On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:32:23 +0100, Paulo Soares wrote:

> See http://itextdocs.lowagie.com/tutorial/general/copystamp/index.html.

Do you mean this here (hyperlinks are not mentioned there, but I guess they
are interactive features):

PdfWriter: generates a document from scratch, but also supports importing
pages from other PDF documents. There's one big downside: all interactive
features of the PdfImportedPage are lost in the process (annotations,
bookmarks, fields,...) if you use PdfWriter.

Then my question is what else I should use? PdfCopy seems to import
complete pages in 1:1 format, no way to scale two of them to one page. I
did not find any methods in PdfReader that give me hyperlinks (with their
positions) for adding them again afterwards (I will obviously have to scale
them as well as the page).

#!/usr/bin/perl -I' # tekscribble.pl - start in an xterm and scribble with mouse
$|=1;$g="\35";sub g{getc}sub [EMAIL PROTECTED]"stty 
p"$g\33\32";$_=g;$x=g;$X=g;$y=g;$Y=g;last if/q/;$k=$y.chr((ord$Y)+64).$x.chr((
ord$X)+32);p"\33\14"if/c/;p$g.(/ì/?$l:$k).$k;$l=$k;}p"\33\3";system"stty icanon"

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