On Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 12:35:47PM +0200, Yuri D'Elia wrote:
I would still consider, if possible, to include a way to distinguish
between temporary errors (all network errors) and hard errors.

yeah, i've been pondering this, and i'm somewhat undecided how to go about it. the problem is that there are lots of conditions, and how one "condenses" them into a single flag is somewhat arbitrary. my current thinking is that it would be better to handle transient problems internally, and have some related config options. my private "extended TODO" contains this:

- MaxRetries
  - reset when progress was made:
    - message bodies fetched or stored
    - flags updated
- MaxRetryDelay
  - used with instant errors like connrefused
  - also with near-instant errors like connreset within n seconds?

the underlying thinking is that there would be exponential back-off, which would be used and reset depending on the case.

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