On Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 05:03:04AM -0500, agarttha--- via isync-devel wrote:
mbsync 1.4.4 sporadically stopped exiting after mail retrieval. The
debug log (3) is below. Often mbsync will hang after OK LOGOUT.

Perhaps it's a server side change?  Or my mbsync configuration is
wrong after updating to 1.4.4?

that's likely a server bug; it's not closing the connection after the
logout handshake, contrary to the protocol specification. possibly there
is also a bad gateway on the route.

i repeatedly pondered adding a workaround for that, but so far the issue
was always solved by the providers.

however ... you should get a timeout after a while. if that doesn't
happen, we need to dig deeper.

I also tried adding Tunnel "openssl s_client -crlf -connect
imap.purelymail.com:993 -quiet -no_ign_eof" in my config but received
an error (1).

that -crlf is wrong.

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