
TezQA commented on TEZ-3696:

{color:red}-1 overall{color}.  Here are the results of testing the latest 
  against master revision 247719d.

    {color:green}+1 @author{color}.  The patch does not contain any @author 

    {color:red}-1 tests included{color}.  The patch doesn't appear to include 
any new or modified tests.
                        Please justify why no new tests are needed for this 
                        Also please list what manual steps were performed to 
verify this patch.

    {color:green}+1 javac{color}.  The applied patch does not increase the 
total number of javac compiler warnings.

    {color:green}+1 javadoc{color}.  There were no new javadoc warning messages.

    {color:green}+1 findbugs{color}.  The patch does not introduce any new 
Findbugs (version 3.0.1) warnings.

    {color:green}+1 release audit{color}.  The applied patch does not increase 
the total number of release audit warnings.

    {color:green}+1 core tests{color}.  The patch passed unit tests in .

Test results: 
Console output: https://builds.apache.org/job/PreCommit-TEZ-Build/2397//console

This message is automatically generated.

> Jobs can hang when both concurrency and speculation are enabled
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: TEZ-3696
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TEZ-3696
>             Project: Apache Tez
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Eric Badger
>            Assignee: Eric Badger
>         Attachments: TEZ-3696.001.patch
> We can reproduce the hung job by doing the following: 
> 1. Run a sleep job with a concurrency of 1, speculation enabled, and 3 tasks 
> {noformat}
> $TEZ_HOME/tez-tests-*.jar mrrsleep -Dtez.am.vertex.max-task-concurrency=1 
> -Dtez.am.speculation.enabled=true -Dtez.task.timeout-ms=60000 -m 3 -mt 60000 
> -ir 0 -irt 0 -r 0 -rt 0
> {noformat}
> 2. Let the 1st task run to completion and then stop the 2nd task so that a 
> speculative attempt is scheduled. Once the speculative attempt is scheduled 
> for the 2nd task, continue the original attempt and let it complete.
> {noformat}
> kill -STOP <pid>
> // wait a few seconds for a speculative attempt to kick off
> kill -CONT <pid>
> {noformat}
> 3. Kill the 3rd task, which will create a 2nd attempt
> {noformat}
> kill -9 <pid> 
> {noformat}
> 4. The next thing to be drawn off of the queue will be the speculative 
> attempt of the 2nd task. However, it is already completed, so it will just 
> sit in the final state and the job will hang. 
> Basically, for the failure to happen, the number of speculative tasks that 
> are scheduled, but not yet ran has to be >= the concurrency of the job and 
> there has to be at least 1 task failure. 

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