Document.newPage() ?


--- David Gold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am creating a document that contains four tables.
> The header of the
> document is a PdfPTable consisting of 1 column and 1
> row. Immediately under
> that is another 1 column, 1 row PdfPTable with
> additional information. Next
> is the main PdfPTable consisting of a number of
> cells. Finally, there is
> another 1 column, 1row PdfPTable containing a
> footer. These 4 tables
> together comprise an advertisement. What I need to
> do is force a page break
> at the end of the 4th table, so I can add these 4
> again to the next page.
> Right now, I have logic that adjusts the bottom
> margin to cause this to
> happen, but these ads can be varying sizes. Is there
> a method I can call to
> force the page break after the footer? I've been
> searching the docs and
> haven't seen anything.
> Thanks,
> David Gold
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