fyi, john, the caps in my previous to webpoinz were for emphasis, rather than 
shouting. you obviously missed my more direct earlier response to the op, in 
which i pointed him directly to the documentation he had missed. cheers, bill s.

p.s. in addition, i was gently trying to point out to the op that he was asking 
hundreds, perhaps thousands of people, for help doing something he was 
perfectly capable of doing himself. in news/discussion groups, it is considered 
to be extremely rude to ask many people at once to do your work for you.

----- Original Message ----
From: John Renfrew <>
Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 1:16:52 PM
Subject: [iText-questions] FW: How can I change contents of a text field at 


>> It is MUCH easier NOT to shout than to be supportive and kind. The
attitude of people like you should not be the first price one has to pay for
putting shortcomings and inadequacy into the public arena.

>> So. There is much assumption too that we would not be prepared to pay for
software and have properly written up help. Your desire to keep software
'free' - not in the monetary sense - could be tempered with your desire to
be seen as a gentle sage rather than a bludgeoning ogre with attitudes more
suited to the Victorian world many of us are glad to have left behind.

>> please stop shouting at people it is really 'bucket dipper' behaviour
john renfrew 
Right Way Up 
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