I may not have explained this very well. First, I have to write my various lines at different times and get them to join up seamlessly. To make it all one path would require some very painful coding. Plus the line width & dashes change from segment to segment.
So lets say I am drawing a horizontal line (all coordinates in pixels) from 12,24 to 50,24. And I am drawing a vertical line from 12,24 to 12, 60. And I want a nice square corner. And both lines are 3 pixels wide.
Then if I do moveTo(11,24) / lineTo (51,24) I should get 3 lines (in pixels) 11,23->51,23; 11,24->51,24; 11,25->51,25.
Then if I do moveTo(12,23) / lineTo (12,61) I should get 3 lines (in pixels) 11,23->11,61; 12,23->12,61; 13,23->13,61.
And in this case the upper left pixel of the corner should be 11,23 and it should coem out square. But it doesn't.
thanks - help - dave
----- Original Message -----
To: itext
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 9:03 PM
Subject: [iText-questions] moveTo, lineTo - what are the coordinates?

When I do a moveTo/lineTo - the coordinates are to what part of the end-point. I am having a problem getting two lines to join properly if I draw them seperately. I am assuming that the endpoints are in the center of the width of the line - is that true?
thanks - dave

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