>Dustin Michaels wrote:
>I don't understand how the files I've attached pass your guys structure 
>validator. If we are using tagged content shouldn't the value for 
>ParentTreeNextKey underneath /StructTreeRoot have a value greater than 1?

>Does having tagged content not require the ParentTreeNextKey value to be 

You're laboring under a misconception of how marked content and MCIDs in
particular work.

It should be called an MCIdx.  That would cause much less confusion.  MCIDs
aren't unique.  They're indexes into an array of their marked content container.
Pages are containers, XObject forms can be containers, as can various
annotations (if one is up to the task... ouch).

The top level of this documents structure tree only has one container, the first
(and only) page.  Within that page, you'll find an array of marked content
objects.  The indexes within that page's content stream don't affect the

***Note that the order in which objects appear in the parent tree has no bearing
on their logical order.***


Logical/reading order is determined solely by the order in which children appear
in the /K (kids) arrays.

You're not the first person to make this mistake by a long shot.  Older versions
of Adobe's own LifeCycle Designer (8.0 IIRC) would pad the parentTree arrays of
every page after the first with enough nulls to make the MCIndexes unique across
all pages.  I'd imaging there are some PDFs floating around out their in the
wild with HUNDREDS of nulls just sucking up space due to this very 

I had a boatload of fun working this out on my own a year or two ago.  Not quite
as much fun as implementing PDF's crypto system with the old and
easily-misunderstood documentation, but still...

--Mark Storer
  Senior Software Engineer

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