I'm trying to run mbsync between Office365 (via DavMail) and a local Dovecot 
instance.  The current version (1.4.4) works but occasionally creates duplicate 

I tried installing the most recent from git and came across this error while 
doing a sync. The output below is not from first run of `mbsync -a`, but from 
subsequent runs.

    Socket error: receive buffer full. Probably protocol error.      
    Processed 1 box(es) in 1 channel(s),
    pulled 0 new message(s) and 0 flag update(s),

Here are selections from a noisier invocation:

    isync 1.5.0 called with: '-a' '-V' '-Dsm'
    Reading configuration file /Users/jah/.mbsyncrc
    Channel Office365
    Opening far side store Office365Store...
    Opening near side store LocalStore...

    [26515 lines elided.]

    -> log: # 111008 0 Nqxs0OhH4O+e (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111011 0 vpHXMboFkfcZ (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111014 0 eQMASbW7XWTM (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111017 0 3xIbeUuFgc9d (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111020 0 g6AcsS8FUsi4 (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111023 0 h7ZM2GxDQxWR (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111026 0 JOHnt2rqgfk1 (new TUID)
    -> log: # 111029 0 V+B7hjWH1rYA (new TUID)
    Socket error: receive buffer full. Probably protocol error.
    Processed 1 box(es) in 1 channel(s),
    pulled 0 new message(s) and 0 flag update(s),
    pushed 0 new message(s) and 0 flag update(s).

If I run the command and specify small folders then it appears to run without 
problems.  However, if I ask it to run on a very large mail folder then the 
error occurs.

I can go back to 1.4.4 since I can deal with a duplicate or two now and then.  
However, I wanted to report this problem in case it helps avoid issues for the 
next release.


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