- * Please send resume to mah...@bravensinc.com <mah...@bravensinc.com>*


   Greetings from *Bravens Inc*

   We are looking for an *Agile Iteration Manager (IM) *to support world’s
   leader in providing IT consulting and software services to the finest
   global organizations client.

   This is *6 Months Contract* Position based in* San Francisco, CA.*

   *Job title: Agile Iteration Manager (IM)*

   *Work Location: San Francisco, CA*

   *Duration: 6 Months Contract*

   *Skills: AGILE, AGILE processes and tools.  Java, J2EE*

   *Job Description: *

   ·         Manages /Facilitates delivery within an iteration

   ·         Works with PDM's on overall timeline

   ·         Tracks daily team progress – story status, velocity, board..

   ·         Projects team capacity

   ·         Tracks PdM Story readiness (e.g. stories ready to play)

   ·         Raises relevant issues to PM/TM/PDM

   ·         Owns project burn up/metrics (velocity tracking/forecasting)

   ·         Team support (focused on removing *internal* blockers)

   ·         Facilitates intra-team communication

   ·         Manages storyboard and story management tool (Jira)

   ·         Facilitates all iteration planning sessions... IPM, Story
   time, Iteration Open/Close, and daily standup meetings

   ·         Facilitates retrospectives (team alternates each retro)

   ·         Promotes team building/team accountability

   ·         Facilitates team "norming" sessions

   ·         Create open/close deck

   ·         Works with team to ensure process quality & continual

   ·         Encourages Self Empowered teams (IM/PM/TM)!!!

   ·         *Ideal Project Allocation: Fully dedicated*

   *If you find it interesting do send the following details:*


   *Full Name of the Candidate*

   *Contact number*

   *Email ID*


   *Current Location*


   *Openness to relocate OR Travel*

   *Total years of experience*

   *Reason for Change*

   *Availability/Notice Period*

   *Highest Educational qualification with Year of Passing and Institute*

   *Certifications if any*

   *Immigration Status - If H1B- name of the employer and H1B Validity*

   *Best Time to reach for a pre-screen/Interview*

   *Thanks and regards... *

   *Mahesh Misar | Bravens Inc. |*

   *Lead Talent Acquisition |*

   *Contact**:** 786-629-6262 • Fax: 281 404 9091 •  *

   *E-Mail:mah...@bravensinc.com <mah...@bravensinc.com> |Yahoo IM/ Gtalk:

   *14111 Robert Paris CT, Suite 105, Chantilly, VA 20151*•
   - www.linkedin.com/pub/mahesh-misar-2-k-lion/42/7b4/106/

          [image: Description: Description: Description: E-Verify
   Logo_Small]                                           [image:

   *[An E-Verified Company] | ‘Certified Minority Owned Business’*

   *Note: This email is not intended to be a solicitation. It is targeted
   to recruiting and consulting professionals. If you have received this in
   error, please accept our apologies and reply in the subject heading with
   REMOVE to be removed from our mailing list. We regret any inconvenience
   this has caused to you. If you have already asked to be removed, and are
   currently continuing to receive our emails, please send us any older or
   alias email addresses.*

   *Please consider the "Environment" before printing this Email
   unless Mandatory *

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