I'm thinking on setting on mbsync with imapnotify instead of a regularly
scheduled sync, but I'm concerned what happens if I get 5 emails in the
span of 5 seconds will mbsync corrupt it's state. I have two related

- If I receive an email at t=0 and start mbsync and then receive emails
while mbsync is still running I'm guessing those emails may or may not be
synced depending on when exactly they arrived, but no guarantees, right?

- Would mbsync be confused if multiple instances were triggered in

Basically what I'm thinking about is that if parallel running is not a
problem, than the best and easiest would just to trigger on all incoming
mail so I get it as fast as possible and if it is a problem, making sure
only one instance is running at a time, but then set up a regular sync
besides having imapnotify.

Or are there any best practices for this?

Thanks for your time!

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