Ah ha!  That gave me the idea to try deleting the sync state file for the "Inbox" folder, and that made it finally sync Inbox. Thanks!

On 16/09/22 00:06, Marton Balazs wrote:
Not sure if this will be of help; O365 screws up the UIDVALIDITY every few 
months, resulting in the same error. (Never happened to me with Gmail!) I then 
do a test run into an empty directory (not my regular maildir!) on all my email 

Patterns *
Create Near
Sync None
Expunge None
Remove None

which does not pull any emails hence runs fast, but creates the .mbsyncstate 
files with the new FarUidValidity values as seen by the O365 server. If this 
differs from what I have in my regular maildirs then I edit this manually to 
the new value and the problem goes away.


On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 10:37:18PM +1200, Aidan Gauland wrote:
On 14/09/22 20:06, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

     On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 05:53:30PM +1200, Aidan Gauland wrote:

         Error: channel gmail, near side box INBOX: Unable to recover from
         UIDVALIDITY change.

         MaildirStore local-gmail
         Path ~/path/to/gmail-mbsync/

         How can I fix this?  All other folders appear to be synced as expected.

     your maildir store doesn't declare an inbox, so it's ~/Maildir, which
     presumably contains something from prior experiments.

Adding the line

Inbox ~/path/to/gmail-mbsync/Inbox

Below the Path line, and rerunning mbsync still gives me the same error.

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