Please send resume to ami...@idctechnolies.com

*1   * *Duration- 3 months with extension*

*2.*       *Interview Mode- phone*

*Android/iOS Mobile Developer*


·         Experience developing mobile applications from start to finish
with *both Android and iOS*

o   *Should have at least 1 app available in the App Store and at least 1
app available in Google Play  *


·         Developed location-based applications that trigger based on a
defined *geo-fence*

·         Developed applications that listen and trigger based on *Low-Energy
Bluetooth (iBeacons) technology*, or has familiarity with the technology

·         Developed applications that integrate with REST-based web
services for data

·         Is comfortable integrating 3rd party SDK’s (Software Development
Kit) for multiple reasons (data collection, camera integration, etc).

·         Ability to work well with design direction

·         Experience with Apache Cordova/Phonegap

*Thanks and Regards,*

*Amit Vajpayee*

*IDC Technologies*

*1851 McCarthy Blvd. Suite 116, Milpitas, CA 95035*

*Email: **ami...@idctechnologies.com <ami...@idctechnologies.com>*

*Phone: *
*408-457-9399--Ext--2083 Web: www.idctechnologies.com
<http://www.idctechnologies.com/> *

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