As far as I know all the pdf rasterizers are either commercial or GPL. If
you want something free you can use the command line interface to
ghostscript or imagemagik (that uses ghostscript) to render each page to a

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Soumya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 7:58 AM
Subject: [iText-questions] PDF Printing

> Hi All,
> I am using iTextSharp in C# to write an application which can print pdf
> documents on a network printer while programmatically configuring the
> printer.
> I am using the PrintDocument class in the System.Drawing.Printing
> along with PrinterSettings and PageSettings classes
> in order to configure the Printer before printing. But since I am using
> custom printing this will require
> me to specify how to print the document in the PrintPage event of the
> PrintDocument class. Now this PrintPage
> event handler takes an instance of PrintPageEventArgs as an arguement,
> which I can get a handle on the
> Printer Graphics Device context and use it to draw whatever I need to
> So essentially I need a way to read
> a pdf document page by page and draw each page content on the
> PrintPageEventArgs.Graphics context.
> This is a part of the code that I have written using the TallComponents
> Rasterizer.NET component which works like a dream.
> I need to have the same or similar functionality by using
> iTextSharp(obviously coz its free). Can anyone give me any ideas or some
> sample code to do this.
> Thanks,
> Soumya
> private Document document;
> private IEnumerator DocPages;
> private ArrayList DocPagesList;
> private const string PrinterName = @"\\sutlej\SamsungM";
> private const string DocLocation = @"D:\PB-OMSWeb\POC\FileStore\pcu.pdf";
> private void cmdPrint_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
> {
> FileStream file = null;
> DocPagesList = new ArrayList();
> try
> {
> file = new FileStream( DocLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read );
> byte[] buffer = new byte[ file.Length ];
> file.Read( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
> document = new Document( new BinaryReader( new MemoryStream(
> buffer ) ) );
> for( int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++ )
> {
> DocPagesList.Add( i.ToString() );
> }
> DocPages = DocPagesList.GetEnumerator();
> DocPages.Reset();
> if( DocPages.MoveNext() )
> {
> PrintDocument oPrintDocument = new PrintDocument();
> PrinterSettings oPrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
> PageSettings oPageSettings = new PageSettings();
> oPrinterSettings.PrinterName = PrinterName;
> oPageSettings.Landscape = true;
> oPrintDocument.DocumentName = document.Title;
> oPrintDocument.PrinterSettings = oPrinterSettings;
> oPrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings = oPageSettings;
> oPrintDocument.PrintPage += new
> PrintPageEventHandler(oPrintDocument_PrintPage);
> oPrintDocument.Print();
> }
> }
> catch( Exception exc )
> {
> lblResult.Text = exc.Message;
> }
> finally
> {
> file.Close();
> }
> }
> private void oPrintDocument_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
> {
> e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point;
> if ( null != DocPages.Current )
> {
> int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32( DocPages.Current );
> Page page = document.Pages[ pageIndex++ ];
> page.Draw( e.Graphics );
> }
> e.HasMorePages = DocPages.MoveNext();
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------
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