cpoerschke commented on code in PR #2547:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/2547#discussion_r1662972239

@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ or
 === The Boolean Operator "+"
-The `+` symbol (also known as the "required" operator) requires that the term 
after the `+` symbol exist somewhere in a field in at least one document in 
order for the query to return a match.
+The `\+` symbol (also known as the "required" operator) requires that the term 
after the `+` symbol exist somewhere in a field in at least one document in 
order for the query to return a match.

Review Comment:
   Thanks for spotting and sending PR to fix! Maybe one more here?
   The `\+` symbol (also known as the "required" operator) requires that the 
term after the `\+` symbol exist somewhere in a field in at least one document 
in order for the query to return a match.

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