Regarding a recent inquiry about dissection...
I have stopped doing dissection as a class requirement for freshman Biology. 
Students may opt to do the fetal pig dissection if they choose; they come in 
before or after school as I arrange with them.  There certainly are pros and 
cons to doing it...there was a nice article summarzing pros and cons in The 
Science Teacher about 5 years ago.  I have copies if anyone needs the 
I did do dissection for many years, but stopped doing it after a student 
brought me a video to watch about how the animals are obtained and prepared 
for dissection. (PETA video).  There are so many topics to cover in first 
year biology that I felt I could easily justify not doing it...and therefore 
would be able to cover something else instead.

If you do choose to do dissection, something I did in the years before I 
stopped that I think was effective is as follows.

Give the kids stuff to read on the pros and cons of dissection.  If you have 
the time and internet access, have them find the articles, themselves.  Then 
hold a class discussion/debate on the issue.  Next, you can hold a vote to 
let the kids decide if they want to dissect.  In the years I did this, they 
always voted to do the dissection.  But this   really makes them think about 
what they are doing and I think it led to having less kids disrespect the 
animals as they did the dissection.  Furthermore, it gives the kids with 
strong views a chance to present their case and model a strong belief to the 

Susan Camasta
Hinsdale South High

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