If you are an Illinois K-12 teacher and are thinking about the Adler
Planetarium as a field trip destination, our field trip information can be
accessed two ways - call our Group Sales department at 312-294-0361 or
312-294-0364 & leave your name and address.  A brochure will be mailed to
you.  An even easier method is to go to the Adler's website at
http://www.adlerplanetarium.org .  Field trip packets can be accessed &
downloaded through the Education-Teachers section of the website as well
as the Visitors section.

In the Education section of the website, you will find a downloadable
version of our Astronomy Connections "Gravity and Black Holes" curriculum
guide, activities for teachers and families, and COMING SOON will be
downloadable versions of exhibit guides to be used on field trips to the

Beginning October 1, activities will be happening in the Adler exhibit
galleries Monday through Friday at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, & 2:00 pm.  On
Saturday and Sunday, activities will be at 11:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 3:00 pm.

Please join us for activities & demonstrations such as 

"Create a Comet"
"Energy from the Sun"
"Life Cycle of Stars" 
video presentations
"Who Wants to Be an Astronaut?"
"Who Wants to Be a Martian?"
make-n-take activities (weekends only)
and more!

Additionally, every Tuesday will be "Telescope Tuesday", weather &
temperature permitting.  Be sure to stop by & take a look at the Sun!  

Specific schedules for each day will be posted in both lobbies and
specific activity schedules will change every day.  We hope you will come
& see & participate in all the hard work put forth by the Informal
Programs section of the Adler Education Department.  We're wild, we're
wacky, and we have a lot of fun...you and your class will, too!


Michelle Nichols, Lead Educator for Informal Programs
Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum
1300 S. Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL  60605
312-322-0520 (Tue-Sat)
312-322-2257 (fax)

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