That probably is a bug.  Since I made changes to border rendering for PdfCell 
since 1.02b, I'll look
into it this weekend.  I would recommend, however, that you migrate your code 
to use PdfPTable if
possible.  There are still a lot of bugs in Table (particularly with nested 

Good Luck
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Laforet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 1:39 PM
Subject: [iText-questions] Problem with empty table cells in PDF

> Hello there:
> I have an application that generates a form with multiple columns and rows
> as a PDF.  I previously used iText 1.02b and had no problems.  iText 1.1 and
> even the current 143 early-access all have the same problem with "empty"
> cells.  They are completely suppressed (no borders are printed).  This is
> disconcerting since the customer requires the cells to show up even if they
> are empty.
> Is this a bug in the newer releases?  I need to move from 1.02 because that
> version has other issues that the newer versions have fixed.
> What do I have to do to get "empty" cells to print??
> --- Sample code -----
> table = new Table(columns + 1);
> table.setBorderColor(new Color(0,0,0));
> table.setBorderWidth(1);
> table.setBorder(Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM | Rectangle.LEFT |
> Rectangle.RIGHT);
> table.setCellpadding(0);
> table.setCellspacing(1);
> table.setCellsFitPage(true);
> table.setTableFitsPage(false);
> table.setDefaultCellBorder(Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM | Rectangle.LEFT
> | Rectangle.RIGHT);
> table.setDefaultCellBorderWidth(1);
> table.setDefaultCellBorderColor(new Color(0,0,0));
> table.setDefaultColspan(1);
> table.setDefaultRowspan(1);
> table.setWidth(100);
> table.setWidths(widths);
> --- (deleted) headers are dropped in here --
> -- now to output data into the form proper....
> Cell dataCell;
> Iterator offenseIt = offenseList.iterator();
> while (offenseIt.hasNext())
>   {
>   OffenseRecord offenseRecord = (OffenseRecord);
>   // this cell prints contains data....
>   dataCell = new Cell(new Phrase(offenseRecord.getCode() + ". " +
> offenseRecord.getDescription(),dataFont));
>   dataCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
>   dataCell.setBorder(Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM | Rectangle.LEFT |
> Rectangle.RIGHT);
>   dataCell.setColspan(1);
>   table.addCell(dataCell);
>   Iterator raceIt = raceList.iterator();
>   while (raceIt.hasNext())
>     {
>     RaceRecord raceRecord = (RaceRecord);
>     String countString = " ";  // changed to SPACE and TAB and same behavior
> like it is being trimmed
>     int total =
> schoolData.getSuspensions(raceRecord.getID(),offenseRecord.getID());
>     if (total > 0)
>        countString = "" + total;
>     dataCell = new Cell(new Phrase(countString,dataFont));
>     dataCell = new Cell(new Phrase(countString,dataFont));
>     dataCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
>     dataCell.setColspan(1);
> -- added these two lines to see if the would do the trick
>     dataCell.setBorder(Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM | Rectangle.LEFT |
> Rectangle.RIGHT);
>     dataCell.setBorderWidth(1);
> -- only time a cell appears with borders is if there is number in it...
> -- otherwise there is total blank space!!!
>     table.addCell(dataCell);
>     }
> --- End sample code -----
> -------------------------------------------------------
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