Hi all (this is mainly aimed at Bruno, but anyone else who knows can answer)
Finally got this thing going, only to find it doesn't cover the tags I need it to cover...
Basic formatting is obviously covered, but the following HTML tags aren't coming through in the parser...
Should they be coming through or are they not covered?
Here is a block of HTML that I am trying to parse...
<P>This is a large block of text that I can write in this text field because I have to write a large block of text so that I can fill in the space of where something with a large block of text might be.&nbsp; This large block of text is to represent the Enrolment Pattern.</P>
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<P>More indented Text.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Not indented text</P>
Hope someone can help.
Background info...
Just for those are interested, I modified the code to turn on the option to toggle opening and closing the pdf document, as I am writing to it from a database with has some html and some not html elements (ie the first part of the pdf is straight text, a bit in the middle will be html and the last bit would be straight text again).
So the above html is wrapped with:
String newHtml = "<html><head></head><body>";
newHtml += "<table width='" + width + "%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='0' align='right'><tr><td>";
newHtml += "<div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 10.0pt;'>";
html goes here
newHtml += "</div></td></tr></table></body></html>";
and then parse it.
Chris Dunstall
Analyst Programmer
Admin Computing
Bathurst Campus
Charles Sturt University
Phone:   +61 2 63384818
Fax:     +61 2 63384181
Mobile:  +61 0438 324 180


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