
I am an iText newbie, that's why I'd like to firstly introduce myself.
My name is Arvid and I am a student at the Hamburg University of Applied
Sciences in Hamburg, Germany. Maybe my English isn't that good, 'cause
I'm a German and I actually don't speak English every day. ;-) So,
please apologize.

I already tried to find some entries in the mailing lists concerning
my problem, but at first I only got the failure: "Timed out waiting for
response from Search Server." And now I just can't find any solution for
exactly that problem I have, although there are a few posts with similar problems. So I directly ask you.

I am working on a tool that gernerates PDF files with tables by using
the iText library. It's some kind of schedule.
However, let me describe my problem now. The table that has to be generated has cells with different text alignments setted by the method
PDFPCell#setHorizontalAlignment(int). It does work somehow, but the
result doesn't look like what I expected. The left aligned phrases are
absolutely fine. The centered and the right aligned phrases on the other
hand are wrong positioned. The right aligned phrases are nearly
completely outside their cells.

I thought I did something wrong, so I programmed a very simple sample
program. This is the code I used for generating that simple table:

        //      initialize the document and the writer
        Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10);
        PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(
            new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "test.pdf")));
        //      open the document

        //      initialize the table with 3 columns
        PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);

        //      initialize the cells
        PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("left_aligned"));
        PdfPCell cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("centered"));
        PdfPCell cell3 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("right_aligned"));

        //      add the cells to the table

        //      add the table to the document

        //      close the document

As you can see it's very simple. :-)

I added a file attachment to the mail. There you can find the generated
PDF file with the programm code above. Look at the table's 2nd and at
the 3rd cell. Their phrases aren't really center respectivly right
aligned. The 3rd cell's phrase is almost outside its cell. That can't be
alright, does it?

Oh, by the way my Java version is 1.5 and the iText library I use is the
latest version 2.0.4.

So, what is my mistake? What do I have to do to get the correct
alignments? Hopefully you can help me. I will be very thankful! =)

Best regards from Hamburg, Germany

Attachment: test.pdf
Description: application/octetstream

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