Title: Message
I ham trying to generate png images with 150% zoom for each page in a given form, whihc I have done using Acrobat SDK but want to do with itext.
I am using the dot net port of iText with c#.  I am new to parsing pdfs with iText, allthough I know that I should have to do the following based on how i did it with :
//get a pdf reader and read in a file
//get the pge size using the GetPageSize method of the reader
//increase the width and height of the page by multiplying by 1.5
//get a rectangle of the page (this is where I am a little confused)
//copy the rectangle to the clipboard so I can get it off the clipboard into the drawing class and ultimately save it
if anyone has a snippet of how to do this it would be most appreciated
Richard Braman

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