I wonder whether this has anything to do with mbsync.

The same message was sent from a microsoft 365 to my microsoft 365 and
to my gmail. However, mutt sees them differently: in the first case

I   1   <no description>    [text/html, quoted, windows-1252, 32K]
A   2   somefile            [applica/pdf, base64, 8.4M]

while in the second

I   1   <no description>    [multipa/alternativ, 7bit, 49K]
I   2   ├─><no description> [text/plain, quoted, windows-1252, 17K]
I   3   └─><no description> [text/html, quoted, windows-1252, 32K]
A   4   somefile            [applica/pdf, base64, 8.4M]

The .muttrc contains

alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html

I'm wondering where the difference in the two messages' structures (at
least as seen by mutt) comes from, as I could not find any settings in
my employer's microsoft 365 web interface dealing with that, and whether
I can do something to fix this, either in mbsync or elsewhere.
(By fix, I mean have microsoft 365 behave the same way as gmail.)

Possible ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-get 

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