Ashwani Kumar Singh wrote:
> Is there any other way I can avoid third party library for 
> encryption...because pdf generated inside web application generate pdf 
> with encryption without the third party lib.

Er... if you are generating PDF with iText, you are already
using a Third Party library. Please refrain from using iText
if you don't want to use Third Party libraries.

Note that the license for BouncyCastle is more liberal than
the license for iText. A couple of years ago, some BouncyCastle
classes were integrated into iText and you were using that
encryption library 'as a Third Party library' too, only you
didn't know you were.

> I searched inside the weblogic jar...couple of jar has 
> 'ASN1OctetString.class' but they have different package structure.

Did it start with com.lowagie? Then you are mixing two
different versions of iText! Please either remove the new
iText.jar and use the old one with the BouncyCastle classes
inside. Or even better: remove the old iText.jar and
replace it with the new one + the BouncyCastle jars.

(Note that the fact that you are using Weblogic should
be irrelevant.)

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