On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 10:13:51PM +0000, Bartsch, Rene wrote:
> Is there any alternative which can do a full backup of a remote
> IMAP-account to a local Gentoo host (MailDir or MBOX format)?
yes, you just need to implement the recursion manually.

IMAPStore foobar
Host mail.foobar.com

MaildirStore maildir
Path ~/maildir-foobar/
Inbox ~/maildir-foobar/INBOX

Channel inbox
Master :foobar:
Slave :maildir:

Channel postponed
Master :foobar:Drafts
Slave :maildir:postponed

Channel sent
Master ":foobar:Sent Items"
Slave :maildir:sent-mail

Channel saved-mail
Master :foobar:INBOX/saved-mail
Slave :maildir:saved-mail

Channel all
Master :foobar:INBOX/lists/all
Slave :maildir:all


$ mbsync -a

it only gets a bit annoying when you create new mailboxes often.
it should be even possible to declare whole folders as channels - i only
didn't do that because i "flatten" the hierarchy on the local side
(mutt's mailbox browser sucks for hierarchies).

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