hi abe,

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 03:00:33PM -0600, Abe Singer wrote:
>       MapInbox "Create a virtual mailbox (relative to PAth)...
>       which is backed by the INBOX"
>  * I have no idea what "backed by the INBOX" means
it means that the inbox is the data source for this virtual folder. in
this case the mapping is trivial, so it's just an alias.

>  * It's not cleare to me what the interaction is between "Path," "Inbox,"
>  and "MapInbox" directives.
inbox is the location of your "primary" mailbox.
path is the location of your "secondary" mailboxes; it's the root of the
mailbox namespace.
mapinbox specifies an alias within the "secondary" namespace for the
primary mailbox.

>  * "Sync Full" the "Full" option is described in the manpage as "All,"
>  but the syntax example shows "Sync ... Full"
hmm, indeed, something got out of sync here. All is an alias for Full.

>  * It seems that at least in some cases a sync of the INBOX is done
>  in addition to whatever's specified in the Channel section.  If I want
>  to sync mailboxes but not have an implicit sync of the INBOX, I have to
>  put "!INBOX" in the pattern.  It would be nice if the documentation were
>  a little more clear about that.
if you map the inbox into the secondary namespace, then a full sync of
the latter will of course sync the former as well.

>  -----
>  On the client (local), I want to store the maildirs in ~/Mail/test/Archive
>  (the INBOX will go in ~/Mail/test/Inbox)
that means that you want no inbox mapping at all.

>  Am I doing something wrong here?
yes ;)

>  Here's my .mbsyncrc:
>  #
>  # Imap Account settings
>  #
>  IMAPAccount "test-me"
>  Host "foobar.example.com"
>  User "me"
>  UseIMAPS yes
>  RequireSSL yes
>  CertificateFile "/Users/me/etc/Certificates.pem"
>  #
>  # Local Maildir settings
>  #
>  MaildirStore local-archive
>  MapInBox "Mail/test/Archive/"
delete that line. add this instead:
Inbox Mail/test/Inbox
(*no* trailing slash - that's *only* for the Path setting)

>  Path "Mail/test/Archive/"
>  AltMap yes
>  #
>  # IMAP Server settings
>  #
>  IMAPStore test-archive
>  Account test-asinger
>  Path "Test/"
>  #
>  # Channel Bindings
>  #
>  Channel "test-archive-to-local"
>  Master :test-archive:
>  Slave :local-archive:
>  Patterns * !INBOX
you can remove the INBOX exclusion now.
for the inbox, you'll either need a second channel (the same without
Patterns) or call mbsync with test-archive-to-local:INBOX (it may be
that just a colon is sufficient).

>  Sync Full
>  Create Both
>  Expunge Both

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