On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 10:58:27AM +0200, Michiel van den Heuvel wrote:
so if you think it would be a good use of *your* time, then go ahead.

After some somewhat more synchronous communication, it might be.

are you asking for a chat channel?
i'm @ossi:kde.org on matrix, ossi on libera.chat irc (if the matrix bridge feels like working), and @ossilator on various social media and chat sites. i could create an official project channel (on matrix?), but historically it seems a bit ... superfluous.

On the subject of more things I could do, is there a way to reproduce
the 2 regressions?

congrats, you forced me to actually research what the regressions are. *grumble* :-D

for the imap thing, i suspect any mail with a large enough attachment will do. maybe the imap compress extension needs to be in use, and/or tls. no idea.
(possibly) related threads:

for the other problem, there is https://sourceforge.net/p/isync/mailman/isync-devel/thread/f4d61b60-7a93-6b78-90d1-b96b285caa9c%40quaternum.net/#msg37708463 which contains a speculative analysis.

there is https://sourceforge.net/p/isync/bugs/69/ which may be actually the same thing (sounds similar, but i'm not going to think about it at this time of day). it has a patch attached, which is certainly under-tested, and needs a sanity check, possibly resulting in a complete rewrite.

speaking of tested, if you _really_ wanted to go overboard, you could add a proper unit testing suite. so far only the core syncing algo is tested, in a way that is really an integration test (which has the advantage of testing a bit more as a side effect, but it's slow and inelegant). this would also nicely fit with formalizing the error reporting.

Subject: [PATCH] Add IncludeCmd directive to config parser

+static char *
+check_excess_tokens( conffile_t *cfile )
+       char *arg = NULL;
i generally prefer early returns (and even goto) over temporaries.

getcline( conffile_t *cfile )
+                       else if ((arg = check_excess_tokens( cfile )))
+                               conf_error( cfile, "excess token '%s', not executing 
+                                           "potentially malformed command\n", 
arg );

my thinking was that the error message would be printed already by the check function (hence "check", not "get"). i don't think the extra verbosity about the specific consequence adds all that much value.
then the check function can just return an int.

oh, one thing i totally failed to notice: this is a noteworthy new feature, so it should get an entry in NEWS. something like "Added support for scripting arbitrary parts of the config file.", before the currently last two entries, i think.

and you should add yourself to the end of the main contributor list in AUTHORS.


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