
Hyukjin Kwon resolved SPARK-27566.
    Resolution: Incomplete

No feedback

> SIGSEV in Spark SQL during broadcast
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: SPARK-27566
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-27566
>             Project: Spark
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: SQL
>    Affects Versions: 2.3.0
>         Environment: Hortonworks HDP 2.6.5, Spark
>            Reporter: Martin Studer
>            Priority: Major
> During execution of a broadcast exchange the JVM aborts with a segmentation 
> fault:
> {noformat}
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007feb5d024ea2, pid=26118, tid=0x00007feabf1ca700
> #
> # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_102-b14) (build 
> 1.8.0_102-b14)
> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.102-b14 mixed mode 
> linux-amd64 compressed oops)
> # Problematic frame:
> # j  scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToLong(Ljava/lang/Object;)J+9
> {noformat}
> The corresponding information from the {{hs_err_pid}} is:
> {noformat}
> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007feb5d024ea2, pid=26118, tid=0x00007feabf1ca700
> #
> # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_102-b14) (build 
> 1.8.0_102-b14)
> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.102-b14 mixed mode 
> linux-amd64 compressed oops)
> # Problematic frame:
> # j  scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToLong(Ljava/lang/Object;)J+9
> #
> # Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core 
> dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
> #
> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
> #   http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
> #
> ---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------
> Current thread (0x00007feaf8c54000):  JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-2" 
> daemon [_thread_in_Java, id=30475, 
> stack(0x00007feabf0ca000,0x00007feabf1cb000)]
> siginfo: si_signo: 11 (SIGSEGV), si_code: 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr: 
> 0x00000000003c7fc8
> Registers:
> RAX=0x00000007c0011570, RBX=0x00000000003c7f90, RCX=0x0000000000000038, 
> RDX=0x0000000775daf6d0
> RSP=0x00007feabf1c8ab0, RBP=0x00007feabf1c8af0, RSI=0x00007feb08000030, 
> RDI=0x0000000000000001
> R8 =0x00007feb0800b280, R9 =0x00007feb0800c6a0, R10=0x00007feb73d59100, 
> R11=0x00007feb73181700
> R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x00007feb5c5a5951, R14=0x00007feabf1c8b00, 
> R15=0x00007feaf8c54000
> RIP=0x00007feb5d024ea2, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010283, CSGSFS=0x0000000000000033, 
> ERR=0x0000000000000004
>   TRAPNO=0x000000000000000e
> Top of Stack: (sp=0x00007feabf1c8ab0)
> 0x00007feabf1c8ab0:   00007feabf1c8ab0 00007feb5c5a5951
> 0x00007feabf1c8ac0:   00007feabf1c8b00 00007feb5c5a9610
> 0x00007feabf1c8ad0:   00007feb4e626068 00007feb5c5a5970
> 0x00007feabf1c8ae0:   0000000000000000 00007feabf1c8b00
> 0x00007feabf1c8af0:   00007feabf1c8b68 00007feb5d007dd0
> 0x00007feabf1c8b00:   0000000000000000 00007feb5d007dd0
> 0x00007feabf1c8b10:   0000000775daf6d0 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8b20:   0000000774fd2048 00007feabf1c8b18
> 0x00007feabf1c8b30:   00007feb4f27548f 00007feabf1c8c20
> 0x00007feabf1c8b40:   00007feb4f275cd0 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8b50:   00007feb4f2755f0 00007feabf1c8b10
> 0x00007feabf1c8b60:   00007feabf1c8bf0 00007feabf1c8c78
> 0x00007feabf1c8b70:   00007feb5d007dd0 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8b80:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8b90:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8ba0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8bb0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8bc0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8bd0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000001
> 0x00007feabf1c8be0:   0000000000000000 0000000774fd2048
> 0x00007feabf1c8bf0:   0000000775daf6f8 0000000775daf6e8
> 0x00007feabf1c8c00:   0000000000000000 00007feb5d008040
> 0x00007feabf1c8c10:   0000000000000020 00007feb5d008040
> 0x00007feabf1c8c20:   0000000774fdb080 0000000000000001
> 0x00007feabf1c8c30:   0000000774fd2048 00007feabf1c8c28
> 0x00007feabf1c8c40:   00007feb4f7636a3 00007feabf1c8cc8
> 0x00007feabf1c8c50:   00007feabfb37848 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8c60:   00007feb4f763720 00007feabf1c8bf0
> 0x00007feabf1c8c70:   00007feabf1c8ca0 00007feabf1c8d20
> 0x00007feabf1c8c80:   00007feb5d007dd0 0000000000000000
> 0x00007feabf1c8c90:   0000000000000000 00000006c03f26e8
> 0x00007feabf1c8ca0:   00000006c03f26e8 0000000000000000 
> Instructions: (pc=0x00007feb5d024ea2)
> 0x00007feb5d024e82:   89 59 10 bf 01 00 00 00 48 89 79 18 48 83 c1 30
> 0x00007feb5d024e92:   48 89 4d e0 48 3b d8 0f 84 5b 00 00 00 8b 48 0c
> 0x00007feb5d024ea2:   48 3b 04 0b 0f 84 4e 00 00 00 83 f9 18 0f 85 22
> 0x00007feb5d024eb2:   00 00 00 50 48 8b c0 57 48 8b 7b 20 8b 0f 48 83 
> Register to memory mapping:
> RAX=0x00000007c0011570 is pointing into metadata
> RBX=0x00000000003c7f90 is an unknown value
> RCX=0x0000000000000038 is an unknown value
> RDX=0x0000000775daf6d0 is an oop
> [error occurred during error reporting (printing register info), id 0xb]
> Stack: [0x00007feabf0ca000,0x00007feabf1cb000],  sp=0x00007feabf1c8ab0,  free 
> space=1018k
> Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native 
> code)
> j  scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToLong(Ljava/lang/Object;)J+9
> j  
> org.apache.spark.memory.ExecutionMemoryPool.acquireMemory(JJLscala/Function1;Lscala/Function0;)J+95
> j  
> org.apache.spark.memory.StaticMemoryManager.acquireExecutionMemory(JJLorg/apache/spark/memory/MemoryMode;)J+35
> j  
> org.apache.spark.memory.TaskMemoryManager.acquireExecutionMemory(JLorg/apache/spark/memory/MemoryConsumer;)J+60
> j  org.apache.spark.memory.MemoryConsumer.acquireMemory(J)J+6
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.LongToUnsafeRowMap.ensureAcquireMemory(J)V+2
> j  org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.LongToUnsafeRowMap.growArray()V+25
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.LongToUnsafeRowMap.updateIndex(JJ)V+173
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.LongToUnsafeRowMap.append(JLorg/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/UnsafeRow;)V+269
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.LongHashedRelation$.apply(Lscala/collection/Iterator;Lscala/collection/Seq;ILorg/apache/spark/memory/TaskMemoryManager;)Lorg/apache/spark/sql/execution/joins/LongHashedRelation;+83
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.HashedRelation$.apply(Lscala/collection/Iterator;Lscala/collection/Seq;ILorg/apache/spark/memory/TaskMemoryManager;)Lorg/apache/spark/sql/execution/joins/HashedRelation;+79
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.HashedRelationBroadcastMode.transform(Lscala/collection/Iterator;Lscala/Option;)Lorg/apache/spark/sql/execution/joins/HashedRelation;+45
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.HashedRelationBroadcastMode.transform(Lscala/collection/Iterator;Lscala/Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;+3
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.exchange.BroadcastExchangeExec$$anonfun$relationFuture$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply()Lorg/apache/spark/broadcast/Broadcast;+198
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.exchange.BroadcastExchangeExec$$anonfun$relationFuture$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply()Ljava/lang/Object;+1
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SQLExecution$.withExecutionId(Lorg/apache/spark/SparkContext;Ljava/lang/String;Lscala/Function0;)Ljava/lang/Object;+20
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.exchange.BroadcastExchangeExec$$anonfun$relationFuture$1.apply()Lorg/apache/spark/broadcast/Broadcast;+22
> j  
> org.apache.spark.sql.execution.exchange.BroadcastExchangeExec$$anonfun$relationFuture$1.apply()Ljava/lang/Object;+1
> j  
> scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable.liftedTree1$1()Lscala/util/Try;+8
> j  scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable.run()V+5
> j  
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Ljava/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker;)V+95
> j  java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run()V+5
> j  java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
> v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
> V  [libjvm.so+0x68ffc6]  JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue*, methodHandle*, 
> JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x1056
> V  [libjvm.so+0x6904d1]  JavaCalls::call_virtual(JavaValue*, KlassHandle, 
> Symbol*, Symbol*, JavaCallArguments*, Thread*)+0x321
> V  [libjvm.so+0x690977]  JavaCalls::call_virtual(JavaValue*, Handle, 
> KlassHandle, Symbol*, Symbol*, Thread*)+0x47
> V  [libjvm.so+0x727660]  thread_entry(JavaThread*, Thread*)+0xa0
> V  [libjvm.so+0xa73ce3]  JavaThread::thread_main_inner()+0x103
> V  [libjvm.so+0xa73e2c]  JavaThread::run()+0x11c
> V  [libjvm.so+0x9249c8]  java_start(Thread*)+0x108
> C  [libpthread.so.0+0x7dd5]  start_thread+0xc5
> ---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------
> Java Threads: ( => current thread )
>   0x00007feaf95e1000 JavaThread "shuffle-client-5-1" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=30485, stack(0x00007feabe6c0000,0x00007feabe7c1000)]
>   0x00007feb44309000 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-11" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30484, stack(0x00007feabe7c1000,0x00007feabe8c2000)]
>   0x00007feb44307800 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-10" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30483, stack(0x00007feabe8c2000,0x00007feabe9c3000)]
>   0x00007feb44305800 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-9" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30482, stack(0x00007feabe9c3000,0x00007feabeac4000)]
>   0x00007feb44304000 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-8" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30481, stack(0x00007feabeac4000,0x00007feabebc5000)]
>   0x00007feb442b9000 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-7" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30480, stack(0x00007feabebc5000,0x00007feabecc6000)]
>   0x00007feaf8bc4800 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-6" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30479, stack(0x00007feabecc6000,0x00007feabedc7000)]
>   0x00007feaf8c58800 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-5" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30478, stack(0x00007feabedc7000,0x00007feabeec8000)]
>   0x00007feaf8c56800 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-4" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30477, stack(0x00007feabeec8000,0x00007feabefc9000)]
>   0x00007feaf8c54800 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-3" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30476, stack(0x00007feabefc9000,0x00007feabf0ca000)]
> =>0x00007feaf8c54000 JavaThread "broadcast-exchange-2" daemon 
> [_thread_in_Java, id=30475, stack(0x00007feabf0ca000,0x00007feabf1cb000)]
>   0x00007feaec050000 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-19" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30472, stack(0x00007feabf3cb000,0x00007feabf4cc000)]
>   0x00007feadc0c5800 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-18" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30471, stack(0x00007feabf4cc000,0x00007feabf5cd000)]
>   0x00007feb24089000 JavaThread "block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool-13" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=30470, 
> stack(0x00007feb4daa2000,0x00007feb4dba3000)]
>   0x00007feb3402a800 JavaThread "block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool-12" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=30469, 
> stack(0x00007feac00d0000,0x00007feac01d1000)]
>   0x00007feb04009800 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-17" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30468, stack(0x00007feac0ad6000,0x00007feac0bd7000)]
>   0x00007feb04005000 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-16" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30467, stack(0x00007feac0dd9000,0x00007feac0eda000)]
>   0x00007feb1cc21800 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-15" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30466, stack(0x00007feb4e0a8000,0x00007feb4e1a9000)]
>   0x00007feadc21b000 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-14" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30465, stack(0x00007feac24dd000,0x00007feac25de000)]
>   0x00007feaea3a0000 JavaThread "SparkUI-197" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=30342, stack(0x00007feabffcf000,0x00007feac00d0000)]
>   0x00007feadc00c800 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-13" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=30247, stack(0x00007feac02d2000,0x00007feac03d3000)]
>   0x00007fead0d19000 JavaThread "SparkUI-169" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=29975, stack(0x00007feabfdcd000,0x00007feabfece000)]
>   0x00007feaf416c800 JavaThread "Thread-77" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=29961, stack(0x00007feac2cdf000,0x00007feac2de0000)]
>   0x00007feaf4314000 JavaThread "Thread-76" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=29960, stack(0x00007feac0bd7000,0x00007feac0cd8000)]
>   0x00007feb1d114000 JavaThread "IPC Client (1826709188) connection to 
> hadoopmon.DOMAIN.COM/ from u...@domain.com" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=29409, stack(0x00007feb4c492000,0x00007feb4c593000)]
>   0x00007feaecf66800 JavaThread "SparkUI-162" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=29348, stack(0x00007feabfece000,0x00007feabffcf000)]
>   0x00007feb04008000 JavaThread "block-manager-ask-thread-pool-11" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=29278, stack(0x00007feb4dca4000,0x00007feb4dda5000)]
>   0x00007feb1d519800 JavaThread "block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool-11" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29276, 
> stack(0x00007feac0cd8000,0x00007feac0dd9000)]
>   0x00007feb1c661000 JavaThread "block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool-10" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29275, 
> stack(0x00007feac09d5000,0x00007feac0ad6000)]
>   0x00007feaf04d2000 JavaThread "block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool-9" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=29274, 
> stack(0x00007feac08d4000,0x00007feac09d5000)]
>   0x00007fead43a6800 JavaThread "SparkUI-126" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=27828, stack(0x00007feac03d3000,0x00007feac04d4000)]
>   0x00007feb34010800 JavaThread "ForkJoinPool-2-worker-7" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=27714, stack(0x00007feac01d1000,0x00007feac02d2000)]
>   0x00007feaec0ca800 JavaThread "task-result-getter-3" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=27478, stack(0x00007feac10da000,0x00007feac11db000)]
>   0x00007feaec2e6000 JavaThread "task-result-getter-2" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=27477, stack(0x00007feac11db000,0x00007feac12dc000)]
>   0x00007feaec1ef800 JavaThread "task-result-getter-1" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=27476, stack(0x00007feb4dda5000,0x00007feb4dea6000)]
>   0x00007feae4486800 JavaThread "task-result-getter-0" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=27475, stack(0x00007feac2bde000,0x00007feac2cdf000)]
>   0x00007feae004d000 JavaThread "SparkUI-96" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26488, stack(0x00007feac2de0000,0x00007feac2ee1000)]
>   0x00007fead4006000 JavaThread "SparkUI-JettyScheduler" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26486, stack(0x00007feb4c593000,0x00007feb4c694000)]
>   0x00007feae8014000 JavaThread "shuffle-server-6-4" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26459, stack(0x00007feac42e2000,0x00007feac43e3000)]
>   0x00007feae8012000 JavaThread "shuffle-server-6-3" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26458, stack(0x00007feac53e4000,0x00007feac54e5000)]
>   0x00007feae8011000 JavaThread "shuffle-server-6-2" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26457, stack(0x00007feac64e6000,0x00007feac65e7000)]
>   0x00007feb40227800 JavaThread "spark-listener-group-streams" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26456, stack(0x00007feac67e7000,0x00007feac68e8000)]
>   0x00007feaf4032000 JavaThread "Thread-49" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26454, stack(0x00007feac72f5000,0x00007feac73f6000)]
>   0x00007feaf402f800 JavaThread "Thread-48" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26453, stack(0x00007feac73f6000,0x00007feac74f7000)]
>   0x00007feaf402d000 JavaThread "Thread-47" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26452, stack(0x00007feac76f7000,0x00007feac77f8000)]
>   0x00007feaf402a800 JavaThread "Thread-46" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26447, stack(0x00007feac79f8000,0x00007feac7af9000)]
>   0x00007feaf4028800 JavaThread "Thread-45" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26446, stack(0x00007feac7af9000,0x00007feac7bfa000)]
>   0x00007feadc009800 JavaThread "rpc-server-3-4" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26420, stack(0x00007feac9bfc000,0x00007feac9cfd000)]
>   0x00007feae4018000 JavaThread "ResponseProcessor for block 
> BP-2007164050-" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26408, stack(0x00007feac9cfd000,0x00007feac9dfe000)]
>   0x00007feaf86a8000 JavaThread "element-tracking-store-worker" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26407, stack(0x00007feb280c9000,0x00007feb281ca000)]
>   0x00007feaf8afa000 JavaThread "spark-listener-group-eventLog" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26406, stack(0x00007feb281ca000,0x00007feb282cb000)]
>   0x00007feaf8af8800 JavaThread "spark-listener-group-executorManagement" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=26405, 
> stack(0x00007feb282cb000,0x00007feb283cc000)]
>   0x00007feaf8af6800 JavaThread "spark-listener-group-appStatus" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26404, stack(0x00007feb283cc000,0x00007feb284cd000)]
>   0x00007feaf8383800 JavaThread "context-cleaner-periodic-gc" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26403, stack(0x00007feb284cd000,0x00007feb285ce000)]
>   0x00007feaf8381800 JavaThread "Spark Context Cleaner" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26402, stack(0x00007feb285ce000,0x00007feb286cf000)]
>   0x00007feaf8bb2800 JavaThread "DataStreamer for file 
> /spark2-history/application_1554780054956_0327.inprogress block 
> BP-2007164050-" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26401, stack(0x00007feb286cf000,0x00007feb287d0000)]
>   0x00007feaf8559800 JavaThread "shuffle-server-6-1" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26394, stack(0x00007feb289d0000,0x00007feb28ad1000)]
>   0x00007feaf8374000 JavaThread "Yarn application state monitor" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26393, stack(0x00007feb28ad1000,0x00007feb28bd2000)]
>   0x00007feadc007800 JavaThread "rpc-server-3-3" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26392, stack(0x00007feb28bd2000,0x00007feb28cd3000)]
>   0x00007fead8014800 JavaThread "threadDeathWatcher-4-1" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26391, stack(0x00007feb28cd3000,0x00007feb28dd4000)]
>   0x00007feadc006800 JavaThread "rpc-server-3-2" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26390, stack(0x00007feb28fd4000,0x00007feb290d5000)]
>   0x00007feaf0004000 JavaThread "driver-revive-thread" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26379, stack(0x00007feb293d6000,0x00007feb294d7000)]
>   0x00007feaf95ad800 JavaThread "LeaseRenewer:user@devha" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26366, stack(0x00007feb292d5000,0x00007feb293d6000)]
>   0x00007feaf9185800 JavaThread "IPC Parameter Sending Thread #0" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26360, stack(0x00007feb4c694000,0x00007feb4c795000)]
>   0x00007feaf9182800 JavaThread "IPC Client (1826709188) connection to 
> hadoopmon.DOMAIN.COM/ from u...@domain.com" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26359, stack(0x00007feb4c795000,0x00007feb4c896000)]
>   0x00007feaf8576000 JavaThread "client DomainSocketWatcher" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26358, stack(0x00007feb4d8a0000,0x00007feb4d9a1000)]
>   0x00007feaf8752000 JavaThread "dag-scheduler-event-loop" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26356, stack(0x00007feb4d9a1000,0x00007feb4daa2000)]
>   0x00007feaf401d000 JavaThread "netty-rpc-env-timeout" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26355, stack(0x00007feb4d4f3000,0x00007feb4d5f4000)]
>   0x00007feaf8709000 JavaThread "Timer-0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=26354, 
> stack(0x00007feb4d5f4000,0x00007feb4d6f5000)]
>   0x00007feaf0002000 JavaThread "heartbeat-receiver-event-loop-thread" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26353, stack(0x00007feb4d6f5000,0x00007feb4d7f6000)]
>   0x00007feaf8664000 JavaThread "SparkUI-42" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26351, stack(0x00007feb4dba3000,0x00007feb4dca4000)]
>   0x00007feaf865f000 JavaThread "SparkUI-39" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26348, stack(0x00007feb4dea6000,0x00007feb4dfa7000)]
>   0x00007feaf865d000 JavaThread 
> "SparkUI-38-acceptor-0@53e7a0f4-ServerConnector@5d2054f8{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}"
>  daemon [_thread_in_native, id=26347, 
> stack(0x00007feb4dfa7000,0x00007feb4e0a8000)]
>   0x00007feaf8654000 JavaThread "SparkUI-36" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26345, stack(0x00007feb4e1a9000,0x00007feb4e2aa000)]
>   0x00007feaf84cd000 JavaThread "RemoteBlock-temp-file-clean-thread" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26344, stack(0x00007feb4e4ed000,0x00007feb4e5ee000)]
>   0x00007feaf8348800 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-7" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26343, stack(0x00007feb4e7ee000,0x00007feb4e8ef000)]
>   0x00007feaf8346800 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-6" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26342, stack(0x00007feb4e8ef000,0x00007feb4e9f0000)]
>   0x00007feaf8344800 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-5" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26341, stack(0x00007feb4e9f0000,0x00007feb4eaf1000)]
>   0x00007feaf8342800 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-4" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26340, stack(0x00007feb4eaf1000,0x00007feb4ebf2000)]
>   0x00007feaf8341000 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-3" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26339, stack(0x00007feb4ebf2000,0x00007feb4ecf3000)]
>   0x00007feaf8338000 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-2" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26338, stack(0x00007feb4ecf3000,0x00007feb4edf4000)]
>   0x00007feaf833b000 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-1" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26337, stack(0x00007feb4edf4000,0x00007feb4eef5000)]
>   0x00007feaf833d000 JavaThread "map-output-dispatcher-0" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26336, stack(0x00007feb4eef5000,0x00007feb4eff6000)]
>   0x00007feaf8310000 JavaThread "rpc-server-3-1" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26335, stack(0x00007feb4eff6000,0x00007feb4f0f7000)]
>   0x00007feaf80e8000 JavaThread "dispatcher-event-loop-3" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26334, stack(0x00007feb4f2f7000,0x00007feb4f3f8000)]
>   0x00007feaf80e6800 JavaThread "dispatcher-event-loop-2" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26333, stack(0x00007feb4f3f8000,0x00007feb4f4f9000)]
>   0x00007feaf80e4800 JavaThread "dispatcher-event-loop-1" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26332, stack(0x00007feb4f4f9000,0x00007feb4f5fa000)]
>   0x00007feaf80e2800 JavaThread "dispatcher-event-loop-0" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26331, stack(0x00007feb4f5fa000,0x00007feb4f6fb000)]
>   0x00007feaf4008800 JavaThread "Thread-8" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=26330, 
> stack(0x00007feb4f8fb000,0x00007feb4f9fc000)]
>   0x00007feb6d371000 JavaThread "redirect output" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26327, stack(0x00007feb4fafd000,0x00007feb4fbfe000)]
>   0x00007feb0002c000 JavaThread "Thread-7" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26325, stack(0x00007feb4f9fc000,0x00007feb4fafd000)]
>   0x00007feb6c116800 JavaThread "pool-2-thread-1" [_thread_blocked, id=26323, 
> stack(0x00007feb4fbfe000,0x00007feb4fcff000)]
>   0x00007feb6d2c9800 JavaThread 
> "org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Statistics$StatisticsDataReferenceCleaner" 
> daemon [_thread_blocked, id=26166, 
> stack(0x00007feb4fcff000,0x00007feb4fe00000)]
>   0x00007feb6d162000 JavaThread "TGT Renewer for u...@domain.com" daemon 
> [_thread_blocked, id=26164, stack(0x00007feb54ccd000,0x00007feb54dce000)]
>   0x00007feb6d091800 JavaThread "process reaper" daemon [_thread_in_native, 
> id=26160, stack(0x00007feb54dce000,0x00007feb54e07000)]
>   0x00007feb6c0d1000 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26156, stack(0x00007feb5668d000,0x00007feb5678e000)]
>   0x00007feb6c0c5800 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread2" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26155, stack(0x00007feb5678f000,0x00007feb5688f000)]
>   0x00007feb6c0c4000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26154, stack(0x00007feb56890000,0x00007feb56990000)]
>   0x00007feb6c0c1000 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon 
> [_thread_in_native, id=26153, stack(0x00007feb56991000,0x00007feb56a91000)]
>   0x00007feb6c0bf000 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26152, stack(0x00007feb56a91000,0x00007feb56b92000)]
>   0x00007feb6c08b800 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26151, stack(0x00007feb56b92000,0x00007feb56c93000)]
>   0x00007feb6c087000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, 
> id=26150, stack(0x00007feb56c93000,0x00007feb56d94000)]
>   0x00007feb6c011000 JavaThread "main" [_thread_blocked, id=26144, 
> stack(0x00007feb74893000,0x00007feb74993000)]
> Other Threads:
>   0x00007feb6c07f800 VMThread [stack: 0x00007feb56d95000,0x00007feb56e95000] 
> [id=26149]
>   0x00007feb6c0d4800 WatcherThread [stack: 
> 0x00007feb5658d000,0x00007feb5668d000] [id=26157]
> VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
> VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
> Heap:
>  PSYoungGen      total 625152K, used 227799K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000796b80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 592896K, 33% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x0000000776d2c898,0x000000078ee00000)
>   from space 32256K, 89% used 
> [0x000000078ee00000,0x0000000790a496f8,0x0000000790d80000)
>   to   space 33280K, 0% used 
> [0x0000000794b00000,0x0000000794b00000,0x0000000796b80000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 264219K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 71% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006d0206e60,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 110824K, capacity 112784K, committed 113112K, reserved 
> 1146880K
>   class space    used 15277K, capacity 15742K, committed 15832K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> Card table byte_map: [0x00007feb70a4d000,0x00007feb7124e000] byte_map_base: 
> 0x00007feb6d44d000
> Marking Bits: (ParMarkBitMap*) 0x00007feb73d51c60
>  Begin Bits: [0x00007feb38000000, 0x00007feb3c000000)
>  End Bits:   [0x00007feb3c000000, 0x00007feb40000000)
> Polling page: 0x00007feb749a1000
> CodeCache: size=245760Kb used=62421Kb max_used=62553Kb free=183338Kb
>  bounds [0x00007feb5d000000, 0x00007feb60d90000, 0x00007feb6c000000]
>  total_blobs=18880 nmethods=18106 adapters=682
>  compilation: enabled
> Compilation events (10 events):
> Event: 929.054 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 23388       3       
> org.apache.spark.util.JsonProtocol$::sparkEventToJson (463 bytes)
> Event: 929.056 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 nmethod 23388 0x00007feb60d7fa50 
> code [0x00007feb60d7fec0, 0x00007feb60d83858]
> Event: 929.058 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 23389       3       
> org.apache.spark.SparkConf$$anonfun$loadFromSystemProperties$3::apply (51 
> bytes)
> Event: 929.059 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 nmethod 23389 0x00007feb60d76d10 
> code [0x00007feb60d76ec0, 0x00007feb60d774b8]
> Event: 929.060 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c4000 23390       4       
> org.codehaus.janino.Parser::parseAssignmentExpression (139 bytes)
> Event: 929.064 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 23393       3       
> org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler::getOuterClasses (32 bytes)
> Event: 929.065 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 nmethod 23393 0x00007feb5deaa450 
> code [0x00007feb5deaa640, 0x00007feb5deaae78]
> Event: 929.067 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c1000 nmethod 23348 0x00007feb5da59350 
> code [0x00007feb5da59560, 0x00007feb5da5a358]
> Event: 929.067 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c1000 23395       4       
> org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler::getReferenceType (1104 bytes)
> Event: 929.067 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 23397       3       
> org.codehaus.janino.util.ClassFile::access$1900 (5 bytes)
> GC Heap History (10 events):
> Event: 877.880 GC heap before
> {Heap before GC invocations=62 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 599040K, used 587445K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000791c80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 568832K, 100% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078d680000,0x000000078d680000)
>   from space 30208K, 61% used 
> [0x000000078ff00000,0x000000079112d410,0x0000000791c80000)
>   to   space 35840K, 0% used 
> [0x000000078d680000,0x000000078d680000,0x000000078f980000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 253146K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 68% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cf736a18,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 109768K, capacity 111614K, committed 111960K, reserved 
> 1144832K
>   class space    used 15163K, capacity 15586K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> Event: 877.894 GC heap after
> Heap after GC invocations=62 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 604672K, used 21973K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000793f00000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 568832K, 0% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078d680000)
>   from space 35840K, 61% used 
> [0x000000078d680000,0x000000078ebf5458,0x000000078f980000)
>   to   space 34816K, 0% used 
> [0x0000000791d00000,0x0000000791d00000,0x0000000793f00000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 253146K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 68% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cf736a18,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 109768K, capacity 111614K, committed 111960K, reserved 
> 1144832K
>   class space    used 15163K, capacity 15586K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> }
> Event: 903.404 GC heap before
> {Heap before GC invocations=63 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 604672K, used 590805K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000793f00000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 568832K, 100% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078d680000,0x000000078d680000)
>   from space 35840K, 61% used 
> [0x000000078d680000,0x000000078ebf5458,0x000000078f980000)
>   to   space 34816K, 0% used 
> [0x0000000791d00000,0x0000000791d00000,0x0000000793f00000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 253146K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 68% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cf736a18,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 109772K, capacity 111614K, committed 111960K, reserved 
> 1144832K
>   class space    used 15163K, capacity 15586K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> Event: 903.426 GC heap after
> Heap after GC invocations=63 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 628736K, used 22775K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000793800000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 601088K, 0% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078f600000)
>   from space 27648K, 82% used 
> [0x0000000791d00000,0x000000079333de48,0x0000000793800000)
>   to   space 33792K, 0% used 
> [0x000000078f600000,0x000000078f600000,0x0000000791700000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 253690K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 69% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cf7bea18,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 109772K, capacity 111614K, committed 111960K, reserved 
> 1144832K
>   class space    used 15163K, capacity 15586K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> }
> Event: 923.180 GC heap before
> {Heap before GC invocations=64 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 628736K, used 622882K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000793800000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 601088K, 99% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078f50ada8,0x000000078f600000)
>   from space 27648K, 82% used 
> [0x0000000791d00000,0x000000079333de48,0x0000000793800000)
>   to   space 33792K, 0% used 
> [0x000000078f600000,0x000000078f600000,0x0000000791700000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 253690K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 69% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cf7bea18,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 109777K, capacity 111614K, committed 111960K, reserved 
> 1144832K
>   class space    used 15163K, capacity 15586K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> Event: 923.202 GC heap after
> Heap after GC invocations=64 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 600064K, used 23635K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000791d80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 576000K, 0% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078dd80000)
>   from space 24064K, 98% used 
> [0x000000078f600000,0x0000000790d14d80,0x0000000790d80000)
>   to   space 16384K, 0% used 
> [0x0000000790d80000,0x0000000790d80000,0x0000000791d80000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 254202K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 69% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cf83ea18,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 109777K, capacity 111614K, committed 111960K, reserved 
> 1144832K
>   class space    used 15163K, capacity 15586K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> }
> Event: 927.949 GC heap before
> {Heap before GC invocations=65 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 600064K, used 599635K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000791d80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 576000K, 100% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078dd80000,0x000000078dd80000)
>   from space 24064K, 98% used 
> [0x000000078f600000,0x0000000790d14d80,0x0000000790d80000)
>   to   space 16384K, 0% used 
> [0x0000000790d80000,0x0000000790d80000,0x0000000791d80000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 257522K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 70% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006cfb7cb38,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 110345K, capacity 112206K, committed 112472K, reserved 
> 1146880K
>   class space    used 15220K, capacity 15626K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> Event: 927.970 GC heap after
> Heap after GC invocations=65 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 609280K, used 16381K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000793c80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 592896K, 0% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078ee00000)
>   from space 16384K, 99% used 
> [0x0000000790d80000,0x0000000791d7f670,0x0000000791d80000)
>   to   space 32256K, 0% used 
> [0x000000078ee00000,0x000000078ee00000,0x0000000790d80000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 263550K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 71% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006d015f980,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 110345K, capacity 112206K, committed 112472K, reserved 
> 1146880K
>   class space    used 15220K, capacity 15626K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> }
> Event: 928.822 GC heap before
> {Heap before GC invocations=66 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 609280K, used 609277K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000793c80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 592896K, 100% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078ee00000,0x000000078ee00000)
>   from space 16384K, 99% used 
> [0x0000000790d80000,0x0000000791d7f670,0x0000000791d80000)
>   to   space 32256K, 0% used 
> [0x000000078ee00000,0x000000078ee00000,0x0000000790d80000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 263552K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 71% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006d0160040,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 110612K, capacity 112580K, committed 112728K, reserved 
> 1146880K
>   class space    used 15241K, capacity 15696K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> Event: 928.842 GC heap after
> Heap after GC invocations=66 (full 5):
>  PSYoungGen      total 625152K, used 28965K [0x000000076ab00000, 
> 0x0000000796b80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
>   eden space 592896K, 0% used 
> [0x000000076ab00000,0x000000076ab00000,0x000000078ee00000)
>   from space 32256K, 89% used 
> [0x000000078ee00000,0x0000000790a496f8,0x0000000790d80000)
>   to   space 33280K, 0% used 
> [0x0000000794b00000,0x0000000794b00000,0x0000000796b80000)
>  ParOldGen       total 367104K, used 264219K [0x00000006c0000000, 
> 0x00000006d6680000, 0x000000076ab00000)
>   object space 367104K, 71% used 
> [0x00000006c0000000,0x00000006d0206e60,0x00000006d6680000)
>  Metaspace       used 110612K, capacity 112580K, committed 112728K, reserved 
> 1146880K
>   class space    used 15241K, capacity 15696K, committed 15704K, reserved 
> 1048576K
> }
> Deoptimization events (10 events):
> Event: 929.018 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Uncommon trap: reason=unstable_if 
> action=reinterpret pc=0x00007feb5e26520c 
> method=io.netty.buffer.PoolChunkList.allocate(Lio/netty/buffer/PooledByteBuf;II)Z
>  @ 70
> Event: 929.023 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Uncommon trap: reason=bimorphic 
> action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007feb5d18669c 
> method=io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.setIndex(II)Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf; 
> @ 11
> Event: 929.023 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Uncommon trap: reason=class_check 
> action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007feb5d90a204 
> method=org.apache.spark.network.server.TransportChannelHandler.channelRead(Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
>  @ 22
> Event: 929.027 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Uncommon trap: 
> reason=speculate_class_check action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007feb5f14b2f0 
> method=io.netty.buffer.AbstractDerivedByteBuf.release0()Z @ 1
> Event: 929.027 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Uncommon trap: reason=unstable_if 
> action=reinterpret pc=0x00007feb5f14b764 
> method=io.netty.buffer.PoolThreadCache.cache([Lio/netty/buffer/PoolThreadCache$MemoryRegionCache;I)Lio/netty/buffer/PoolThreadCache$MemoryRegionCache;
>  @ 1
> Event: 929.033 Thread 0x00007feaec1ef800 Uncommon trap: reason=unstable_if 
> action=reinterpret pc=0x00007feb5d6c91f8 
> method=com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input.readVarInt(Z)I @ 114
> Event: 929.047 Thread 0x00007feaf8310000 Uncommon trap: reason=class_check 
> action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007feb5ffcf684 
> method=org.apache.spark.storage.BlockId$.apply(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/apache/spark/storage/BlockId;
>  @ 639
> Event: 929.048 Thread 0x00007feaf80e8000 Uncommon trap: reason=bimorphic 
> action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007feb5e45a964 
> method=org.apache.spark.storage.BlockId.toString()Ljava/lang/String; @ 1
> Event: 929.072 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 Uncommon trap: reason=unstable_if 
> action=reinterpret pc=0x00007feb5feea734 
> method=java.math.BigDecimal.createAndStripZerosToMatchScale(Ljava/math/BigInteger;IJ)Ljava/math/BigDecimal;
>  @ 7
> Event: 929.073 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 Uncommon trap: reason=class_check 
> action=maybe_recompile pc=0x00007feb5ea47818 
> method=scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToLong(Ljava/lang/Object;)J @ 9
> Internal exceptions (10 events):
> Event: 875.035 Thread 0x00007feaf8752000 Exception <a 
> 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError': <clinit>> (0x000000078a4522c0) thrown at 
> [/HUDSON3/workspace/8-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk8u102/7268/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp,
>  line 1613]
> Event: 928.817 Thread 0x00007feaec1ef800 Exception <a 
> 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError': <clinit>> (0x000000078eb19dd0) thrown at 
> [/HUDSON3/workspace/8-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk8u102/7268/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp,
>  line 1613]
> Event: 928.817 Thread 0x00007feaec1ef800 Exception <a 
> 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError': <clinit>> (0x000000078eb413a8) thrown at 
> [/HUDSON3/workspace/8-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk8u102/7268/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp,
>  line 1613]
> Event: 928.896 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Implicit null exception at 
> 0x00007feb5e57dbe4 to 0x00007feb5e57f715
> Event: 928.899 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Implicit null exception at 
> 0x00007feb5f1c16b6 to 0x00007feb5f1c2299
> Event: 928.903 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Implicit null exception at 
> 0x00007feb5f1bf541 to 0x00007feb5f1c0019
> Event: 928.903 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Implicit null exception at 
> 0x00007feb5f1b9e22 to 0x00007feb5f1ba0a1
> Event: 928.909 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Implicit null exception at 
> 0x00007feb5f3981d5 to 0x00007feb5f398249
> Event: 929.027 Thread 0x00007feaf95e1000 Implicit null exception at 
> 0x00007feb5f14b089 to 0x00007feb5f14b729
> Event: 929.037 Thread 0x00007feaf80e6800 Exception <a 
> 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError': <clinit>> (0x0000000771c46118) thrown at 
> [/HUDSON3/workspace/8-2-build-linux-amd64/jdk8u102/7268/hotspot/src/share/vm/prims/jni.cpp,
>  line 1613]
> Events (10 events):
> Event: 929.067 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 flushing nmethod 0x00007feb5e3174d0
> Event: 929.067 Thread 0x00007feb6c0c5800 flushing nmethod 0x00007feb5e345c90
> Event: 929.067 loading class 
> org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/GeneratedClass$SpecificUnsafeProjection
> Event: 929.067 loading class 
> org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/GeneratedClass$SpecificUnsafeProjection
>  done
> Event: 929.072 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 Uncommon trap: 
> trap_request=0xffffff65 fr.pc=0x00007feb5feea734
> Event: 929.072 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x00007feb5feea734 
> sp=0x00007feabf1c8ba0
> Event: 929.072 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 DEOPT UNPACKING 
> pc=0x00007feb5d005229 sp=0x00007feabf1c89e8 mode 2
> Event: 929.073 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 Uncommon trap: 
> trap_request=0xffffffde fr.pc=0x00007feb5ea47818
> Event: 929.073 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x00007feb5ea47818 
> sp=0x00007feabf1c8ad0
> Event: 929.073 Thread 0x00007feaf8c54000 DEOPT UNPACKING 
> pc=0x00007feb5d005229 sp=0x00007feabf1c8a98 mode 2
> Dynamic libraries:
> 00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 394870                             
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/bin/java
> 00600000-00601000 rw-p 00000000 fd:00 394870                             
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/bin/java
> 02039000-028bc000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  
> [heap]
> 6c0000000-6d6680000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 6d6680000-76ab00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 76ab00000-796b80000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 796b80000-7c0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7c0000000-7c0f76000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7c0f76000-800000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabd6bf000-7feabe6c0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe6c0000-7feabe6c3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe6c3000-7feabe7c1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe7c1000-7feabe7c4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe7c4000-7feabe8c2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe8c2000-7feabe8c5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe8c5000-7feabe9c3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe9c3000-7feabe9c6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabe9c6000-7feabeac4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabeac4000-7feabeac7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabeac7000-7feabebc5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabebc5000-7feabebc8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabebc8000-7feabecc6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabecc6000-7feabecc9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabecc9000-7feabedc7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabedc7000-7feabedca000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabedca000-7feabeec8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabeec8000-7feabeecb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabeecb000-7feabefc9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabefc9000-7feabefcc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabefcc000-7feabf0ca000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf0ca000-7feabf0cd000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf0cd000-7feabf2cb000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf2cb000-7feabf3cb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf3cb000-7feabf3ce000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf3ce000-7feabf4cc000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf4cc000-7feabf4cf000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf4cf000-7feabf7cd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf7cd000-7feabf9cd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabf9cd000-7feabfbcd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabfbcd000-7feabfdcd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabfdcd000-7feabfdd0000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabfdd0000-7feabfece000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabfece000-7feabfed1000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabfed1000-7feabffcf000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabffcf000-7feabffd2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feabffd2000-7feac00d0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac00d0000-7feac00d3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac00d3000-7feac01d1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac01d1000-7feac01d4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac01d4000-7feac02d2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac02d2000-7feac02d5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac02d5000-7feac03d3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac03d3000-7feac03d6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac03d6000-7feac06d4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac06d4000-7feac08d4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac08d4000-7feac08d7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac08d7000-7feac09d5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac09d5000-7feac09d8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac09d8000-7feac0ad6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0ad6000-7feac0ad9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0ad9000-7feac0bd7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0bd7000-7feac0bda000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0bda000-7feac0cd8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0cd8000-7feac0cdb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0cdb000-7feac0dd9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0dd9000-7feac0ddc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac0ddc000-7feac10da000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac10da000-7feac10dd000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac10dd000-7feac11db000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac11db000-7feac11de000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac11de000-7feac24dd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac24dd000-7feac24e0000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac24e0000-7feac27de000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac27de000-7feac29de000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac29de000-7feac2bde000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac2bde000-7feac2be1000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac2be1000-7feac2cdf000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac2cdf000-7feac2ce2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac2ce2000-7feac2de0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac2de0000-7feac2de3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac2de3000-7feac30e1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac30e1000-7feac32e1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac32e1000-7feac42e2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac42e2000-7feac42e5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac42e5000-7feac53e4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac53e4000-7feac53e7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac53e7000-7feac64e6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac64e6000-7feac64e9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac64e9000-7feac67e7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac67e7000-7feac67ea000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac67ea000-7feac6ae8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac6ae8000-7feac6ce8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac6ce8000-7feac6cf5000 r-xp 00000000 fd:0a 16657494                   
> /data/home/user/tmp/liblz4-java2282870054510027639.so
> 7feac6cf5000-7feac6ef4000 ---p 0000d000 fd:0a 16657494                   
> /data/home/user/tmp/liblz4-java2282870054510027639.so
> 7feac6ef4000-7feac6ef5000 rw-p 0000c000 fd:0a 16657494                   
> /data/home/user/tmp/liblz4-java2282870054510027639.so
> 7feac6ef5000-7feac70f5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac70f5000-7feac72f5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac72f5000-7feac72f8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac72f8000-7feac73f6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac73f6000-7feac73f9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac73f9000-7feac76f7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac76f7000-7feac76fa000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac76fa000-7feac79f8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac79f8000-7feac79fb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac79fb000-7feac7af9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac7af9000-7feac7afc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac7afc000-7feac9bfc000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac9bfc000-7feac9bff000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac9bff000-7feac9cfd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac9cfd000-7feac9d00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac9d00000-7feac9ffe000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feac9ffe000-7feacc000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feacc000000-7feaccff8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaccff8000-7fead0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fead0000000-7fead1646000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fead1646000-7fead4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fead4000000-7fead5323000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fead5323000-7fead8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fead8000000-7fead8566000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fead8566000-7feadc000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feadc000000-7feadc6a9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feadc6a9000-7feae0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feae0000000-7feae0ce8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feae0ce8000-7feae4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feae4000000-7feae474a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feae474a000-7feae8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feae8000000-7feaea499000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaea499000-7feaec000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaec000000-7feaed327000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaed327000-7feaf0000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaf0000000-7feaf1190000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaf1190000-7feaf4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaf4000000-7feaf4694000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaf4694000-7feaf8000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaf8000000-7feaf9611000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feaf9611000-7feafc000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feafc000000-7feafc021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feafc021000-7feb00000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb00000000-7feb006b4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb006b4000-7feb04000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb04000000-7feb04061000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb04061000-7feb08000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb08000000-7feb083a9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb083a9000-7feb0c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb0c000000-7feb0c021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb0c021000-7feb10000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb10000000-7feb10023000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb10023000-7feb14000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb14000000-7feb158f5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb158f5000-7feb18000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb18000000-7feb18021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb18021000-7feb1c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb1c000000-7feb1e3e1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb1e3e1000-7feb20000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb20000000-7feb21849000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb21849000-7feb24000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb24000000-7feb24100000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb24100000-7feb28000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb280c9000-7feb280cc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb280cc000-7feb281ca000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb281ca000-7feb281cd000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb281cd000-7feb282cb000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb282cb000-7feb282ce000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb282ce000-7feb283cc000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb283cc000-7feb283cf000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb283cf000-7feb284cd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb284cd000-7feb284d0000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb284d0000-7feb285ce000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb285ce000-7feb285d1000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb285d1000-7feb286cf000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb286cf000-7feb286d2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb286d2000-7feb289d0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb289d0000-7feb289d3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb289d3000-7feb28ad1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28ad1000-7feb28ad4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28ad4000-7feb28bd2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28bd2000-7feb28bd5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28bd5000-7feb28cd3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28cd3000-7feb28cd6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28cd6000-7feb28fd4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28fd4000-7feb28fd7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb28fd7000-7feb292d5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb292d5000-7feb292d8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb292d8000-7feb293d6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb293d6000-7feb293d9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb293d9000-7feb296d7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb296d7000-7feb298d7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb298d7000-7feb29ad7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb29ad7000-7feb30000000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 20991                      
> /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
> 7feb30000000-7feb30175000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb30175000-7feb34000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb34000000-7feb340e3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb340e3000-7feb38000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb38000000-7feb40000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb40000000-7feb40403000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb40403000-7feb44000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb44000000-7feb4470b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4470b000-7feb48000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb48000000-7feb4805d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4805d000-7feb4c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c092000-7feb4c292000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c292000-7feb4c492000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c492000-7feb4c495000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c495000-7feb4c593000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c593000-7feb4c596000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c596000-7feb4c694000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c694000-7feb4c697000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c697000-7feb4c795000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c795000-7feb4c798000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4c798000-7feb4ca96000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4ca96000-7feb4cc96000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4cc96000-7feb4ce96000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4ce96000-7feb4ceab000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 19342                      
> /usr/lib64/libgcc_s-4.8.5-20150702.so.1
> 7feb4ceab000-7feb4d0aa000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 19342                      
> /usr/lib64/libgcc_s-4.8.5-20150702.so.1
> 7feb4d0aa000-7feb4d0ab000 r--p 00014000 fd:00 19342                      
> /usr/lib64/libgcc_s-4.8.5-20150702.so.1
> 7feb4d0ab000-7feb4d0ac000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 19342                      
> /usr/lib64/libgcc_s-4.8.5-20150702.so.1
> 7feb4d0ac000-7feb4d0de000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395054                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libsunec.so
> 7feb4d0de000-7feb4d2dd000 ---p 00032000 fd:00 395054                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libsunec.so
> 7feb4d2dd000-7feb4d2e3000 rw-p 00031000 fd:00 395054                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libsunec.so
> 7feb4d2e3000-7feb4d4f3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d4f3000-7feb4d4f6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d4f6000-7feb4d5f4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d5f4000-7feb4d5f7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d5f7000-7feb4d6f5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d6f5000-7feb4d6f8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d6f8000-7feb4d7f6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d8a0000-7feb4d8a3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d8a3000-7feb4d9a1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d9a1000-7feb4d9a4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4d9a4000-7feb4daa2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4daa2000-7feb4daa5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4daa5000-7feb4dba3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dba3000-7feb4dba6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dba6000-7feb4dca4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dca4000-7feb4dca7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dca7000-7feb4dda5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dda5000-7feb4dda8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dda8000-7feb4dea6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dea6000-7feb4dea9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dea9000-7feb4dfa7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dfa7000-7feb4dfaa000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4dfaa000-7feb4e0a8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e0a8000-7feb4e0ab000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e0ab000-7feb4e1a9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e1a9000-7feb4e1ac000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e1ac000-7feb4e2aa000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e2ed000-7feb4e4ed000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e4ed000-7feb4e4f0000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e4f0000-7feb4e7ee000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e7ee000-7feb4e7f1000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e7f1000-7feb4e8ef000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e8ef000-7feb4e8f2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e8f2000-7feb4e9f0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e9f0000-7feb4e9f3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4e9f3000-7feb4eaf1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4eaf1000-7feb4eaf4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4eaf4000-7feb4ebf2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4ebf2000-7feb4ebf5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4ebf5000-7feb4ecf3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4ecf3000-7feb4ecf6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4ecf6000-7feb4edf4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4edf4000-7feb4edf7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4edf7000-7feb4eef5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4eef5000-7feb4eef8000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4eef8000-7feb4eff6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4eff6000-7feb4eff9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4eff9000-7feb4f2f7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f2f7000-7feb4f2fa000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f2fa000-7feb4f3f8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f3f8000-7feb4f3fb000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f3fb000-7feb4f4f9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f4f9000-7feb4f4fc000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f4fc000-7feb4f5fa000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f5fa000-7feb4f5fd000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f5fd000-7feb4f8fb000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f8fb000-7feb4f8fe000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f8fe000-7feb4f9fc000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f9fc000-7feb4f9ff000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4f9ff000-7feb4fafd000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4fafd000-7feb4fb00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4fb00000-7feb4fbfe000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4fbfe000-7feb4fc01000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4fc01000-7feb4fcff000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4fcff000-7feb4fd02000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb4fd02000-7feb50000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb50000000-7feb50051000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb50051000-7feb54000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5402d000-7feb5402e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5402e000-7feb54031000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54031000-7feb54067000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54067000-7feb5406c000 r--s 002f8000 fd:00 395245                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/charsets.jar
> 7feb5406c000-7feb54081000 r--s 000ff000 fd:00 395308                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/resources.jar
> 7feb54081000-7feb54087000 r--s 0003e000 fd:00 395194                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar
> 7feb54087000-7feb54287000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54287000-7feb54298000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395044                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libnio.so
> 7feb54298000-7feb54497000 ---p 00011000 fd:00 395044                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libnio.so
> 7feb54497000-7feb54498000 rw-p 00010000 fd:00 395044                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libnio.so
> 7feb54498000-7feb54699000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54699000-7feb5469a000 r--s 00009000 fd:00 395193                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar
> 7feb5469a000-7feb5469e000 r--s 00039000 fd:00 395195                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar
> 7feb5469e000-7feb546a1000 r--s 0001a000 fd:00 395238                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/jce.jar
> 7feb546a1000-7feb546a2000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395021                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libjaas_unix.so
> 7feb546a2000-7feb548a1000 ---p 00001000 fd:00 395021                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libjaas_unix.so
> 7feb548a1000-7feb548a2000 rw-p 00000000 fd:00 395021                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libjaas_unix.so
> 7feb548a2000-7feb548c3000 r-xp 00000000 fd:0a 1580519                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb548c3000-7feb54ac2000 ---p 00021000 fd:0a 1580519                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb54ac2000-7feb54ac3000 r--p 00020000 fd:0a 1580519                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb54ac3000-7feb54ac4000 rw-p 00021000 fd:0a 1580519                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb54ac4000-7feb54acd000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395041                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libmanagement.so
> 7feb54acd000-7feb54ccc000 ---p 00009000 fd:00 395041                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libmanagement.so
> 7feb54ccc000-7feb54ccd000 rw-p 00008000 fd:00 395041                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libmanagement.so
> 7feb54ccd000-7feb54cd0000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54cd0000-7feb54dce000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54dce000-7feb54dd1000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb54dd1000-7feb55007000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb55007000-7feb5500c000 r--s 00096000 fd:00 395309                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/jsse.jar
> 7feb5500c000-7feb5520c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5520c000-7feb55241000 r--s 00000000 fd:04 1441874                    
> /var/db/nscd/hosts
> 7feb55241000-7feb55257000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395043                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libnet.so
> 7feb55257000-7feb55457000 ---p 00016000 fd:00 395043                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libnet.so
> 7feb55457000-7feb55458000 rw-p 00016000 fd:00 395043                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libnet.so
> 7feb55458000-7feb55658000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb55658000-7feb5565a000 r--s 0001e000 fd:0a 1845228                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5565a000-7feb5565b000 r--s 00001000 fd:0a 1845349                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5565b000-7feb55662000 r--s 00051000 fd:0a 1845381                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55662000-7feb55664000 r--s 0000b000 fd:0a 1845434                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55664000-7feb55668000 r--s 0002f000 fd:0a 1845263                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55668000-7feb5566c000 r--s 00028000 fd:0a 1845367                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5566c000-7feb55670000 r--s 00014000 fd:0a 1845459                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55670000-7feb55673000 r--s 000fd000 fd:0a 1845382                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55673000-7feb55689000 r--s 001a4000 fd:0a 1845288                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55689000-7feb5568a000 r--s 00002000 fd:0a 1845291                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5568a000-7feb55690000 r--s 00034000 fd:0a 1845384                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55690000-7feb5573b000 r--s 007a2000 fd:0a 1845442                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5573b000-7feb55764000 r--s 001ee000 fd:0a 1845298                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55764000-7feb55766000 r--s 00012000 fd:0a 1845238                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55766000-7feb55795000 r--s 002e5000 fd:0a 1845289                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55795000-7feb557a9000 r--s 000ec000 fd:0a 1845412                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb557a9000-7feb557b0000 r--s 0003f000 fd:0a 1845265                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb557b0000-7feb557b7000 r--s 00049000 fd:0a 1845332                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb557b7000-7feb557bc000 r--s 0003b000 fd:0a 1845304                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb557bc000-7feb557c7000 r--s 0005d000 fd:0a 1845418                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb557c7000-7feb5580d000 r--s 00317000 fd:0a 1845422                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5580d000-7feb55810000 r--s 00016000 fd:0a 1845318                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55810000-7feb55813000 r--s 00012000 fd:0a 1845428                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55813000-7feb55817000 r--s 0002a000 fd:0a 1845274                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55817000-7feb55830000 r--s 00150000 fd:0a 1845330                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55830000-7feb5583d000 r--s 000ac000 fd:0a 1845310                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5583d000-7feb5584e000 r--s 0010c000 fd:0a 1845337                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5584e000-7feb55861000 r--s 0014e000 fd:0a 1845401                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55861000-7feb55863000 r--s 0000e000 fd:0a 1845300                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55863000-7feb55865000 r--s 00000000 fd:0a 1845380                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55865000-7feb55867000 r--s 00012000 fd:0a 1845435                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55867000-7feb5586a000 r--s 0001b000 fd:0a 1845440                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5586a000-7feb5586c000 r--s 00100000 fd:0a 1845426                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5586c000-7feb55944000 r--s 00d92000 fd:0a 1845256                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55944000-7feb55946000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845390                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55946000-7feb55947000 r--s 00001000 fd:0a 1845293                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55947000-7feb5594b000 r--s 00031000 fd:0a 1845368                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5594b000-7feb55951000 r--s 00038000 fd:0a 1845410                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55951000-7feb55953000 r--s 0000f000 fd:0a 1845399                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55953000-7feb55955000 r--s 00012000 fd:0a 1845281                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55955000-7feb55973000 r--s 001e9000 fd:0a 1845315                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55973000-7feb55974000 r--s 00001000 fd:0a 1845296                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55974000-7feb55975000 r--s 0000b000 fd:0a 1845338                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55975000-7feb55978000 r--s 00021000 fd:0a 1845456                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55978000-7feb5597d000 r--s 00068000 fd:0a 1845229                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5597d000-7feb5597f000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845252                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5597f000-7feb55981000 r--s 00002000 fd:0a 1845233                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55981000-7feb55982000 r--s 00000000 fd:0a 1845306                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55982000-7feb55994000 r--s 00097000 fd:0a 1845236                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55994000-7feb5599f000 r--s 00073000 fd:0a 1845246                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5599f000-7feb559a9000 r--s 000af000 fd:0a 1845402                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559a9000-7feb559ab000 r--s 0000f000 fd:0a 1845227                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559ab000-7feb559ac000 r--s 0000b000 fd:0a 1845445                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559ac000-7feb559ae000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845264                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559ae000-7feb559b1000 r--s 00028000 fd:0a 1845451                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559b1000-7feb559b3000 r--s 0001f000 fd:0a 1845270                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559b3000-7feb559b6000 r--s 00019000 fd:0a 1845254                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559b6000-7feb559ce000 r--s 000d6000 fd:0a 1845361                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559ce000-7feb559cf000 r--s 00008000 fd:0a 1845387                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559cf000-7feb559d1000 r--s 00027000 fd:0a 1845282                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559d1000-7feb559d3000 r--s 00012000 fd:0a 1845241                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559d3000-7feb559d6000 r--s 00015000 fd:0a 1845280                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559d6000-7feb559e4000 r--s 0009d000 fd:0a 1845358                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559e4000-7feb559e8000 r--s 00025000 fd:0a 1845230                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559e8000-7feb559ec000 r--s 0002a000 fd:0a 1845255                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb559ec000-7feb55a02000 r--s 00124000 fd:0a 1845333                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a02000-7feb55a03000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845458                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a03000-7feb55a06000 r--s 00011000 fd:0a 1845302                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a06000-7feb55a07000 r--s 00000000 fd:0a 1845388                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a07000-7feb55a09000 r--s 00000000 fd:0a 1845354                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a09000-7feb55a0d000 r--s 00035000 fd:0a 1845336                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a0d000-7feb55a0f000 r--s 0000e000 fd:0a 1845403                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a0f000-7feb55a13000 r--s 00033000 fd:0a 1845261                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a13000-7feb55a1c000 r--s 0006f000 fd:0a 1845385                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a1c000-7feb55a2c000 r--s 00127000 fd:0a 1845242                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a2c000-7feb55a2e000 r--s 00006000 fd:0a 1845441                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a2e000-7feb55a32000 r--s 00033000 fd:0a 1845303                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a32000-7feb55a9d000 r--s 0093d000 fd:0a 1845448                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55a9d000-7feb55ab4000 r--s 000d3000 fd:0a 1845406                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ab4000-7feb55aba000 r--s 0003a000 fd:0a 1845247                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55aba000-7feb55abc000 r--s 0001b000 fd:0a 1845414                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55abc000-7feb55ac0000 r--s 00025000 fd:0a 1845357                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ac0000-7feb55acd000 r--s 00071000 fd:0a 1845342                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55acd000-7feb55ad3000 r--s 00040000 fd:0a 1845408                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ad3000-7feb55b7c000 r--s 00a4f000 fd:0a 1845323                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55b7c000-7feb55b87000 r--s 00062000 fd:0a 1845259                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55b87000-7feb55bbb000 r--s 00277000 fd:0a 1845411                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55bbb000-7feb55bbe000 r--s 00011000 fd:0a 1845249                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55bbe000-7feb55bc0000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845322                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55bc0000-7feb55bd2000 r--s 000b3000 fd:0a 1845421                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55bd2000-7feb55c0b000 r--s 00348000 fd:0a 1845307                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c0b000-7feb55c0e000 r--s 00014000 fd:0a 1845453                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c0e000-7feb55c12000 r--s 0001a000 fd:0a 1845328                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c12000-7feb55c1a000 r--s 00056000 fd:0a 1845454                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c1a000-7feb55c23000 r--s 00062000 fd:0a 1845243                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c23000-7feb55c24000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845339                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c24000-7feb55c28000 r--s 00036000 fd:0a 1845226                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c28000-7feb55c2d000 r--s 0002a000 fd:0a 1845297                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c2d000-7feb55c45000 r--s 00115000 fd:0a 1845457                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c45000-7feb55c46000 r--s 00002000 fd:0a 1845250                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c46000-7feb55c47000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845290                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c47000-7feb55c88000 r--s 0035a000 fd:0a 1845395                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c88000-7feb55c8b000 r--s 00016000 fd:0a 1845376                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c8b000-7feb55c8d000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845237                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c8d000-7feb55c92000 r--s 0002a000 fd:0a 1845262                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c92000-7feb55c93000 r--s 00002000 fd:0a 1845431                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55c93000-7feb55ce6000 r--s 00373000 fd:0a 1845253                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ce6000-7feb55d48000 r--s 004d6000 fd:0a 1845325                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55d48000-7feb55d52000 r--s 000a5000 fd:0a 1845346                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55d52000-7feb55d55000 r--s 00025000 fd:0a 1845271                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55d55000-7feb55d57000 r--s 00017000 fd:0a 1845324                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55d57000-7feb55daf000 r--s 0036c000 fd:0a 1845295                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55daf000-7feb55db2000 r--s 00015000 fd:0a 1845350                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55db2000-7feb55db4000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845355                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55db4000-7feb55db5000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845404                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55db5000-7feb55db9000 r--s 0003c000 fd:0a 1845335                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55db9000-7feb55dbd000 r--s 0000c000 fd:0a 1845455                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55dbd000-7feb55dbf000 r--s 0000b000 fd:0a 1845240                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55dbf000-7feb55dc3000 r--s 00019000 fd:0a 1845314                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55dc3000-7feb55dc9000 r--s 0004c000 fd:0a 1845231                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55dc9000-7feb55ed5000 r--s 00dba000 fd:0a 1845416                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ed5000-7feb55eee000 r--s 0012c000 fd:0a 1845394                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55eee000-7feb55ef4000 r--s 00043000 fd:0a 1845269                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ef4000-7feb55efc000 r--s 00059000 fd:0a 1845352                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55efc000-7feb55f04000 r--s 00066000 fd:0a 1845234                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55f04000-7feb55f08000 r--s 0002c000 fd:0a 1845244                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55f08000-7feb55f12000 r--s 000b6000 fd:0a 1845251                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55f12000-7feb55f14000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845449                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55f14000-7feb55f60000 r--s 00411000 fd:0a 1845419                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55f60000-7feb55fd1000 r--s 007ef000 fd:0a 1845308                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55fd1000-7feb55fdd000 r--s 000b7000 fd:0a 1845344                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55fdd000-7feb55ff7000 r--s 001a2000 fd:0a 1845317                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ff7000-7feb55ffa000 r--s 00015000 fd:0a 1845415                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ffa000-7feb55ffb000 r--s 00001000 fd:0a 1845393                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ffb000-7feb55ffe000 r--s 00006000 fd:0a 1845377                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55ffe000-7feb55fff000 r--s 0000a000 fd:0a 1845235                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb55fff000-7feb56002000 r--s 0000e000 fd:0a 1845360                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56002000-7feb56004000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845359                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56004000-7feb56006000 r--s 0000f000 fd:0a 1845283                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56006000-7feb56093000 r--s 006d5000 fd:0a 1845437                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56093000-7feb56097000 r--s 00029000 fd:0a 1845327                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56097000-7feb5609a000 r--s 00017000 fd:0a 1845353                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5609a000-7feb560bb000 r--s 00177000 fd:0a 1845329                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb560bb000-7feb560be000 r--s 00011000 fd:0a 1845372                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb560be000-7feb56117000 r--s 00522000 fd:0a 1845417                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56117000-7feb5611b000 r--s 00029000 fd:0a 1845436                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5611b000-7feb5611c000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845312                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5611c000-7feb5611f000 r--s 00016000 fd:0a 1845292                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5611f000-7feb56129000 r--s 00076000 fd:0a 1845309                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56129000-7feb5612b000 r--s 00010000 fd:0a 1845362                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5612b000-7feb56130000 r--s 0004c000 fd:0a 1845398                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56130000-7feb56131000 r--s 00002000 fd:0a 1845371                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56131000-7feb56133000 r--s 00005000 fd:0a 1845450                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56133000-7feb56136000 r--s 00058000 fd:0a 1845386                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56136000-7feb5614e000 r--s 001b6000 fd:0a 1845287                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5614e000-7feb56152000 r--s 0001a000 fd:0a 1845389                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56152000-7feb56161000 r--s 00096000 fd:0a 1845446                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56161000-7feb56163000 r--s 00000000 fd:0a 1845232                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56163000-7feb56169000 r--s 00063000 fd:0a 1845370                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56169000-7feb5616f000 r--s 00045000 fd:0a 1845273                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5616f000-7feb56170000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845294                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56170000-7feb56172000 r--s 00007000 fd:0a 1845405                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56172000-7feb56176000 r--s 0002e000 fd:0a 1845316                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56176000-7feb5617b000 r--s 00036000 fd:0a 1845268                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5617b000-7feb5617d000 r--s 0000e000 fd:0a 1845439                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5617d000-7feb5618f000 r--s 00112000 fd:0a 1845239                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5618f000-7feb561a9000 r--s 00127000 fd:0a 1845433                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561a9000-7feb561ad000 r--s 00019000 fd:0a 1845351                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561ad000-7feb561bc000 r--s 0009f000 fd:0a 1845299                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561bc000-7feb561c3000 r--s 00046000 fd:0a 1845383                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561c3000-7feb561d4000 r--s 00089000 fd:0a 1845369                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561d4000-7feb561d5000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845444                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561d5000-7feb561e3000 r--s 000b1000 fd:0a 1845340                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561e3000-7feb561e5000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845407                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561e5000-7feb561eb000 r--s 0002c000 fd:0a 1845356                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561eb000-7feb561f0000 r--s 00027000 fd:0a 1845326                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb561f0000-7feb5621e000 r--s 00218000 fd:0a 1845438                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5621e000-7feb56220000 r--s 0000d000 fd:0a 1845260                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56220000-7feb56221000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845378                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56221000-7feb56222000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845400                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56222000-7feb56224000 r--s 0000c000 fd:0a 1845313                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56224000-7feb56228000 r--s 00020000 fd:0a 1845272                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56228000-7feb56236000 r--s 000a0000 fd:0a 1845430                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56236000-7feb56239000 r--s 00022000 fd:0a 1845452                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56239000-7feb5623f000 r--s 0007e000 fd:0a 1845365                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5623f000-7feb56241000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845301                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56241000-7feb56247000 r--s 00044000 fd:0a 1845396                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56247000-7feb5624f000 r--s 00058000 fd:0a 1845409                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5624f000-7feb562f7000 r--s 007ee000 fd:0a 1845427                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb562f7000-7feb56326000 r--s 001e3000 fd:0a 1845443                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56326000-7feb56330000 r--s 0009a000 fd:0a 1845420                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56330000-7feb56338000 r--s 00060000 fd:0a 1845319                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56338000-7feb5633a000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845224                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5633a000-7feb5633c000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845341                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5633c000-7feb56341000 r--s 0004e000 fd:0a 1845286                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56341000-7feb56365000 r--s 001cd000 fd:0a 1845278                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56365000-7feb56368000 r--s 00012000 fd:0a 1845373                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56368000-7feb56370000 r--s 0006e000 fd:0a 1845276                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56370000-7feb56372000 r--s 0000e000 fd:0a 1845277                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56372000-7feb56375000 r--s 0002f000 fd:0a 1845225                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56375000-7feb56376000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845375                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56376000-7feb56377000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845423                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56377000-7feb56379000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845345                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56379000-7feb5639b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5639b000-7feb56487000 r--s 00b7e000 fd:0a 1845429                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56487000-7feb564be000 r--s 00325000 fd:0a 1845258                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564be000-7feb564c0000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845397                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564c0000-7feb564db000 r--s 001d9000 fd:0a 1845364                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564db000-7feb564e2000 r--s 00039000 fd:0a 1845257                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564e2000-7feb564ee000 r--s 00080000 fd:0a 1845248                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564ee000-7feb564ef000 r--s 00002000 fd:0a 1845424                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564ef000-7feb564f1000 r--s 00008000 fd:0a 1845320                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564f1000-7feb564f6000 r--s 00028000 fd:0a 1845245                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564f6000-7feb564f8000 r--s 00238000 fd:0a 1845461                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564f8000-7feb564fa000 r--s 00008000 fd:0a 1845392                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564fa000-7feb564fd000 r--s 00009000 fd:0a 1845334                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb564fd000-7feb56505000 r--s 0003b000 fd:0a 1845285                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56505000-7feb56510000 r--s 000b0000 fd:0a 1845379                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56510000-7feb56513000 r--s 00020000 fd:0a 1845321                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56513000-7feb56519000 r--s 00028000 fd:0a 1845284                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56519000-7feb56526000 r--s 00083000 fd:0a 1845266                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56526000-7feb56530000 r--s 00086000 fd:0a 1845374                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56530000-7feb56551000 r--s 0019a000 fd:0a 1845432                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56551000-7feb56567000 r--s 000d3000 fd:0a 1845363                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56567000-7feb56574000 r--s 000a7000 fd:0a 1845331                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb56574000-7feb5658c000 r--s 0015f000 fd:0a 1845311                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb5658c000-7feb5658d000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5658d000-7feb5668d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5668d000-7feb56690000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56690000-7feb5678e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5678e000-7feb56792000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56792000-7feb5688f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5688f000-7feb56893000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56893000-7feb56990000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56990000-7feb56994000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56994000-7feb56a91000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56a91000-7feb56a94000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56a94000-7feb56b92000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56b92000-7feb56b95000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56b95000-7feb56c93000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56c93000-7feb56c96000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56c96000-7feb56d94000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56d94000-7feb56d95000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb56d95000-7feb57e28000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb57e28000-7feb58000000 r--s 03ce1000 fd:00 395076                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/rt.jar
> 7feb58000000-7feb58032000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb58032000-7feb5c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5c000000-7feb5d000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb5d000000-7feb60d90000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb60d90000-7feb6c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb6c000000-7feb6ddea000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb6ddea000-7feb70000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb70000000-7feb70001000 r--s 00005000 fd:0a 1845305                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb70001000-7feb7000d000 r--s 000b9000 fd:0a 1845460                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb7000d000-7feb700f3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb700f3000-7feb700f4000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb700f4000-7feb701f4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb701f4000-7feb701f5000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb701f5000-7feb702f5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb702f5000-7feb702f6000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb702f6000-7feb703f6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb703f6000-7feb703f7000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb703f7000-7feb705ab000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb705ab000-7feb70a4d000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb70a4d000-7feb70b01000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb70b01000-7feb70fa2000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb70fa2000-7feb71103000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb71103000-7feb7124d000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb7124d000-7feb71345000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb71345000-7feb7160e000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb7160e000-7feb71628000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395058                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libzip.so
> 7feb71628000-7feb71828000 ---p 0001a000 fd:00 395058                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libzip.so
> 7feb71828000-7feb71829000 rw-p 0001a000 fd:00 395058                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libzip.so
> 7feb71829000-7feb7202e000 r--s 00000000 fd:04 1310876                    
> /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
> 7feb7202e000-7feb72036000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 21252                      
> /usr/lib64/libnss_sss.so.2
> 7feb72036000-7feb72235000 ---p 00008000 fd:00 21252                      
> /usr/lib64/libnss_sss.so.2
> 7feb72235000-7feb72236000 r--p 00007000 fd:00 21252                      
> /usr/lib64/libnss_sss.so.2
> 7feb72236000-7feb72237000 rw-p 00008000 fd:00 21252                      
> /usr/lib64/libnss_sss.so.2
> 7feb72237000-7feb72243000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2564                       
> /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.17.so
> 7feb72243000-7feb72442000 ---p 0000c000 fd:00 2564                       
> /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.17.so
> 7feb72442000-7feb72443000 r--p 0000b000 fd:00 2564                       
> /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.17.so
> 7feb72443000-7feb72444000 rw-p 0000c000 fd:00 2564                       
> /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.17.so
> 7feb72444000-7feb7244a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb7244a000-7feb72474000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395022                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libjava.so
> 7feb72474000-7feb72674000 ---p 0002a000 fd:00 395022                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libjava.so
> 7feb72674000-7feb72676000 rw-p 0002a000 fd:00 395022                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libjava.so
> 7feb72676000-7feb72683000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395057                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libverify.so
> 7feb72683000-7feb72883000 ---p 0000d000 fd:00 395057                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libverify.so
> 7feb72883000-7feb72885000 rw-p 0000d000 fd:00 395057                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/libverify.so
> 7feb72885000-7feb7288c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2576                       
> /usr/lib64/librt-2.17.so
> 7feb7288c000-7feb72a8b000 ---p 00007000 fd:00 2576                       
> /usr/lib64/librt-2.17.so
> 7feb72a8b000-7feb72a8c000 r--p 00006000 fd:00 2576                       
> /usr/lib64/librt-2.17.so
> 7feb72a8c000-7feb72a8d000 rw-p 00007000 fd:00 2576                       
> /usr/lib64/librt-2.17.so
> 7feb72a8d000-7feb72b8e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2554                       
> /usr/lib64/libm-2.17.so
> 7feb72b8e000-7feb72d8d000 ---p 00101000 fd:00 2554                       
> /usr/lib64/libm-2.17.so
> 7feb72d8d000-7feb72d8e000 r--p 00100000 fd:00 2554                       
> /usr/lib64/libm-2.17.so
> 7feb72d8e000-7feb72d8f000 rw-p 00101000 fd:00 2554                       
> /usr/lib64/libm-2.17.so
> 7feb72d8f000-7feb73a5b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395062                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
> 7feb73a5b000-7feb73c5b000 ---p 00ccc000 fd:00 395062                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
> 7feb73c5b000-7feb73d34000 rw-p 00ccc000 fd:00 395062                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
> 7feb73d34000-7feb73d7f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb73d7f000-7feb73f42000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2546                       
> /usr/lib64/libc-2.17.so
> 7feb73f42000-7feb74141000 ---p 001c3000 fd:00 2546                       
> /usr/lib64/libc-2.17.so
> 7feb74141000-7feb74145000 r--p 001c2000 fd:00 2546                       
> /usr/lib64/libc-2.17.so
> 7feb74145000-7feb74147000 rw-p 001c6000 fd:00 2546                       
> /usr/lib64/libc-2.17.so
> 7feb74147000-7feb7414c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb7414c000-7feb7414e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2552                       
> /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so
> 7feb7414e000-7feb7434e000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 2552                       
> /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so
> 7feb7434e000-7feb7434f000 r--p 00002000 fd:00 2552                       
> /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so
> 7feb7434f000-7feb74350000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 2552                       
> /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so
> 7feb74350000-7feb74365000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 395329                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/lib/amd64/jli/libjli.so
> 7feb74365000-7feb74565000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 395329                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/lib/amd64/jli/libjli.so
> 7feb74565000-7feb74566000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 395329                     
> /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/lib/amd64/jli/libjli.so
> 7feb74566000-7feb7457d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2572                       
> /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so
> 7feb7457d000-7feb7477c000 ---p 00017000 fd:00 2572                       
> /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so
> 7feb7477c000-7feb7477d000 r--p 00016000 fd:00 2572                       
> /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so
> 7feb7477d000-7feb7477e000 rw-p 00017000 fd:00 2572                       
> /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.17.so
> 7feb7477e000-7feb74782000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb74782000-7feb747a4000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 2539                       
> /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so
> 7feb747a4000-7feb747a5000 r--s 00003000 fd:0a 1845391                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747a5000-7feb747a6000 r--s 00006000 fd:0a 1845343                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747a6000-7feb747a7000 r--s 00004000 fd:0a 1845366                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747a7000-7feb747a8000 r--s 0000b000 fd:0a 1845425                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747a8000-7feb747aa000 r--s 00008000 fd:0a 1845267                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747aa000-7feb747ac000 r--s 00005000 fd:0a 1845347                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747ac000-7feb747b4000 r--s 0007b000 fd:0a 1845413                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747b4000-7feb747b6000 r--s 00014000 fd:0a 1845447                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747b6000-7feb747bb000 r--s 00041000 fd:0a 1845275                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747bb000-7feb747bf000 r--s 00030000 fd:0a 1845279                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb747bf000-7feb74892000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb74892000-7feb74896000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb74896000-7feb74997000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb74997000-7feb74998000 r--s 00000000 fd:0a 1845348                    
> /data/hdp/
> 7feb74998000-7feb749a0000 rw-s 00000000 fd:05 524289                     
> /tmp/hsperfdata_user/26118
> 7feb749a0000-7feb749a1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb749a1000-7feb749a2000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb749a2000-7feb749a3000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7feb749a3000-7feb749a4000 r--p 00021000 fd:00 2539                       
> /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so
> 7feb749a4000-7feb749a5000 rw-p 00022000 fd:00 2539                       
> /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so
> 7feb749a5000-7feb749a6000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
> 7fff451d7000-7fff451f9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          
> [stack]
> 7fff451fd000-7fff451ff000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          
> [vdso]
> ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  
> [vsyscall]
> VM Arguments:
> jvm_args: -Dhdp.version= -Xmx4g 
> -Djava.io.tmpdir=/data/home/user/tmp 
> java_command: org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit --master yarn --deploy-mode 
> client --conf spark.shuffle.io.maxRetries=10 --conf spark.driver.memory=4g 
> --conf spark.pyspark.virtualenv.requirements=requirements_conda.txt --conf 
> spark.local.dir=/data/home/user/tmp --conf 
> spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold=100 --conf 
> spark.scheduler.allocation.file=spark_scheduler_allocation.xml --conf 
> spark.pyspark.virtualenv.type=conda --conf 
> spark.pyspark.virtualenv.enabled=true --conf spark.rdd.compress=true --conf 
> spark.pyspark.virtualenv.bin.path=/data/anaconda3/bin/conda --conf 
> spark.network.timeout=800s --conf spark.python.worker.reuse=false --conf 
> spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=200 --conf 
> spark.python.profile.dump=/data/home/user/python_profile --conf 
> spark.python.worker.memory=2048m --conf spark.default.parallelism=150 --conf 
> spark.scheduler.mode=FAIR --conf spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled=true 
> --conf spark.python.profile=true --conf 
> spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer --conf 
> spark.cleaner.referenceTracking.cleanCheckpoints=true --conf 
> spark.executor.memoryOverhead=4096m --conf spark.shuffle.io.retryWait=10s 
> --conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Djava.io.tmpdir=/data/home/user/tmp 
> --name app-0.0.2.dev43+g59e0bee.d20190425 --num-executors 10 --executor-cores 
> 3 --executor-memory 8192m --py-files 
> dist/app-0.0.2.dev43+g59e0bee.d20190425-py3.6.egg --archives 
> app_conf.zip#app_conf app/norchestrator/appRunner.py --database-config-file 
> app_conf/database.ini --database-config-key dev -id 648301
> java_class_path (initial): 
> /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf/:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/jars/commons-net-2.2.jar:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/jars/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-
> Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
> Environment Variables:
> JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest/
> PATH=/data/home/user/.conda/envs/app/bin:/data/anaconda3/bin:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/lib/native:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/lib/native/Linux-amd64-64
> SHELL=/bin/bash
> Signal Handlers:
> SIGSEGV: [libjvm.so+0xac5b30], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGBUS: [libjvm.so+0xac5b30], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGFPE: [libjvm.so+0x91f470], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGPIPE: [libjvm.so+0x91f470], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGXFSZ: [libjvm.so+0x91f470], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGILL: [libjvm.so+0x91f470], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGUSR1: SIG_DFL, sa_mask[0]=00000000000000000000000000000000, sa_flags=none
> SIGUSR2: [libjvm.so+0x920aa0], sa_mask[0]=00000000000000000000000000000000, 
> SIGHUP: [libjvm.so+0x921ea0], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGINT: [libjvm.so+0x921ea0], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGTERM: [libjvm.so+0x921ea0], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> SIGQUIT: [libjvm.so+0x921ea0], sa_mask[0]=11111111011111111101111111111110, 
> ---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------
> OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo)
> uname:Linux 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 21 09:07:21 UTC 2018 
> x86_64
> libc:glibc 2.17 NPTL 2.17 
> rlimit: STACK 8192k, CORE 0k, NPROC 4096, NOFILE 4096, AS infinity
> load average:1.33 0.61 0.38
> /proc/meminfo:
> MemTotal:        8009800 kB
> MemFree:           60104 kB
> MemAvailable:    5952020 kB
> Buffers:          126760 kB
> Cached:          4551820 kB
> SwapCached:        29300 kB
> Active:          3400464 kB
> Inactive:        3090224 kB
> Active(anon):    1007728 kB
> Inactive(anon):   806248 kB
> Active(file):    2392736 kB
> Inactive(file):  2283976 kB
> Unevictable:           0 kB
> Mlocked:               0 kB
> SwapTotal:       8388604 kB
> SwapFree:        8261884 kB
> Dirty:                80 kB
> Writeback:             0 kB
> AnonPages:       1790764 kB
> Mapped:           106704 kB
> Shmem:              1240 kB
> Slab:            1336240 kB
> SReclaimable:    1296264 kB
> SUnreclaim:        39976 kB
> KernelStack:        8224 kB
> PageTables:        22508 kB
> NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
> Bounce:                0 kB
> WritebackTmp:          0 kB
> CommitLimit:    12393504 kB
> Committed_AS:    2985852 kB
> VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
> VmallocUsed:      151552 kB
> VmallocChunk:   34359341052 kB
> HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
> AnonHugePages:         0 kB
> CmaTotal:              0 kB
> CmaFree:               0 kB
> HugePages_Total:       0
> HugePages_Free:        0
> HugePages_Rsvd:        0
> HugePages_Surp:        0
> Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
> DirectMap4k:       90048 kB
> DirectMap2M:     7249920 kB
> DirectMap1G:     3145728 kB
> CPU:total 4 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 63 stepping 
> 2, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, avx, 
> avx2, aes, clmul, erms, lzcnt, tsc, tscinvbit, bmi1, bmi2
> /proc/cpuinfo:
> processor     : 0
> vendor_id     : GenuineIntel
> cpu family    : 6
> model         : 63
> model name    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 v3 @ 2.10GHz
> stepping      : 2
> microcode     : 0x3d
> cpu MHz               : 2097.570
> cache size    : 30720 KB
> physical id   : 0
> siblings      : 2
> core id               : 0
> cpu cores     : 2
> apicid                : 0
> initial apicid        : 0
> fpu           : yes
> fpu_exception : yes
> cpuid level   : 15
> wp            : yes
> flags         : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov 
> pat pse36 clflush dts mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 
> constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc 
> eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq ssse3 fma cx16 pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt 
> tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm abm fsgsbase 
> tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 invpcid xsaveopt arat
> bogomips      : 4195.14
> clflush size  : 64
> cache_alignment       : 64
> address sizes : 42 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
> power management:
> processor     : 1
> vendor_id     : GenuineIntel
> cpu family    : 6
> model         : 63
> model name    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 v3 @ 2.10GHz
> stepping      : 2
> microcode     : 0x3d
> cpu MHz               : 2097.570
> cache size    : 30720 KB
> physical id   : 0
> siblings      : 2
> core id               : 1
> cpu cores     : 2
> apicid                : 1
> initial apicid        : 1
> fpu           : yes
> fpu_exception : yes
> cpuid level   : 15
> wp            : yes
> flags         : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov 
> pat pse36 clflush dts mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 
> constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc 
> eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq ssse3 fma cx16 pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt 
> tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm abm fsgsbase 
> tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 invpcid xsaveopt arat
> bogomips      : 4195.14
> clflush size  : 64
> cache_alignment       : 64
> address sizes : 42 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
> power management:
> processor     : 2
> vendor_id     : GenuineIntel
> cpu family    : 6
> model         : 63
> model name    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 v3 @ 2.10GHz
> stepping      : 2
> microcode     : 0x3d
> cpu MHz               : 2097.570
> cache size    : 30720 KB
> physical id   : 1
> siblings      : 2
> core id               : 0
> cpu cores     : 2
> apicid                : 2
> initial apicid        : 2
> fpu           : yes
> fpu_exception : yes
> cpuid level   : 15
> wp            : yes
> flags         : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov 
> pat pse36 clflush dts mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 
> constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc 
> eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq ssse3 fma cx16 pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt 
> tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm abm fsgsbase 
> tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 invpcid xsaveopt arat
> bogomips      : 4195.14
> clflush size  : 64
> cache_alignment       : 64
> address sizes : 42 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
> power management:
> processor     : 3
> vendor_id     : GenuineIntel
> cpu family    : 6
> model         : 63
> model name    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 v3 @ 2.10GHz
> stepping      : 2
> microcode     : 0x3d
> cpu MHz               : 2097.570
> cache size    : 30720 KB
> physical id   : 1
> siblings      : 2
> core id               : 1
> cpu cores     : 2
> apicid                : 3
> initial apicid        : 3
> fpu           : yes
> fpu_exception : yes
> cpuid level   : 15
> wp            : yes
> flags         : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov 
> pat pse36 clflush dts mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 
> constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc 
> eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq ssse3 fma cx16 pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt 
> tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm abm fsgsbase 
> tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 invpcid xsaveopt arat
> bogomips      : 4195.14
> clflush size  : 64
> cache_alignment       : 64
> address sizes : 42 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
> power management:
> Memory: 4k page, physical 8009800k(60104k free), swap 8388604k(8261884k free)
> vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.102-b14) for linux-amd64 JRE 
> (1.8.0_102-b14), built on Jun 22 2016 18:43:17 by "java_re" with gcc 4.3.0 
> 20080428 (Red Hat 4.3.0-8)
> time: Thu Apr 25 11:53:12 2019
> elapsed time: 929 seconds (0d 0h 15m 29s)
> {noformat}
> This is running Spark 2.3.0 via Hortonworks HDP 2.6.5.

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