>Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 19:13:29 EDT
>Subject: Science Trip 2002 Lee marek
>This is the first info on our 2002 trip.
>Science History Tours will be visiting France in 2002, so polish up  your
>vocabulary and come and join us! Say "Musee des Arts et Metiers" three times
>before breakfast and develop a taste for moules marinieres!
>This custom-designed two week trip will begin in Paris sometime  during the
>second half of June 2002.  Our accommodations there will  be in the Latin
>Quarter, on the left bank of the Seine, in a  comfortable two or three star
>hotel right in the center of everything.  We will visit many sites of
>interest in the history of  science, including the Institut Pasteur, the
>Curie Museum, and the above mentioned Musee des Arts et Metiers, which
>contains a wealth of objects of great importance, including Lavoisier's
>laboratory equipment and the design model of the Statue of Liberty made by
>Bartholdi prior to his construction of "our" Statue.
>As well as visiting Paris, we shall be taking in other places of scientific
>interest.  These may be in France, perhaps even in the wine-growing areas,
>but there is a strong possibility that we may venture as far as Florence,
>Italy - at this point it is not yet decided.  Keep in touch and we will let
>you know!
>The cost of the trip is not yet determined, but as a guideline, this year's
>(2001) trip to Ireland cost $2400 per person double occupancy. This DOES NOT
>include transatlantic airfare.
>Science History Tours is a non-profit organization  set up to provide
>education in the history of science for teachers and other interested
>persons.  Non-scientist traveling companions will find much to interest them.
>Graduate credit of 3 semester hours will be available for a small extra
>charge, and CPDUs will be available for teachers.
>See the following for a web presentation on our first trip done by one of the
>tour members and another web page by Lee on the second trip:
>To be put on the mailing list for the 2002 tour, contact:
>Yvonne Twomey, 841 Kinston Court, Naperville, IL 60540 
>or Lee Marek, Tel: 630-420-7516   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Diana Dummitt
College of Education
1310 S. Sixth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217-244-0173
Fax: 217-244-5437

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