On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 01:27:43PM +0000, Benyomin Hagalili wrote:
> issue1: bad logout from outlook.com
there was another report of this kind recently. i can't work with that
without seeing more of the log. send it to me privately.

> issue2: EOF on a particular UID, how do you fix that?
> 1213 in progress) >>> 1219 UID FETCH 12698 (BODY.PEEK[])
> (1214 in progress) >>> 1220 UID FETCH 12727 (BODY.PEEK[])
> (1215 in progress) >>> 1221 UID FETCH 12763 (BODY.PEEK[])
> * 405 FETCH (BODY[] {12497676}
> IMAP error: unexpected EOF from imap-mail.outlook.com (
> IMAP error: bogus FETCH response
> Channel bb
> Opening master store my-remote2...
> Resolving imap-mail.outlook.com... ok
> Connecting to imap-mail.outlook.com (2
> How can I trash the 12497676 message on the server to fix this?
that number is the size of the message, i.e., it's pretty huge, and for
some reason the connection just breaks while it's being transferred.
that may have to do with the size of the message itself, or the total
size of the session (try with several smaller messages which have at
least this size in total), or whatever.
as for deleting it, just do it server-side with outlook web access.

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