
+                  $select.tagging = {isActivated: true, fct: taggingEval !== 
true ? taggingEval : undefined};
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                  $select.tagging = {isActivated: false, fct: undefined};
+                }
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('taggingLabel', function() {
+                if(attrs.tagging !== undefined )
+                {
+                  // check eval for FALSE, in this case, we disable the labels
+                  // associated with tagging
+                  if ( attrs.taggingLabel === 'false' ) {
+                    $select.taggingLabel = false;
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                    $select.taggingLabel = attrs.taggingLabel !== undefined ? 
attrs.taggingLabel : '(new)';
+                  }
+                }
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('taggingTokens', function() {
+                if (attrs.tagging !== undefined) {
+                  var tokens = attrs.taggingTokens !== undefined ? 
attrs.taggingTokens.split('|') : [',','ENTER'];
+                  $select.taggingTokens = {isActivated: true, tokens: tokens };
+                }
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('spinnerEnabled', function() {
+                // $eval() is needed otherwise we get a string instead of a 
+                var spinnerEnabled = scope.$eval(attrs.spinnerEnabled);
+                $select.spinnerEnabled = spinnerEnabled !== undefined ? 
spinnerEnabled : uiSelectConfig.spinnerEnabled;
+              });
+              attrs.$observe('spinnerClass', function() {
+                var spinnerClass = attrs.spinnerClass;
+                $select.spinnerClass = spinnerClass !== undefined ? 
attrs.spinnerClass : uiSelectConfig.spinnerClass;
+              });
+              //Automatically gets focus when loaded
+              if (angular.isDefined(attrs.autofocus)){
+                $timeout(function(){
+                  $select.setFocus();
+                });
+              }
+              //Gets focus based on scope event name (e.g. 
+              if (angular.isDefined(attrs.focusOn)){
+                scope.$on(attrs.focusOn, function() {
+                  $timeout(function(){
+                    $select.setFocus();
+                  });
+                });
+              }
+              function onDocumentClick(e) {
+                if (!$ return; //Skip it if dropdown is close
+                var contains = false;
+                if (window.jQuery) {
+                  // Firefox 3.6 does not support element.contains()
+                  // See Node.contains
+                  contains = window.jQuery.contains(element[0],;
+                } else {
+                  contains = element[0].contains(;
+                }
+                if (!contains && !$select.clickTriggeredSelect) {
+                  var skipFocusser;
+                  if (!$select.skipFocusser) {
+                    //Will lose focus only with certain targets
+                    var focusableControls = 
+                    var targetController = 
angular.element('uiSelect'); //To check if target is other 
+                    skipFocusser = targetController && targetController !== 
$select; //To check if target is other ui-select
+                    if (!skipFocusser) skipFocusser =  
~focusableControls.indexOf(; //Check if target 
is input, button or textarea
+                  } else {
+                    skipFocusser = true;
+                  }
+                  $select.close(skipFocusser);
+                  scope.$digest();
+                }
+                $select.clickTriggeredSelect = false;
+              }
+              // See Click everywhere but here event
+              $document.on('click', onDocumentClick);
+              scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
+                $'click', onDocumentClick);
+              });
+              // Move transcluded elements to their correct position in main 
+              transcludeFn(scope, function(clone) {
+                // See Transclude in AngularJS
+                // One day jqLite will be replaced by jQuery and we will be 
able to write:
+                // var transcludedElement = clone.filter('.my-class')
+                // instead of creating a hackish DOM element:
+                var transcluded = angular.element('<div>').append(clone);
+                var transcludedMatch = 
+                transcludedMatch.removeAttr('ui-select-match'); //To avoid 
loop in case directive as attr
+                transcludedMatch.removeAttr('data-ui-select-match'); // 
Properly handle HTML5 data-attributes
+                if (transcludedMatch.length !== 1) {
+                  throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 
.ui-select-match but got '{0}'.", transcludedMatch.length);
+                }
+                var transcludedChoices = 
+                transcludedChoices.removeAttr('ui-select-choices'); //To avoid 
loop in case directive as attr
+                transcludedChoices.removeAttr('data-ui-select-choices'); // 
Properly handle HTML5 data-attributes
+                if (transcludedChoices.length !== 1) {
+                  throw uiSelectMinErr('transcluded', "Expected 1 
.ui-select-choices but got '{0}'.", transcludedChoices.length);
+                }
+                var transcludedNoChoice = 
+                transcludedNoChoice.removeAttr('ui-select-no-choice'); //To 
avoid loop in case directive as attr
+                transcludedNoChoice.removeAttr('data-ui-select-no-choice'); // 
Properly handle HTML5 data-attributes
+                if (transcludedNoChoice.length == 1) {
+                }
+              });
+              // Support for appending the select field to the body when its 
+              var appendToBody = scope.$eval(attrs.appendToBody);
+              if (appendToBody !== undefined ? appendToBody : 
uiSelectConfig.appendToBody) {
+                scope.$watch('$', function(isOpen) {
+                  if (isOpen) {
+                    positionDropdown();
+                  } else {
+                    resetDropdown();
+                  }
+                });
+                // Move the dropdown back to its original location when the 
scope is destroyed. Otherwise
+                // it might stick around when the user routes away or the 
select field is otherwise removed
+                scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
+                  resetDropdown();
+                });
+              }
+              // Hold on to a reference to the .ui-select-container element 
for appendToBody support
+              var placeholder = null,
+                originalWidth = '';
+              function positionDropdown() {
+                // Remember the absolute position of the element
+                var offset = uisOffset(element);
+                // Clone the element into a placeholder element to take its 
original place in the DOM
+                placeholder = angular.element('<div 
+                placeholder[0].style.width = offset.width + 'px';
+                placeholder[0].style.height = offset.height + 'px';
+                element.after(placeholder);
+                // Remember the original value of the element width inline 
style, so it can be restored
+                // when the dropdown is closed
+                originalWidth = element[0].style.width;
+                // Now move the actual dropdown element to the end of the body
+                $document.find('body').append(element);
+                element[0].style.position = 'absolute';
+                element[0].style.left = offset.left + 'px';
+                element[0] = + 'px';
+                element[0].style.width = offset.width + 'px';
+              }
+              function resetDropdown() {
+                if (placeholder === null) {
+                  // The dropdown has not actually been display yet, so 
there's nothing to reset
+                  return;
+                }
+                // Move the dropdown element back to its original location in 
the DOM
+                placeholder.replaceWith(element);
+                placeholder = null;
+                element[0].style.position = '';
+                element[0].style.left = '';
+                element[0] = '';
+                element[0].style.width = originalWidth;
+                // Set focus back on to the moved element
+                $select.setFocus();
+              }
+              // Hold on to a reference to the .ui-select-dropdown element for 
direction support.
+              var dropdown = null,
+                directionUpClassName = 'direction-up';
+              // Support changing the direction of the dropdown if there isn't 
enough space to render it.
+              scope.$watch('$', function() {
+                if ($select.dropdownPosition === 'auto' || 
$select.dropdownPosition === 'up'){
+                  scope.calculateDropdownPos();
+                }
+              });
+              var setDropdownPosUp = function(offset, offsetDropdown){
+                offset = offset || uisOffset(element);
+                offsetDropdown = offsetDropdown || uisOffset(dropdown);
+                dropdown[0].style.position = 'absolute';
+                dropdown[0] = (offsetDropdown.height * -1) + 'px';
+                element.addClass(directionUpClassName);
+              };
+              var setDropdownPosDown = function(offset, offsetDropdown){
+                element.removeClass(directionUpClassName);
+                offset = offset || uisOffset(element);
+                offsetDropdown = offsetDropdown || uisOffset(dropdown);
+                dropdown[0].style.position = '';
+                dropdown[0] = '';
+              };
+              var calculateDropdownPosAfterAnimation = function() {
+                // Delay positioning the dropdown until all choices have been 
added so its height is correct.
+                $timeout(function() {
+                  if ($select.dropdownPosition === 'up') {
+                    //Go UP
+                    setDropdownPosUp();
+                  } else {
+                    //AUTO
+                    element.removeClass(directionUpClassName);
+                    var offset = uisOffset(element);
+                    var offsetDropdown = uisOffset(dropdown);
+                    var scrollTop = $document[0].documentElement.scrollTop || 
$document[0].body.scrollTop; //To make it cross browser (blink, webkit, IE, 
+                    // Determine if the direction of the dropdown needs to be 
+                    if ( + offset.height + offsetDropdown.height > 
scrollTop + $document[0].documentElement.clientHeight) {
+                      //Go UP
+                      setDropdownPosUp(offset, offsetDropdown);
+                    }else{
+                      //Go DOWN
+                      setDropdownPosDown(offset, offsetDropdown);
+                    }
+                  }
+                  // Display the dropdown once it has been positioned.
+                  dropdown[0].style.opacity = 1;
+                });
+              };
+              var opened = false;
+              scope.calculateDropdownPos = function() {
+                if ($ {
+                  dropdown = 
+                  if (dropdown.length === 0) {
+                    return;
+                  }
+                  // Hide the dropdown so there is no flicker until $timeout 
is done executing.
+                  if ($ === '' && !opened) {
+                    dropdown[0].style.opacity = 0;
+                    opened = true;
+                  }
+                  if (!uisOffset(dropdown).height && $select.$animate && 
$select.$animate.on && $select.$animate.enabled(dropdown)) {
+                    var needsCalculated = true;
+                    $select.$animate.on('enter', dropdown, function (elem, 
phase) {
+                      if (phase === 'close' && needsCalculated) {
+                        calculateDropdownPosAfterAnimation();
+                        needsCalculated = false;
+                      }
+                    });
+                  } else {
+                    calculateDropdownPosAfterAnimation();
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  if (dropdown === null || dropdown.length === 0) {
+                    return;
+                  }
+                  // Reset the position of the dropdown.
+                  dropdown[0].style.opacity = 0;
+                  dropdown[0].style.position = '';
+                  dropdown[0] = '';
+                  element.removeClass(directionUpClassName);
+                }
+              };
+            };
+          }
+        };
+      }]);
+  uis.directive('uiSelectMatch', ['uiSelectConfig', function(uiSelectConfig) {
+    return {
+      restrict: 'EA',
+      require: '^uiSelect',
+      replace: true,
+      transclude: true,
+      templateUrl: function(tElement) {
+        // Needed so the uiSelect can detect the transcluded content
+        tElement.addClass('ui-select-match');
+        var parent = tElement.parent();
+        // Gets theme attribute from parent (ui-select)
+        var theme = getAttribute(parent, 'theme') || uiSelectConfig.theme;
+        var multi = angular.isDefined(getAttribute(parent, 'multiple'));
+        return theme + (multi ? '/match-multiple.tpl.html' : 
+      },
+      link: function(scope, element, attrs, $select) {
+        $select.lockChoiceExpression = attrs.uiLockChoice;
+        attrs.$observe('placeholder', function(placeholder) {
+          $select.placeholder = placeholder !== undefined ? placeholder : 
+        });
+        function setAllowClear(allow) {
+          $select.allowClear = (angular.isDefined(allow)) ? (allow === '') ? 
true : (allow.toLowerCase() === 'true') : false;
+        }
+        attrs.$observe('allowClear', setAllowClear);
+        setAllowClear(attrs.allowClear);
+        if($select.multiple){
+          $select.sizeSearchInput();
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    function getAttribute(elem, attribute) {
+      if (elem[0].hasAttribute(attribute))
+        return elem.attr(attribute);
+      if (elem[0].hasAttribute('data-' + attribute))
+        return elem.attr('data-' + attribute);
+      if (elem[0].hasAttribute('x-' + attribute))
+        return elem.attr('x-' + attribute);
+    }
+  }]);
+  uis.directive('uiSelectMultiple', ['uiSelectMinErr','$timeout', 
function(uiSelectMinErr, $timeout) {
+    return {
+      restrict: 'EA',
+      require: ['^uiSelect', '^ngModel'],
+      controller: ['$scope','$timeout', function($scope, $timeout){
+        var ctrl = this,
+          $select = $scope.$select,
+          ngModel;
+        if (angular.isUndefined($select.selected))
+          $select.selected = [];
+        //Wait for link fn to inject it
+        $scope.$evalAsync(function(){ ngModel = $scope.ngModel; });
+        ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1;
+        ctrl.updateModel = function(){
+          ngModel.$setViewValue(; //Set timestamp as a unique 
string to force changes
+          ctrl.refreshComponent();
+        };
+        ctrl.refreshComponent = function(){
+          //Remove already selected items
+          //e.g. When user clicks on a selection, the selected array changes 
+          //the dropdown should remove that item
+          if($select.refreshItems){
+            $select.refreshItems();
+          }
+          if($select.sizeSearchInput){
+            $select.sizeSearchInput();
+          }
+        };
+        // Remove item from multiple select
+        ctrl.removeChoice = function(index){
+          // if the choice is locked, don't remove it
+          if($select.isLocked(null, index)) return false;
+          var removedChoice = $select.selected[index];
+          var locals = {};
+          locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = removedChoice;
+          $select.selected.splice(index, 1);
+          ctrl.activeMatchIndex = -1;
+          $select.sizeSearchInput();
+          // Give some time for scope propagation.
+          $timeout(function(){
+            $select.onRemoveCallback($scope, {
+              $item: removedChoice,
+              $model: $select.parserResult.modelMapper($scope, locals)
+            });
+          });
+          ctrl.updateModel();
+          return true;
+        };
+        ctrl.getPlaceholder = function(){
+          //Refactor single?
+          if($select.selected && $select.selected.length) return;
+          return $select.placeholder;
+        };
+      }],
+      controllerAs: '$selectMultiple',
+      link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls) {
+        var $select = ctrls[0];
+        var ngModel = scope.ngModel = ctrls[1];
+        var $selectMultiple = scope.$selectMultiple;
+        //$select.selected = raw selected objects (ignoring any property 
+        $select.multiple = true;
+        //Input that will handle focus
+        $select.focusInput = $select.searchInput;
+        //Properly check for empty if set to multiple
+        ngModel.$isEmpty = function(value) {
+          return !value || value.length === 0;
+        };
+        //From view --> model
+        ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function () {
+          var locals = {},
+            result,
+            resultMultiple = [];
+          for (var j = $select.selected.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+            locals = {};
+            locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = $select.selected[j];
+            result = $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals);
+            resultMultiple.unshift(result);
+          }
+          return resultMultiple;
+        });
+        // From model --> view
+        ngModel.$formatters.unshift(function (inputValue) {
+          var data = $select.parserResult && $select.parserResult.source 
(scope, { $select : {search:''}}), //Overwrite $search
+            locals = {},
+            result;
+          if (!data) return inputValue;
+          var resultMultiple = [];
+          var checkFnMultiple = function(list, value){
+            if (!list || !list.length) return;
+            for (var p = list.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) {
+              locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = list[p];
+              result = $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals);
+              if($select.parserResult.trackByExp){
+                var propsItemNameMatches = 
+                var matches = 
+                if(propsItemNameMatches && propsItemNameMatches.length > 0 && 
propsItemNameMatches[1] == $select.parserResult.itemName){
+                  if(matches && matches.length>0 && result[matches[1]] == 
+                    resultMultiple.unshift(list[p]);
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              if (angular.equals(result,value)){
+                resultMultiple.unshift(list[p]);
+                return true;
+              }
+            }
+            return false;
+          };
+          if (!inputValue) return resultMultiple; //If ngModel was undefined
+          for (var k = inputValue.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
+            //Check model array of currently selected items
+            if (!checkFnMultiple($select.selected, inputValue[k])){
+              //Check model array of all items available
+              if (!checkFnMultiple(data, inputValue[k])){
+                //If not found on previous lists, just add it directly to 
+                resultMultiple.unshift(inputValue[k]);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          return resultMultiple;
+        });
+        //Watch for external model changes
+        scope.$watchCollection(function(){ return ngModel.$modelValue; }, 
function(newValue, oldValue) {
+          if (oldValue != newValue){
+            //update the view value with fresh data from items, if there is a 
valid model value
+            if(angular.isDefined(ngModel.$modelValue)) {
+              ngModel.$modelValue = null; //Force scope model value and 
ngModel value to be out of sync to re-run formatters
+            }
+            $selectMultiple.refreshComponent();
+          }
+        });
+        ngModel.$render = function() {
+          // Make sure that model value is array
+          if(!angular.isArray(ngModel.$viewValue)){
+            // Have tolerance for null or undefined values
+            if (isNil(ngModel.$viewValue)){
+              ngModel.$viewValue = [];
+            } else {
+              throw uiSelectMinErr('multiarr', "Expected model value to be 
array but got '{0}'", ngModel.$viewValue);
+            }
+          }
+          $select.selected = ngModel.$viewValue;
+          $selectMultiple.refreshComponent();
+          scope.$evalAsync(); //To force $digest
+        };
+        scope.$on('uis:select', function (event, item) {
+          if($select.selected.length >= $select.limit) {
+            return;
+          }
+          $select.selected.push(item);
+          var locals = {};
+          locals[$select.parserResult.itemName] = item;
+          $timeout(function(){
+            $select.onSelectCallback(scope, {
+              $item: item,
+              $model: $select.parserResult.modelMapper(scope, locals)
+            });
+          });
+          $selectMultiple.updateModel();
+        });
+        scope.$on('uis:activate', function () {
+          $selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex = -1;
+        });
+        scope.$watch('$select.disabled', function(newValue, oldValue) {
+          // As the search input field may now become visible, it may be 
necessary to recompute its size
+          if (oldValue && !newValue) $select.sizeSearchInput();
+        });
+        $select.searchInput.on('keydown', function(e) {
+          var key = e.which;
+          scope.$apply(function() {
+            var processed = false;
+            // var tagged = false; //Checkme
+            if(KEY.isHorizontalMovement(key)){
+              processed = _handleMatchSelection(key);
+            }
+            if (processed  && key != KEY.TAB) {
+              //TODO Check si el tab selecciona aun correctamente
+              //Crear test
+              e.preventDefault();
+              e.stopPropagation();
+            }
+          });
+        });
+        function _getCaretPosition(el) {
+          if(angular.isNumber(el.selectionStart)) return el.selectionStart;
+          // selectionStart is not supported in IE8 and we don't want hacky 
workarounds so we compromise
+          else return el.value.length;
+        }
+        // Handles selected options in "multiple" mode
+        function _handleMatchSelection(key){
+          var caretPosition = _getCaretPosition($select.searchInput[0]),
+            length = $select.selected.length,
+            // none  = -1,
+            first = 0,
+            last  = length-1,
+            curr  = $selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex,
+            next  = $selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex+1,
+            prev  = $selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex-1,
+            newIndex = curr;
+          if(caretPosition > 0 || ($ && key == KEY.RIGHT)) 
return false;
+          $select.close();
+          function getNewActiveMatchIndex(){
+            switch(key){
+              case KEY.LEFT:
+                // Select previous/first item
+                if(~$selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex) return prev;
+                // Select last item
+                else return last;
+                break;
+              case KEY.RIGHT:
+                // Open drop-down
+                if(!~$selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex || curr === last){
+                  $select.activate();
+                  return false;
+                }
+                // Select next/last item
+                else return next;
+                break;
+              case KEY.BACKSPACE:
+                // Remove selected item and select previous/first
+                if(~$selectMultiple.activeMatchIndex){
+                  if($selectMultiple.removeChoice(curr)) {
+                    return prev;
+                  } else {
+                    return curr;
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  // If nothing yet selected, select last item
+                  return last;
+                }
+                break;

Review Comment:
   *no-unreachable:*  Unreachable code.
   Reply with *"**@sonatype-lift help**"* for info about LiftBot commands.
   Reply with *"**@sonatype-lift ignore**"* to tell LiftBot to leave out the 
above finding from this PR.
   Reply with *"**@sonatype-lift ignoreall**"* to tell LiftBot to leave out all 
the findings from this PR and from the status bar in Github.
   When talking to LiftBot, you need to **refresh** the page to see its 
response. [Click here]( to get 
to know more about LiftBot commands.
   Was this a good recommendation?
   [ [🙁 Not 
 ] - [ [😕 Won't 
 ] - [ [😑 Not critical, will 
 ] - [ [🙂 Critical, will 
 ] - [ [😊 Critical, fixing 

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