Hi Folks,
Kindly share some matching resume to *ami...@idctechnologies.com

*Role - Cold fusion developer*

*6 Weeks (Extend Upto March 2017)*

*Location - Salem, Oregon*

·         Code analysis based on current standards (MVC/OOD, ColdFusion
frameworks, etc.)

·         Identify any security concerns within the code (SQL injection as
an example)

·         Experience with migration from older versions of CF to CF11

·         Testing and documenting ColdFusion applications

I am looking for a senior consultant that can be on site in Salem, Oregon
for about 6 weeks (there is a possibility of extension afterwards but not
sure how that will work yet) between now and March.

The job is doing high-level code review in ColdFusion and analysis and
providing feedback to the client (a State agency) regarding the code and
areas for improvement with infrastructure, application architecture, and
security. This person will be working directly with Kelly as well so they
will have support from our team in Gaithersburg. Unfortunately there is no
tele-work option and the work must be done on site but it does not have to
be done consecutively (i.e. they can come home for a week, especially
around the holidays, then head back out).


AMIT KUMAR  *Sr. Recruiter*

*IDC Technologies Inc.*| *1851 McCarthy Boulevard, Suite 116, Milpitas, CA
, USA, 95035*

*408 668 8348 **I **ami...@idctechnologies.com* <ami...@idctechnologies.com>*
I Gtalk: Recruiter.amitk | Skype: Amitiilm*

*Web: **www.idctechnologies.com* <http://www.idctechnologies.com/>

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