
On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 12:09:34AM +0100, CycyX wrote:
> I'm trying to use mbsync in order to backup my mail accounts, but I'm
> facing strange behavior (or misconfiguration).
> My goal is to get the following:
> ~/Mails/
>   `- Account1
>   | `- Subfolders
>   `- Account2
>     `- subfolders
>    ...
> I'm currently using the following configuration (only one account for
> the moment):
> -----8<--------SNiP--------8<-----
> MaildirStore f-u-local
> Path ~/Mails/Account1/.
that trailing period is a bad idea, i think.

> Inbox ~/Mails/Account1/
no trailing slash here.

> Flatten .
> IMAPStore f-u-remote
> Host imap.provider.org
> User cycyx
> Pass ********
> UseIMAPS yes
> CertificateFile ~/conf/certs/imap.provider.org.pem
> Channel Account1
> Master :f-u-remote:
> Slave :f-u-local:
> Patterns * !*Projets* !*Listes* !*Admin !*Queue !*Junk
> Create Both
> SyncState *
> CopyArrivalDate yes
> -----8<--------SNiP--------8<-----
> First issue:
> If I "mkdir ~/Mails/Account1/", mbsync complains about "no valid
> mailbox". If I "maildirmake ~Mails/Account1/" it's OK, but my "cur"
> directory is empty (I have 28 mails in my INBOX on the server).
> I can't seem to sync my INBOX. I don't even know where mbsync is trying
> to sync it... (plus I have an .mbsyncstate in every subfolder)
> Second issue:
> On my server (the IMAP server is dovecot), my folder hierarchy is as
> follow
> .Amazon
> .Divers
> .Misc
> ...
> On my local machine, mbsync creates:
> .INBOX.Amazon
> .INBOX.Divers
> .INBOX.Misc
> ...
> How can I get rid of the ".INBOX" part (if possible)?
these two issues are actually one, i think.
first, you must consider that the Path is *not* a mailbox itself - it is
a "container" for mailboxes. this is unlike what INBOX is: it's actually
a mailbox itself, with subfolders.
now, if your INBOX does not actually contain any mail, but only
subfolders, you can "trick" mbsync:

IMAPStore f-u-remote

if your INBOX does contain mail, you are mostly out of luck as far as
mbsync's automatic hierarchy support is concerned: you basically want to
rename INBOX => Account1 while syncing, which is not supported in
Patterns mode (there is a related feature request in the bug tracker,
but no ETA).

the alternative to Paterns is creating a separate Channel per subfolder
- when you specify the boxes on both sides explicitly, renaming is
obviously supported. you can then join the Channels into a Group:

Create Both
SyncState *

MaildirStore f-u-local
Path ~/Mails/
Inbox ~/Mails/Account1
Flatten .

IMAPStore f-u-remote
Host imap.provider.org
User cycyx
Pass ********
UseIMAPS yes
CertificateFile ~/conf/certs/imap.provider.org.pem

Channel Account1-inbox
# in these, INBOX is implicit
Master :f-u-remote:
Slave :f-u-local:
Patterns * !*Projets* !*Listes* !*Admin !*Queue !*Junk
# whoops, this is not available as a global option. need to fix it:
CopyArrivalDate yes

Channel Account1-projets
Master :f-u-remote:INBOX.Projets
Slave :f-u-local:Account1.Projets
CopyArrivalDate yes

Channel Account1-listes-one
Master :f-u-remote:INBOX.Listes.One
Slave :f-u-local:Account1.Listes.One
CopyArrivalDate yes


Group Account1 Account1-inbox Account1-projets Account1-listes-one ...

of course this gets rather tedious if you have many mailboxes,
especially if you often change (add) something ...

actually, to support your mode of operation, a rather simple extension
should be sufficient:

Master :remote:INBOX
Master :local:Account1
Patterns *

i can do that soon, but no promises as to *how* soon.


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