rgarret wrote:
> According to itext
> their documents are all 792x612 with 0 rotation

In other words, the mediabox is 11 x 9 inch.
The 0 rotation: are you sure you used the method 
getPageSizeWithRotation()? Because when you use getPageSize(), you'll 
always get rotation 0 even if the page is rotated!
Maybe you are using the wrong method, and maybe the rotation is 90 

> but in acrobat it does not
> look like a landscape image and the document properties say it is 8.50x11.00
> in.

Suppose I was right about your first mistake. Then the MediaBox is 11 x 
9 inch rotated 90 degrees. Now you stamp it, based on those 
measurements. But what if the document has a CropBox that is smaller 
than the MediaBox? That would explain the behavior you're explaining.

> Not only that but the text orientation looks just the
> same in acrobat as if the original was rotated 90...very odd.

Did you read chapter 2 of "iText in Action"? If so, did you understand 
the concept behind the method setRotateContents? If so, please explain 
what's odd about this.

> I'd love to
> just detect when width > height and rotate -90 but I can not do that for
> true landscape documents otherwise the text is sideways and the stamp is in
> the wrong place.

Read the documentation. Chapter 2 and 14 are probably crucial if you 
want to understand what happens.
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