You are correct that this is a bug.  There are actually more problems than this when 
cellspacing on Tables longer than one page.  The code calculating the new table 
position for pages
after the first one does not take cell spacing into account correctly.  You will see 
other problems
with text longer than one line.  Unfortunately no one seems to claim ownership of the 
Table class
now - it seems to be an orphan.  You are probably better off using PdfPTable (but you 
will have a
little harder time drawing your borders around the whole table - you'll have to use a

I was able to reproduce your problem with your example and in one of my test drivers.  
I am not the
original author of this class, but I will look into supplying a fix when I have some 
time - perhaps
this weekend.

Good luck!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "h4" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:34 AM
Subject: [iText-questions] table PdfWriter setSpacing(1) then border on last page 
drawn above last

> Hello,
> I would like to submit following experience:
> If i run this program with setSpacing(0), a tableborder is drawn
> correctly on all pages.
> If i run this program with setSpacing(1) , the tableborder on the last
> page is drawn above the last line.
> This problem also occurs when using itext-1.02b.jar.
> Thanks for this product.
> Thanks for the time anyone would spend on this.
> Herman Vierendeels
> Ternat
> Belgium

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