Use class com.lowagie.text.pdf.codec.TiffImage to get all the images inside the 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: thulasi ram [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 8:11 PM
> To: Post all your questions about iText here
> Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Help
> Thanks for ur response.
> I have one more issue.
> I have multipage color tiff, while i'm using 
> Image.getInstance write to pdf file always getting single 
> page pdf file.
> If i'll use Image.getInstance i can able to read color tiff 
> images but i'm not able to create multipage pdf file.
> If I'll use Image.getTiffImage i can't able to read color 
> tiff iamges. 
> Can any one let me know how get multipage pdf file using 
> Image.getInstance. Its posible to color Tiff to pdf file using iText?
> Here is my code.
> tempFile = new File(finalPath);
> FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
> byte[] read = new byte[input.available()];
> File cacheFile = new File(finalPath1);
> FileOutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile);
> ByteArrayOutputStream outfile = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
> Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.rotate());
> PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, bos);
> writer.setStrictImageSequence(true);
> Image tiff = Image.getInstance(read);
> tiff.scaleToFit(800, 600);
> document.add(tiff);
> document.close();
> outfile.flush();
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Paulo Soares 
> <> wrote:
>       Not only that, if you use a stream it's read to a byte 
> array. Use a file
>       instead.
>       Paulo
>       ----- Original Message -----
>       From: "Mark Storer" <>
>       To: "Post all your questions about iText here"
>       <>
>       Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:24 PM
>       Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Help
>       Give the JVM more memory when you create it:
>       This has almost nothing to do with iText, and 
> everything to do with Java.
>       --Mark Storer
>        Senior Software Engineer
>       #include <disclaimer>
>       typedef std::Disclaimer<Cardiff> DisCard;
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From: thulasi ram []
>       Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:15 AM
>       To:
>       Subject: [iText-questions] Help
>       Hi all,
>        I'm using iText Tiff2pdf method for converting Tiff to 
> image pdf. I'm
>         getting "Outofmemory" error while converting large 
> size (morethen 5MB)
>         images in the line of
>         ra = *new* RandomAccessFileOrArray(inStream);.
>         Can any one help how to create pdf for large size Tiff images.
>       Thanks,
>       Ram
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