It should work with BaseFont.IDENTITY-H in all cases unless it's a symbolic 
font and you're trying to use chars above \u00ff or it's not an Unicode font. 
Looking at the font would help.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mister bean [] 
> Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 9:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: [iText-questions] Knowing the Correct Font Encoding 
> for FontFactory.getFont()
> I have several .otf fonts that have this property:  If I use
> FontFacotry.getFont() with encoding BaseFont.IDENTITY-H to 
> use them, I get
> no exception, but nothing prints in the PDF (it's blank). 
> However, if I change the encoding to BaseFont.WINANSI, the 
> text prints fine
> (and uses the font). 
> How can I tell which encoding to specify when calling 
> FontFactory.getFont()?
> Thanks in advance,
> ---Andrew Binstock

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