
I'm using the following configuration:

| $ cat .mbsyncrc 
| MaildirStore local
| Path ~/Fastmail-Backup/
| Inbox ~/Fastmail-Backup/INBOX
| IMAPStore fastmail
| Host mail.messagingengine.com
| User foo
| Pass bar
| UseIMAPS yes
| RequireSSL yes
| CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
| Channel backup
| Master :fastmail:
| Slave :local:
| Pattern *
| Sync Pull New Flags
| Create Slave
| Expunge Slave
| SyncState *

I thought this would give me a backup of all my IMAP folders. However,
it seems that INBOX itself is excluded - only the subfolders are copied:

| $ mbsync backup
| Reading configuration file /home/nikratio/.mbsyncrc
| Channel backup
| Opening master fastmail...
| Resolving mail.messagingengine.com... ok
| Connecting to mail.messagingengine.com ( 
| Opening slave local...
| Connection is now encrypted
| Logging in...
| Selecting master INBOX/learn-spam...
| Selecting slave INBOX/learn-spam...
| Loading master...
| Loading slave...
| slave: 23961 messages, 22871 recent
| master: 95 messages, 8 recent
| Synchronizing...
| M: +0/0 *0/0 #0/0  S: +18/18 *0/0 #0/0
| Selecting master INBOX/learn-ham...
| Selecting slave INBOX/learn-ham...
| [...]

And indeed, there are no files in ~/Fastmail-Backup/INBOX/{cur,new,tmp}.

What do I have do to include INBOX?


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Fingerprint: ED31 791B 2C5C 1613 AF38 8B8A D113 FCAC 3C4E 599F

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