Will remain State Superintendent until December 31

August 29, 2001
Attached:         Statement of State Board of Education
Statement of Supt. McGee
Highlights of McGee tenure
Board Chairman Ron Gidwitz will be available by conference call from 3-3:30
p.m. today to talk with reporters. A maximum of 30 lines are available at
any time. To connect, call 888-311-0082, then dial 7317838 and the "pound"
Supt. McGee will not be available for interviews today. For further
information, call Wade Nelson or Lee Milner, 217-782-4648.
Statement of the Illinois State Board of Education
August 29, 2001
The members of the State Board of Education are committed to making
significant and continuous improvements to the state's educational system -
improvements that will ultimately ensure that every Illinois student is
prepared to succeed in an increasingly complex world.
During the past several months, we have talked extensively with State
Superintendent Glenn W. "Max" McGee about our progress, which has been
substantial; about the challenges of the future; and about what will be
necessary to meet those challenges.  We have concluded that new leadership
will be required for success in the next, much more difficult stage of
school reform. 
As a result of these discussions, State Superintendent McGee has informed
the State Board that he will not seek renewal of his current contract, which
expires on December 31, 2001.  In his letter to the Board, Max indicated
that he believed that "change needs to happen more rapidly" and "...the
State Board would be better served by a new leader who can bring different
experiences and skills to the table."  The Board will immediately begin the
process of searching for his successor. 
Dr. McGee was appointed as State Superintendent in 1998 and charged with
building on the reform foundation created by previous state boards and
superintendents.  Three years later, he has clearly helped to move the state
forward.  The Illinois Learning Standards have been implemented in schools
throughout the state; the new state assessment system has been put in place;
and high-impact programs such as early childhood education and reading
improvement have been emphasized.  The state education agency has
increasingly focused on teaching and learning, and it has provided support
for local district efforts through innovations such as the ILSI website, the
Illinois Snapshot of Early Literacy and the Illinois Virtual High School.
On behalf of the citizens of Illinois, we are grateful to Dr. McGee for his
energetic and passionate leadership for this phase of educational reform. 
We are also grateful for the clarity with which he has articulated the
challenges of the next stage.
Despite all the progress, despite all the accomplishments, more than forty
percent of Illinois students are not meeting the Learning Standards.  That
is simply unacceptable in a world in which post-secondary education is
becoming a requirement for all but the most menial of jobs.  Equally
unacceptable is the achievement gap among groups of students, a gap that
finds many minority students and students from low-income families
consistently achieving well below their peers. 
The State Board of Education is absolutely committed to eliminating this
achievement gap and to increasing the academic performance of all students. 
Those are formidable goals under any circumstances, but they are
particularly so in the face of increasingly serious teacher shortages and
vast differences in resources among districts.  Meeting them will require
the collective will of all Illinois citizens, close collaboration among
state and local policymakers and increased sensitivity to the needs of local
communities and their schools. 
During the next several months, the State Board of Education will consult
with a broad range of community members about the search for a new State
Superintendent and the leadership qualities needed for the next stage of
educational improvement.  A panel of three Board members, including the
Chairman, will oversee the transition processes.  A new state superintendent
will be appointed as expeditiously as possible.
Dr. McGee will remain as State Superintendent through December 2001 and will
work closely with the Board to assure continuity of direction during the
transition process.  He will announce his future plans at a later date.
We thank Max for all that he has contributed to improving education in
Illinois and look forward to working with him in other roles in the years
ahead.  Max is a marathon runner but he and we understand that sometimes it
is necessary to hand off the baton in order to accelerate the pace and
master the next part of the course.

August 29, 2001
Dear Members of the State Board of Education,
During the past three years, I have been honored and humbled to provide
leadership for our state's two million students, 150,000 educators, and nine
hundred school districts.  It has been a privilege to work with you, our
dedicated staff, our educational and business partners, the Governor and his
staff, and the members of the General Assembly to move an educational agenda
that holds such hope and promise for all of our children.
Public education in Illinois is stronger than it has ever been.  From
preschool through high school, we have much for which we can be proud.  Our
early childhood education programs provide a model for other states, and the
Advanced Placement scores of our high school students are the best in the
entire country!
I am particularly proud of our success in providing resources, support and
leadership for improved teaching and learning.  Here are just a few

*    During the past three years, we have put the Illinois Learning
Standards in place and seen significant progress in their implementation. 
The Standards Aligned Classroom Project has been particularly valuable in
helping teachers integrate the Standards into their everyday instruction.

*    I worked diligently with our legislators to revise the Reading
Improvement Block Grant program to ensure that the $85 million appropriation
will go directly to serve young children who are having difficulty learning
to read and to train teachers to use proven strategies to help these
struggling students.  Early reading intervention will have a great impact on
the Governor's goal of "having all children reading at grade level by the
end of third grade."

*    As of this fall EVERY preschool through third grade teacher will have a
Reading Kit in their classroom; these kits provide an innovative collection
of "best practices" and materials to help all children learn.

*    The M2T2 mathematics workshops and the Meeting the Challenge program
for helping struggling readers have provided exemplary professional
development programs and made a difference to teachers and their students.

*    Rigorous new criteria for teacher certification and the accreditation
of teacher preparation programs reflect the Learning Standards for Illinois
students and the national standards of the teaching profession.  These
criteria will enhance teacher quality and ensure that our teacher candidates
are well-prepared to meet the complex needs of today's students.

*    Jobs for Illinois Graduates and our alternative education programs have
ensured that all young people have learning opportunities and demonstrated
that with appropriate support, students can exceed their potential.

*    We have given taxpayers and educators revolutionary tools to help them
analyze and compare student achievement data (the ILSI website) and
financial data (the ILEARN website) at a click of a mouse.  These are
national models for providing public access to school information.

*    Each one of our 750 employees has made a commitment to "step up and
make it happen" for kids.   Every staff member spent a day in a school, and
every staff member is committed to improving customer service.

*    At the agency, we have incorporated Baldrige principles and required
every division to develop business plans that have specific goals, concrete
measures, and a tight budget.  The administrators are held accountable for
achieving these goals and for improving their customer service numbers. 
They are justifiably proud of the progress they have made. 

As your leader, I have worked closely with our state legislators and members
of our Congressional delegation on behalf of our students.  We have been
able to generate a record amount of federal funds for Illinois schools and
the State has targeted support for kids who need it most.  Our early
childhood students, our struggling readers and our troubled teenagers have
received enormous financial and legislative support from the General
Despite all that, I am perhaps most proud of the doors we have opened for
our high school students who never thought they had much of a future. 
Despite many skeptical objections, we incorporated the ACT into our capstone
high school test, the Prairie State Achievement Examination.  Our juniors
took the Prairie State test seriously, our teachers prepared them well and
consequently, more than 10,000 students who never would have taken the ACT
-- students who did not have someone to get them to a Saturday test, who
could not afford to pay the fee, or who had been led to believe that higher
education was for someone else - received scores that will make it possible
for them to enroll in most colleges and universities in Illinois.  These
students have opportunities and a future they would not have otherwise
Despite these accomplishments, I am the first to admit we have a long way to
go in making education "second to none" for all Illinois students.   Closing
the achievement gap must top the educational agenda, and we must foster a
collective will to rectify the funding inequities that will perpetuate a
stratified system of achievement.  Some of the programs we have put in place
will help -- the Illinois Snapshot of Early Learning, the Illinois Virtual
High School, a visionary child nutrition program and the Futures for
Kids/SBE website for parents and childcare providers of preschool
children-but we must engage all of our partners and all of the public in
solving this tough problem.   Their engagement and commitment are necessary
for find the resources to address the teacher shortage, to reduce the
dropout rate and to have EVERY parent involved in the education of their
With that said, I am writing to inform you that I will not be seeking a
renewal of my contract for a second term.  At this point in my career, I
believe that change needs to happen more rapidly, and in that vein I believe
that the State Board would be better served by a new leader who can bring
different experiences and skills to the table.  It has been frustrating not
to give our agency and my employees the time and attention they need and
deserve, and it has been frustrating trying to maintain the focus needed to
excel while balancing far too numerous competing demands on my time.  I
appreciate the opportunity you have afforded me to be a leader, and I trust
I have served you, our staff, our teachers and our children well.  I stand
ready to assist in the transition so that we can maintain the momentum while
finding a new leader who will take education in Illinois to the next level,
a level that will be "Second to None."
State Superintendent
Illinois State Board of Education
Superintendent Glenn W. "Max" McGee
Educational Agenda and Accomplishments
Dr. McGee was appointed as State Superintendent in 1998 and charged with
building on the reform foundation established by previous boards and
superintendents.  Three years later, he has clearly succeeded in moving the
state forward in important educational endeavors.
The Illinois Learning Standards adopted in 1997 have been infused into K-12
curriculum and instruction and embedded into students' daily lessons.  
Standards for Early Childhood Education provide guidance for quality
programs; they have been endorsed by respected national experts.  The State
Board adopted teaching standards for both content and teaching skills that
now anchor teacher preparation, certification and certificate renewal.
The State Board made a successful transition from the Illinois Goals
Assessment Program (IGAP) to the Illinois Standards Assessment Test (ISAT)
upon the adoption of the Illinois Learning Standards.  For the third year,
these tests in grades 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 are providing students, parents and
educators with important information regarding student achievement of the
Prairie State Achievement Examination (PSAE)
In 2001, the state administered the first PSAE tests to all 11th graders. 
This ground-breaking capstone examination embeds the ACT test, used by most
Illinois colleges for admissions decisions.  Preliminary test results
indicate that students took the tests seriously and that some will have the
potential to attend college who otherwise may not have had the opportunity
to show their knowledge. 
Improving reading ability has been of highest priority to the State Board
and the Superintendent for the past three years.  Reading kits with
resources and research were put into the hands of all public school
kindergarten, first and second grade teachers.  In addition, ISBE is
piloting a comprehensive diagnostic reading assessment, the "Snapshot of
Early Literacy,"  that kindergarten and first grade teachers can use to
identify and remediate reading problems.   The Illinois Reads website was
developed for the Governor by State Board staff.  It provides important
information and resources on reading instruction at
 In the Spring of 2001, the Superintendent and State Board successfully
advanced important statutory changes to the Reading Block Grant  in the
General Assembly, with the result that reading funds will now be directed to
proven,  research-based reading instruction, especially in the early grades.
ILSI and ILEARN Websites
The Illinois School Improvement Website (, developed in
conjunction with the Illinois Business Roundtable and NCREL, provides
educators, parents and taxpayers with a means to compare their schools'
achievement with that of any other school in the state, and to schools with
similar demographics-all with the click of a mouse.  The site also leads
users through School Improvement Plans and to resources related to the
teaching and learning of the Illinois Learning Standards.  The ILEARN
website allows anyone to compare financial data from one district to another
( - click on ILEARN).
Customer Service
Last year, the Superintendent established a Customer Service department and
deployed staff to field positions to respond immediately to problems, needs
and issues from school districts and constituents.  Response time for
problem solving has decreased from a few days to a few hours.  In addition
to this permanent customer service presence, nearly 750 ISBE employees spend
a full day in school, learning how their work affects schools and to
identify ways to improve service and products.  At Schoolhouse Meetings
around the state, Superintendent McGee brought information on education
issues and initiatives straight to communities, and listened to their
priorities, needs and concerns first-hand.  Regular services to schools and
educators have also improved markedly; for example, the time for issuing a
teaching certificate has been reduced from several weeks to a few days.
Access to Educational Opportunities
Working closely with the Governor's Office, ISBE has launched several
programs to provide students with important new learning opportunities.  The
Summer Bridges program provides students with summer classes that boost
reading performance, while training teachers in better teaching methods they
can use throughout the school year.  In three years, Summer Bridges has
grown from serving 5,000 to serving  nearly 30,000 students.  For high
schoolers, the Illinois Virtual High School (IVHS)  now provides on-line
courses to supplement the offerings they take on their regular campus.  As
more students strive to meet and exceed the Illinois Learning Standards,
IVHS will become a key option for pursuing challenging coursework and even
college credit through on-line Advanced Placement classes.
Performance Management and E-government
Over the past three years, ISBE has moved to a performance management model,
with integrated business plans, budgets and performance measures for every
division in the agency.  Extending this model to the broader education
system, in 2000 the State Board for the first time tied its annual report
and budget request to performance goals and measures.  ISBE continues to
improve its management processes through applying internationally accepted
business models and processes, converting to electronic data collection and
reporting, and internal management accountability.
Superintendent McGee has been, and continues to be, an impassioned advocate
for educational improvement.  He has raised the issue of achievement gaps
among students to state prominence.  He has shepherded Early Childhood
Education to the forefront of state and national discussions.  He has been
diligent in his pursuit of state and federal funds for special education,
reading and mathematics.   He is well-known throughout Illinois for his
ability to clearly illustrate and passionately convey important needs for
children, educators and schools.  

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