with all the recent commotion also in the tech world, i'm revisiting the idea to deprecate 'slave' terminology ('master' is much less problematic, but would probably go as well for symmetry).

i never really liked it anyway once i started to think about it (obviously, quite a while after i introduced it ...), because it suggests a strict hierarchy that isn't really there, as bi-directional synchronization is supported. the problem is that this equally applies to many potential replacements, like 'replica'. maybe 'clone' is better, as it's more easily associated with having its own life, and git already established the term. but what to put opposite of it? 'origin' again suggests directionality quite strongly.
similarly, 'primary' vs 'secondary' sounds way too hierarchical.
so i came up with just 'first' and 'second'. the problem is that these aren't nouns, so one has to be more verbose to not make it awkward.
'one' and 'two' would also be weird without context.
then i thought of 'upstream' and 'downstream', but i don't like the long
common part, and these are also directions, not only locations, so somewhat confusing. so i thought more about polar opposites, and came up with 'north' and 'south'. short, "non-judgmental", and even has a vague positional association with how the typical server-client setup would be typically visualized. otoh, it seems really out of place and therefore kinda silly.

so, what does everyone else think? bikeshedding season is open! :-D

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