
I have successfully synced a bunch of remote mailboxes to a set of local ones, using a channel like

Channel yandex2local
Far :yandex:
Near :local:
Expunge None
Create Near
Sync Pull Flags
Patterns * !INBOX !Other

But the thing that bothers me is that I cannot delete any messages after syncing (however it works flawlessly on a pristine mailbox). I have a cyrus-imapd 3.x as an IMAP server, but it doesn't report any errors in it's logs. Looks like this state is even valid - because even Thunderbird that I use as MUA doesn't show "Delete" option on the right click on the message. I've chacked cyrus permissions on a mailbox and they are full - lrswipkxtecdan. The incoming mail is also accepted and delivered into the mailbox, so the only thing that really does nothing - it's the deletion.

Is there any trick ?


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