Hello Oswald,

This patch adds support for environment variable expansion to the
configuration options that encode a path. This would get rid of some
templating for my own configuration, and might prove useful for others
with integrating with notmuch, or having the same configuration file
for multiple very different systems (my usecase).

I'm not a very experienced C programmer, but I tried to use the idioms
and style of the surrounding code to create a safe, correct and efficient
implementation. If I did not succeed, or you have other feedback and
see merit in this feature, I'd love to give it another go, as I would
prefer to have this merged rather than compile it on all my
systems. Either way, thank you for writing and maintaining it.

Some notes on the implementation:

  - Bash - or perhaps more correct - Makefile syntax is used. To keep
    the implementation simple, a double dollar sign is used to represent
    a literal, instead of a backslash.
  - I did not test it on Windows.
  - I'd normally use valgrind to check for off-by-one and out of bounds
    errors, but it didn't work with mbsync on my system. I was really
    careful, but know that no other analysis was done.
  - The code is formatted by hand.

Kind regards,
Michiel van den Heuvel

PS: Looking forward to version 1.5 as well!

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