gerlowskija commented on code in PR #722:

@@ -1160,6 +1160,9 @@ type SolrCloudStatus struct {
        // BackupRepositoriesAvailable lists the backupRepositories specified 
in the SolrCloud and whether they are available across all Pods.
        // +optional
        BackupRepositoriesAvailable map[string]bool 
+       // ObservedGeneration represents the most recent generation observed 
for this SolrCloud.
+       ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration"`

Review Comment:
   [Q] Are there any edge-cases where there won't be an `observedGeneration`, 
say, immediately after creating a SolrCloud but before the operator has created 
any of the resources backing it?
   Assuming that case exists, I guess  the 'observedGeneration' would just be 
'0' in that case, and that's probably fine unless it'd be better to make the 
field an optional `*int64`?

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